Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 440: Big Deal

After escaping from this place for a long time, there was no fishy smell that interfered with their sense of smell.

Da Huang and Er Huang sniffed their noses hard before they recovered.

"It turns out that the world outside is so thrilling, but also so fun."

"You guy, this is not a joke. If there is any mistake, it will be separated by yin and yang."

Zhuang Chen smiled softly when he heard what it said, and patted its head with his hand and talked to it.

Er Huang stuck out his tongue playfully and rubbed Zhuang Chen's calf coquettishly.

"Skip the little episode just now, we must find the flower rat as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the longer the time is delayed, I am afraid that its life will be in danger."

Zhuang Chen squatted down and put the small cotton jacket worn by the flower rat on their noses.

Urging them to find its figure as soon as possible.

The two of them immediately threw themselves into the work, and after sniffing carefully.

Continue to search according to the smell.

Basically, they walked through most of the city, but did not find the flower rat.

This made Zhuang Chen reach out his hand and wipe the sweat on his forehead.

He crossed his arms and complained to it:

"What does this guy want to do?"

Zhuang Chen's eyes gradually became a little irritated, standing on the tallest building in the city and looking around.

"I feel its smell is getting stronger and stronger, it should be nearby."

Da Huang's body was on the wall of the building, running steadily as if walking on flat ground.

It jumped handsomely and unrestrainedly, turned over and came to the top floor of the building.

It walked behind Zhuang Chen with its own small steps and reported the situation to him in a low voice.

Er Huang followed its footsteps and came up.

Zhuang Chen's eyes lit up, and now things finally had a glimmer of hope.

He waved his hand to let Da Huang lead the way.

After a series of circles, Zhuang Chen and his team finally stopped in an area in the western suburbs of the city.

This basically allowed them to cross most of the city. Zhuang Chen saw the crowd of people supervising outside.

I know which force has occupied the land and built a city here.

The three of them hid themselves in the darkness and looked at the situation here quietly.

"Are you sure it is here?"

"I feel that its breath here is very strong. If I am not mistaken, it is in this city."

There was a trace of certainty in Da Huang's words. He turned his head and said to Zhuang Chen with certainty.

"Why don't you two wait for me outside and let me go in and explore the way first."

"Zhuang Da, I want to go in too."

Er Huang was immediately refreshed when he heard Zhuang Chen's words. He stood upright on the spot.

He exhaled happily.




Zhuang Chen and Da Huang rejected its request at the same time.

Er Huang looked at their excited appearance with a dull face, and there was a trace of loss in his eyes.

Zhuang Chen felt its mood swings, he sighed helplessly, squatted down to look at it, and said:

"Your size is too big and it is easy to attract attention. Now we are in the end of the world, not in a farm."

Zhuang Chen calmed its emotions and crouched down, walking to another place.

The two guards at the door put on black coats and held the machine guns with smooth lines tightly in their hands.

The ear-covering hats covered their faces, but their sharp eyes were vigilantly looking around.

Even at around three or four o'clock in the afternoon, it looked a bit like evening because of the bad weather.

They swept around with the lights, and the coming and going were all under their eyes.

Zhuang Chen quietly poked his head out and looked for the gap when they changed their patrols.

Just as they saluted each other, Zhuang Chen's figure flashed by like a cheetah.

While avoiding the lights, he also passed under the eyes of these guards.

Because of the howling cold wind, the sound of the wind brought by Zhuang Chen did not attract their attention.

Zhuang Chen stood on tiptoe nervously and pressed his body against the wall.

He pricked up his ears and heard the footsteps in unison, passing his body and walking away.

Zhuang Chen quietly exhaled a breath of foul air, and he moved his body against the wall.

When he walked to one of the walls, he did not hear any movement over there.

Zhuang Chen boldly guessed that there must be no one guarding it, and he looked around.

He retreated his body, blew a breath on his palm, jumped up, rubbed it for a while, and did a run-up.

His feet lightly tapped on the wall, and he jumped up and grabbed it with both hands.

With a slight force, he put his right foot over and turned over.

Zhuang Chen landed steadily on the ground, and before he could react, a group of people just happened to pass by him.

He turned over and fell into the gutter, but fortunately, he was in a critical moment.

He used his feet to support both sides and grabbed the upper edge with both hands.

This prevented his body from falling heavily and caused a dull sound that would attract their attention.

It was not until they walked away that Zhuang Chen was sure that the crisis was over.

He then used his hands to pull himself up. He raised his head and marveled at the luxurious decorations here.

This is a modern garden, with fine pebbles on the ground.

There is also a clear lotus pond with scattered plants and a rockery standing on the edge.

If the other party did not have the golden finger, then all these things would be a big deal.

It seems that the other party's strength should not be underestimated.

"What kind of family background is this? How can there be such exquisite and luxurious decorations?"

Zhuang Chen quickly moved his steps and left here to find the trace of the flower rat.

He avoided the other party's patrol here and turned around for a long time without finding it.

Finally, he heard the voice of an innocent child, which seemed to be faintly mixed with screams.

Zhuang Chen picked his ears, he was not sure if he heard it wrong.

In order not to miss it, he still followed the sound and walked over here.

"Wow... Help! Who can save me?"


"You little mouse, run away quickly. Don't think about being lazy, or I'll let my dad braise you tonight.

Run quickly."


The closer he got, the more he heard the squirrel's painful cry for help, which made him feel so distressed.

The accompanying child's voice made Zhuang Chen feel no favor, and his words were rude and arrogant.

Zhuang Chen felt a little uneasy in his heart, and he successfully reached the roof.

He lay down and took in the scene in front of him.

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