Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 454: Give it a try

"Are you going to treat us well today?"

Huang Feng saw the fresh fishes wagging their tails. [】

He had a greedy look in his eyes, rubbing his hands and wishing he could pounce on them immediately.

Steaming and braising them, all the methods appeared in his mind.

"You guys only know how to eat. If you eat them all at once, what will you eat next spring?"

Seeing his appearance, Ceng Gong walked over and patted his head with helpless complaints.

Huang Feng covered his head in pain, raised his head and said with an awkward smile:

"I'm just talking, why are you so excited?"

Zhuang Chen looked at them playing tricks, shook his head and chuckled.

"You want to feast your mouth, and when things here are done, I will give you a big feast surprise."

Zhuang Chen walked over and said to them mysteriously, arousing Huang Feng's curiosity.

The actions of his hands were full of enthusiasm.

Did they take all the creatures in the pond into the bucket?

Then Zhuang Chen put on his boots and walked to the center of the pond, temporarily placing the clam pearl in his personal space.

He took out the tools from the warehouse and sucked all the water in the pond into a larger container.

"Zhuang Da, what are we going to do?"

"We must expand the area of ​​this pond.

Otherwise, the pond will not be able to accommodate the growth of these fish and shrimp."

Zhuang Chen walked out of the pond and stood on the shore, watching the water in it gradually decrease.

He explained to them with his head tilted.

After a while, Brother Zhu and the others also heard the sound and came over to watch Zhuang Chen's actions.

There is strength in numbers.

All of them took hoes and dug up the soil on all sides of the pond.

However, in just one morning, they expanded the area of ​​the pond by 40 square meters and the height reached about 1.8 meters.

"It's almost enough to reach this level, otherwise it will seem a bit too empty."

Zhuang Chen stepped on the muddy steps and stood on the shore.

Taking in the situation below, he clapped his hands and spoke to everyone.

Although everyone felt a little sweat on their backs, their legs still trembled uncontrollably.

The cold mud seemed to stick to their skin.

Brother Zhu and his team simply did the finishing work, repairing and smoothing the uneven walls dug on all sides.

"Everyone come to work hard and pour all the water in it."

Zhuang Chen's container was made of the machinery left by the enemy before.

He waved his hand and told everyone to stand around the machine, lift it up suddenly and pour all the water in it into the pond.


Almost a ton of water fell into the pond, and they rubbed their hands and came closer to look inside.

"Because the area of ​​this pond has been expanded, the water level has dropped too much before."

Brother Zhu and his team saw the problem at a glance, with worried expressions on their faces.

Because the water level was too low, the bodies of these fish and shrimps floated on the surface.

Without the ability to move freely, their living environment will be affected in the long run.

Zhuang Chen slapped his head in annoyance.

"How could I forget this?"

Zhuang Da only thought about the expansion area in his head, but did not think about the problems he would face.

"Now because of the coming of winter, there is no rain.

The weather can be said to be cold and dry, and it may be difficult to find water."

Ceng Gong analyzed the current situation in a low voice.

Everyone also expressed their opinions.

"It is indeed a bit difficult to deal with this matter, but there are always more solutions than problems."

In Zhuang Chen's mind, he immediately thought of the artificial lake he encountered in Weijia City.

The lake water inside can meet his requirements, but entering this city again and again.

I am afraid that he will be vigilant to the other party, which is also a provocation in their eyes.

There was a trace of entanglement on Zhuang Chen's face, and his steps were uneasily pacing back and forth.

[Ding! Please ask the host to find a large amount of water immediately to consolidate the pond and feed fish and shrimp.

2000 points reward for successful mission. 】

Hearing the voice of the system in his mind, Zhuang Chen seemed a little shocked.

It was just a small task of finding a water source, but the reward for the mission points was as high as 2000.

Could it be that the system was adding fuel to the fire and secretly helping him?

Zhuang Chen had a little doubt in his heart, but he did not refuse immediately.

Instead, he chose to accept.

It seems that on the way to find a water source this time, he had to set foot in the city of Wei's family.

"Zhuang Da, do you have any ideas?"

"You can help me take care of these fish and shrimps first, and leave the other things to me."

Zhuang Chen patted Huang Feng's shoulder, looked around and told them.

He could only try to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle.

Otherwise, everything he has now will become a bubble.

Zhuang Chen had a little fear in his heart.

"Oh my God! You don't want to go to that city again?"

Hua Zhishu heard all their conversations, so he guessed that Zhuang Chen would definitely go to Wei's family now.

It stood on Zhuang Chen's shoulder excitedly, with its two little hands tucked into the sleeves of the cotton coat Zhuang Chen gave it.

"Only that place can meet my requirements, so what can I do if I don't go?"

"Can't you look for more in other places? Why do you have to go there?"

The words of the flower rat were full of incomprehension, and it urgently hoped that Zhuang Chen would not go to that place.

But looking at his appearance, he should have made up his mind, and no matter how it dissuaded him, he remained indifferent.

The flower rat sighed in disappointment, turned back to Zhuang Chen's hat and huddled into a ball.

Zhuang Chen felt its emotional fluctuations, and had to go to other places to see if he could find water sources.

But when it arrived at those places, they were basically dry and cracked with arm-thick cracks.

"But it is not easy to find water sources in such a snowy and icy place."

Zhuang Chen looked around but didn't see any, in order to complete the progress of the task.

He could only go and try.

"Complete this task and you will get 2000 points, plus the previous automatic doubling.

This one thing can directly repay all the points owed to the system."

Zhuang Chen stretched out his fingers and thought about this matter.

It's not difficult and it's very beneficial to him, so why not do it?

"And they also had some things happen in the past two days. They should be too weak in defense.

If I want to go in, isn't it a piece of cake?"

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