Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 435: Don’t be sentimental

Zhuang Chen stood there, looking a little hesitant, his deep eyes looking at the front.

This winding and remote path has no breath of life.

The original soil revealed the messy appearance of the stones inside, and the surface had been smoothed by rain.

How could she walk on such a rugged road?

Countless doubts flashed through Zhuang Chen's mind. Did the old housekeeper deliberately point him to this road?

Was the purpose to slow down his pace?

The sudden idea made Zhuang Chen's heart alarm bells ring, and he immediately turned around and left for other places.

"Where should they go?"

Zhuang Chen quickened his pace and looked around, thinking in his head where she would be?

He had some information about the terrain here in his mind, and finally decided on the south.

The terrain there seemed to be nothing special, but in fact it became a cage once you entered.

Anyone who entered would never return.

Zhuang Chen was anxious in his heart, hoping that everything would be in time.

Zhuang Chen moved forward quickly according to the route in his mind, and when he came here.

As expected, it was just as he guessed.

The towering mountain was full of densely packed people, looking down at the surrounded Yuan Lin.

An Jian, the leader, looked at her sarcastically, and his vicious words rang out in the bald mountain.

He put his right hand on his waist and pointed his left finger at her nose and cursed.

"You stinky bitch made me spend so much effort to find out that it was you who killed my sister.

Let's see if I will let you go out alive today?"

Yuan Lin stood there alone with a strong aura. When she heard what the other party said, she lowered her head and chuckled indifferently.

Her seaweed-like hair was messed up by the cold wind, and the broken hair stained her cheeks.

When she raised her head again, she appeared cold, and her indifferent words did not show any fear of him.

"What evidence do you have to say that I did it after such a long time? Just because you ask?"

Yuan Lin raised her eyelashes slightly, her narrowed eyes were full of calmness, and the corners of her lips were full of ridicule.

"You think I won't correct you if I'm not sure, right?

No matter what you say, I'm sure you'll die today."

"Then let's see if you have the ability to do it?"

Yuan Lin didn't want to waste words with him. She looked up at the group of people surrounding him. The power that burst out of them should not be underestimated.

An Jian looked at her stubbornness, and he reached out and stroked his smooth chin.

There was a bit of playfulness mixed with invasion in his eyes, and he was even more interested in her.

"Since you are quite pretty, I don't mind playing with you and leaving you a whole body."

"I'm afraid you are just showing off your ability to talk here. Seeing that your legs are weak when you walk, I'm afraid you are willing but not strong enough."

Yuan Lin's venomous tongue made An Jian furious. He immediately waved his arms and asked the people behind him to attack her.

Zhuang Chen, hiding in the dark, heard their conversation in his ears.

He was also very familiar with An Jian, the leader. Wasn't this the person he used the piglet-inducing drug powder to trick some time ago?

I didn't expect them to meet so soon now.

Seeing that their fight officially started, Yuan Lin gritted her teeth and fought with them.

It was just a blink of an eye, and she saw that she was covered with wounds.

"You can fight, but don't scratch my little beauty's face."

An Jian stepped his right leg on a huge rock and pressed his elbow on his knee.

With one hand, he gathered his clothes, and with his right hand on his chin, he looked at Yuan Lin below with interest.

Yuan Lin looked at his handsome face with disgust, and said such vulgar words, and her heart was full of disgust.

She just glanced at it lightly, and then focused on her fight.

Looking at the layers of black people, she was surrounded by them.

Her heart was full of uneasiness.


Behind the group of black-clothed men, she was suddenly blown away by a force.

But in an instant, she broke through a hole and looked at the sudden incident with a slight frown.

Seeing the familiar face of Zhuang Chen, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Quickly ran towards Zhuang Chen to meet him.

"I didn't expect that the person who came to save me was you. It seems that I didn't follow the wrong person."

Yuan Lin's mouth corners couldn't help but rise, and she came to Zhuang Chen's side and whispered in his ear.

Zhuang Chen looked at this posture, and without saying a word, he pulled her wrist and ran to the back.

"Where did this yellow-haired boy come from who dared to ruin my good deeds? I must tear him into pieces."

An Jian's feet slipped to the ground, and he stood up staggeringly and jumped on the spot in a rage.

He jumped to the ground and chased Zhuang Chen and the others.

"How did you know I was in danger? Why are you in such a hurry to find me?"

Yuan Lin felt her heart blossoming, and couldn't help but smile as she tilted her head to look at Zhuang Chen running.

"Don't be so self-indulgent here, why don't you speed up and run."

Zhuang Chen glanced at Yuan Lin's appearance at the moment while looking at the pursuit behind him.

He rolled his eyes helplessly at her and urged her in her ear.

Zhuang Chen pulled her to run wildly, because this place was an endless flat land.

There was no cover, so they could only be exposed to each other's eyes.

They discovered it after they had run a long way and were almost reaching the edge of the city.

In order to prevent it from happening, An Jian actually sent people to guard here and intercept them here.

Zhuang Chen looked at those people, standing stiffly in the cold wind.

He pulled Yuan Lin behind him.

"Don't you think you are quite capable of running? Why don't you let me run now?"

An Jian was panting, his hands on his hips, and the words in his mouth were vulgar.

Zhuang Chen looked at him with such a young face, but he said such a harsh voice.

The hatred for him in my heart intensified even more.

"Your mouth is like a latrine, and you can smell the stink from a distance."

Zhuang Chen frowned and stretched out his hand to wave at the tip of his nose, making a look of disgust.

Yuan Lin also followed Zhuang Chen's example and wrinkled the tip of her nose, stepping back to distance herself from him.

"It depends on how tough you two can be. I hope your performance won't disappoint me too much later."

An Jian gritted his teeth, threw his hands angrily and cursed at them.

The subordinates behind him were like hungry wolves leaping towards them.

Looking at the black shadows in mid-air from all directions, Zhuang Chen hummed and hugged Yuan Lin's waist.

Turn over and slide away from them, escaping from under his nose again.

The forces blocking Zhuang Chen were forcefully lifted away by him with a wave of his hand.

At this time, An Jian finally knew Zhuang Chen's identity, and there was a hint of disbelief in his widened pupils.

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