Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 6 Researching Medicine

"I really want to sleep, and someone brought me a pillow. With this biochemical technology, Da Huang can be saved.

Zhuang Chen clicked on the introduction of this biochemical technology, thinking about using biological programs, biological cells and their metabolic substances for research and development, as well as manufacturing.

With this, he can not only save the aging Da Huang, but also change the physical fitness of the other five Huangs, so that he can have powerful assistance.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Chen felt a little happy.

In the end of the world, he has not reached a complete desperate time, he must make his farm and defense to the top.

But he looked at him. 's system, which also has a task of cleaning the fields and tidying up the pasture, which has not been completed yet.

Prepare to handle things step by step.

No matter how crazy and chaotic the end of the world outside is, at this moment, he is only in his own world.

Zhuang Chen gave instructions to the two humanoid guards, asking them to go to the fields and harvest all the dead plants.

He gave instructions to the two animal guards to pull all the remaining grass and animal feces in the pasture to one place.

When he completed this order, they went to different places.

"Let's go, Da Huang."

Zhuang Chen called the six puppies to follow him to the studio and closed the door to completely seal them inside.

Zhuang Chen took off his goggles and dust-free clothes from the wall, put on gloves, and called the six dogs to come to his side.

He quickly browsed through the biochemical technology knowledge points given by the system, but in just one glance, he had already memorized all the key information.

"It turns out that this biochemical technology is not as simple as I usually see it. "

After reading the important knowledge points of biochemical technology, he sighed softly.

"Da Huang, be good, let me draw some blood from you to study how to prolong your life."

Da Huang seemed to be able to hear his words, and generally surrounded his feet, shaking his tail wildly, and the other five puppies did the same.

Zhuang Chen picked up the biochemical technology equipment that came with the system with some skill and opened the silver box.

There were a full range of tools inside, and not only that, he also found in his backpack.

He had all the cells, chemicals, medicines, etc. that could be used in biochemical technology.

Not only that, it also contained an encyclopedia of biochemical technology, which contained many experimental results of various sizes.

They were neatly arranged in his backpack. Seeing that this system was so humane, Zhuang Chen showed his willingness. He smiled.

He took out dust-free sheets, test tubes, beakers, measuring tubes, glassware, etc. from the box as if he had done it thousands of times.

He placed all these things on his studio.

After preparing these things, Zhuang Chen gently rubbed Da Huang's head, took out a syringe and took some of his blood from Da Huang's body.

Da Huang was very well-behaved, but there were some low whimpers in his mouth, and he kissed Zhuang Chen's arm with his mouth.

Zhuang Chen smiled slightly and soothed his emotions.

Then he put the blood on the particle magnifying glass. Through this magnifying glass, it can be seen that Da Huang's blood is in an aging state.

In addition to this In addition to the characteristics, it also has some major and minor problems.

It may be because Da Huang is old, so his immunity has also declined.

Now it is confirmed that he has these general problems.

Zhuang Chen found out how to prolong the life of animals in the encyclopedia of biochemical technology.

According to the above tips, he took out the relevant combination of cells and medicines from his backpack and carefully packed them in each test tube.

During the operation, he also constantly studied their development status until they were perfectly integrated.

After a series of operations, Zhuang Chen raised the finished medicine in his hand and looked at it under the light. The nearly transparent liquid seemed ordinary.

Zhuang Chen was a little worried, not knowing whether it could improve Da Huang's physique and prolong his life.

He dropped a drop of the finished potion into Da Huang's blood, and then put it on the micro-particle magnifying glass to observe.

The two under the micro-particle magnifying glass quickly merged together.

This nearly transparent cell wrapped Da Huang's cells in an extremely domineering way.

The cells were slightly boiling in the transparent cells, as if they were activated.

"My God, this transparent cell that was researched seemed ordinary, but I didn't expect its effect to be so amazing. "

Under the micro-magnifying glass, it can be clearly seen that after the yellow cells are activated, they quickly decompose and produce countless small cells, as if regenerating fresh cells.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Chen couldn't help but secretly gasp.

With this, Da Huang's body will undergo a rapid change, which is equivalent to accelerating its metabolism and regenerating new cells.

Thinking that this first research was very successful, Zhuang Chen couldn't help but look up and roar, sighing at his own intelligence.

He has verified that this result is successful, so he quickly put this liquid into the syringe.

"Da Huang, come here quickly."

He waved to them, and they shook their tails and circled around Zhuang Chen's feet.

Even intimately rubbed his feet with his body.

Zhuang Chen made a posture for them to lie down, and the six little yellow dogs lay on the ground obediently, shaking their tails and looking at him.

Although they saw a syringe in Zhuang Chen's hand, there was some fear in their pupils.

But without his instructions, these little yellow dogs still did not stand up and run away.

Zhuang Chen saw their loyalty and obedience, and rubbed Da Huang's head to comfort him.

"Da Huang, you are good, this thing is good for you."

Zhuang Chen directly found the blood vessels on its legs and injected this medicine into its body.

Then he came to the front of several other puppies one after another, and comforted them softly.

Find the blood vessels on their legs and inject this medicine into their bodies one after another.

After doing all this, Zhuang Chen found that his forehead was covered with sweat.

He stood up and observed their reactions, then threw the syringe in his hand into the trash can and sat on a chair nearby.

These little yellow dogs seemed to be in some pain, they had no strength, their heads drooped on the floor, and whimpered.

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