Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 58 Come on, big darlings

When Zhuang Chen saw these posts, he carefully saved all the monster images that appeared on them.

He saved them all and annotated them on the pictures according to the explanations of netizens.

Since he saw these monsters running out of the land of death with his own eyes.

Then he couldn't just sit back and watch this matter.

The prerequisite is that he must become strong and have enough skills to protect himself.

She was busy until her eyes were a little swollen and painful.

He rubbed them to relieve the discomfort.

After finishing these things.

He lay down on the bed tiredly.

Let the soft big bed wrap his body.

In less than a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

The next day.

When it was a little dark, Zhuang Chen woke up from the bed.

He reached out to turn on the TV, went into the room to wash, and listened to the reports inside.

When he heard the doomsday report,

It was just one day's work, and the number of those monsters and zombies.

At the same time, it increased sharply, endangering the lives of the surviving humans.

And through the active rescue of mutant humans.

Such an effect is just a drop in the bucket.

However, the most important problem now is to solve the monsters that keep coming out of the land of death.

Otherwise, if it goes on like this.

The earth will soon be occupied by these monsters.

And it has caused a great crisis for their survival.

A trace of darkness flashed across Zhuang Chen's eyes.

He couldn't help but start thinking.

How to completely solve this land of death?

Because it was reported on TV before that no matter what was filled.

It was like a bottomless pit, and he was generally sucked in.

What makes people feel more incredible is still to come.

Those yellow toxic gases have slowly spread over.

The surrounding residents died directly in their homes. Such toxic gases can only keep them alive for 3 hours.

After 3 hours, they exploded and died.

And the people above.

Quickly arrange people to evacuate them here.

Try not to leave any survivors, but what people never expected is

Such toxic gas is actually ineffective against zombies.

Instead, it activates the virus in his body.

It makes them more excited.

Things are getting out of control, and the situation is out of control.

Zhuang Chen and others are anxious and come to their own farm.

Because yesterday.

When he tested the seedlings that were brought back, he found a root of isatis.

According to his understanding, herbs like this have a very obvious antiviral effect on viruses.

So he guessed that such herbs will definitely be useful for these yellow toxic gases.

Because it can survive in this place and has some medicinal properties.

And its level is not low, on his original basis.

It has added some effects to improve human physique, so with such double assistance.

Facing these viruses, it should also have a strong effect.

However, the most important thing now.

He needs to find some experimental subjects to guess his own idea.

After a night of planting.

His isatis has been processed in the soil.

It sways gently with the wind.

The air was still filled with its unique fragrance.

Looking at its body, it was obviously growing stronger than yesterday.

Zhuang Chen squatted down, staring intently, and carefully used a shovel to carry the soil.

He took up the root of the isatis root.

He put it directly into his personal space.

He needed to verify its effect.

With this thought, he rushed out of his farm.

He drove the off-road vehicle on this road and ran to the place of death this time.

By the way, he brought a large iron cover similar to the hole.

He planned to use such an iron cover to block the hole for him?

This would completely cut off the channel for these monsters to enter and exit and the poisonous gas to spread.

He didn't know if his last idea would work.

But he had to give it a try.

The monsters and zombies on the road saw his appearance and stepped forward one after another.

They ran towards him.

Just when Zhuang Chen stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and threw them away.


A huge collision knocked his SUV to the ground.

It rolled several times on the ground before it stopped.

Fortunately, the airbag came out in time and the seat belt restrained him.

It helped him to resist a lot of damage.

The SUV was already upside down at this time.

He saw those monsters and zombies, all rushing towards him.

Zhuang Chen calmed down and took off his seat belt.

He fell on the roof of the car, and some pain in his body made him unable to stop.

He climbed out quickly?

At this time, there were some scratches on his face, and sticky blood was streaked across it.

He stretched out his hand to wipe the blood off his face.

He touched his cheek with his tongue, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He tilted his head and looked at these things rushing over.

"It seems that if I don't show you some color, you don't know that grandpa is not easy to mess with."

Zhuang Chen directly took out a humanoid guard from his personal space.

When those things knocked him down.

Zhuang Chen entered the cockpit, intending to show these guys some color.

And those monsters and zombies are also constantly hitting his human guard.

Zhuang Chen controlled the guards' arms and punched them.

Their bodies pale in comparison to his machinery.

That gecko-like monster had a big crater in its body.

There were some people huddled up in pain on the ground and rolled around.

He slowly lay down on the ground again and stared at Zhuang Chen angrily.

The zombies jumped on his body and attacked his head.

And before he climbed up to his shoulders?

Zhuang Chen controlled the guard's mechanical arm.

He grabbed his feet and hung him upside down in front of his eyes.

Looking at these zombies who don't know whether to live or die, they rounded their arms as if they were throwing away garbage.

Throw it far away,

And those densely packed monsters and zombies.

Zhuang Chen attacked them quickly, leaving only an afterimage of him on the spot.

He was like punching sandbags, hitting some zombies and monsters on the ground.

A big hole was created on the ground, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

"Come on, babies, let me see how strong you are."

Zhuang Chen was cursing in a low voice while swinging his fist towards them fiercely.

A sweeping sweep swept everything down.

The smell of blood instantly filled the air.

And this smell also attracts more monsters and zombies.

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