Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 422: It is better to arrive at the right time than to arrive at the right time

Zhuang Chen raised his head and looked at the bathroom, but did not reply to her.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He knew whether he had any problems or not.

After a while, intermittent squeaking sounds came from the bathroom.

Zhuang Chen cleaned himself up and walked to the living room, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and drinking hot tea.

Waiting for Yuan Lin to come out.

Yuan Lin put on Zhuang Chen's T-shirt without ceremony and wiped her wet hair with his towel.

He stared at Zhuang Chen with a resentful look on his face as it had nothing to do with him, and was furious.

She sat directly where the hot air was blowing, letting the heater blow her hair.

Seeing such advanced things, she felt a little envious in her heart.

"Tell me, why did you come to me this time?"

Zhuang Chen put his hands on the armrests and looked at Yuan Lin sideways.

Yuan Lin saw that Zhuang Chen didn't pay any attention to what happened just now, and she sighed weakly.

"It's because I don't know which force actually knows about my relationship with you and wants to use me to destroy you.

They paid ten times the price to buy the resources you gave me. "

Yuan Lin listlessly told the cause and effect of the incident, and let her hair down in boredom.

She quietly waited for Zhuang Chen's reply.

But she didn't wait for his answer for a long time. She raised her eyes and looked at him, staring into the distance.

The corners of his mouth curved, but there was no hint of a smile.

"What do you think about this matter?"

"It's better to come by chance than to come by chance. Since they want it, let's satisfy them!"

Yuan Lin Yuanlin frowned and looked at him, thinking carefully about what he said.

She didn't understand.

"Would you do something like offer it to your doorstep? I don't believe it!"

Yuan Lin shook her head and didn't believe what Zhuang Chen said. She felt that it was not as simple as what he said.

But I always feel that there is another meaning in it.

"Since he is willing to give you ten times the price, just accept it and leave the other matters to me."

Yuan Lin thought that Bai had received so much property, why would she not do it?

"Since we can't get his people, it's also good to get the resources and property in his hands."

Yuan Lin calmed down her emotions in her heart.

In order not to alarm others, Zhuang Chen urged her to leave this place quickly.



After Zhuang Chen personally sent her out of the farm, an eardrum-shattering roar erupted from the farm.

Seeing this situation, he felt a little happy in his heart.

"Zhuang Da is not good."

"What the hell happened?"

"Is this some kind of swine fever infection?"

"In the end of the world, it would be really difficult for them to get sick, and there would be no cure at all."


Cen Gong ran over anxiously with small steps, put his hands on his knees, and breathed heavily out of breath.

He looked up and saw Zhuang Chen stretching out his right hand, panting and pointing to the pasture in the distance.

When other people heard such a battle, they also came over to Zhuang Chen.

Their faces were filled with worry.

"They're mating."

There was no fluctuation in Zhuang Chen's calm words, and he explained to everyone in a serious manner.

They were about to open their mouths to speak, but they all froze on the spot, their pupils widening in embarrassment.


"Well, I still have some things on hand. I need to take care of it, so I'll leave first!"

"I also remember what else I need to do."

"Wait for me, let's go together!"


Everyone pretended not to know, looking for excuses to leave.

Huang Feng scratched his head and quickly followed.

Zhuang Chen couldn't help but chuckle softly when he saw their appearance.

"These guys are real."

Zhuang Chen watched them leave and shook his head helplessly, complaining to them.

He walked slowly around the farm at his own pace.

The bamboo planted a few days ago has grown as high as his shoulders.

Its growth trend far exceeded Zhuang Chen's imagination.

He shook the bamboo and felt its tenacity.

"As expected of me, I wasted so much blood to revive it. Now I can chop it off in a few days.

Weaving sieves for silkworms. "

After Zhuang Chen confirmed the situation here, he walked to other places.

I saw that the cotton in the cotton field was growing again and could be harvested again.

With such a harvest, they will be able to survive this cold winter.

Zhuang Chen was filled with confidence, waving his limbs and moving his muscles.

He took a brief look and left the farm in a hurry.

When walking in the city, Zhuang Chen always felt that something was following him.

But whenever he came to the glass calmly, his back was reflected.

But I didn't see any suspicious characters.

Zhuang Chen didn't believe what he saw before him, and he didn't misjudge his own feelings.

He quickened his pace and passed through the winding paths.

Try to get rid of such anomalies as much as possible.

Zhuang Chen deliberately entered a building that was not completely destroyed.

The pungent smell that hit him made him feel that the number of zombies inside should not be underestimated.

Zhuang Chen's steps were extremely light, and he used the pillars to cover his body as much as possible.

He tapped the wall on the first floor and flew to the second floor flexibly.

He hid his rope behind the pillar and stared at the door.

Just as he hid, two familiar black shadows appeared at the door.

Their heads were like machines, and they looked around the surrounding environment woodenly to find Zhuang Chen's figure.

As he expected, there were two zombies following him.

"It seems that the person behind the control of the twin zombies has no intention of letting me go."

Zhuang Chen looked at the two of them with dark eyes and walked in step by step.

He deliberately stood out and exposed his position.

The twin zombies simply stopped hiding and immediately ran towards him.

Zhuang Chen walked quickly into the building.

He saw a dense crowd of zombies sweeping around on each floor.

Zhuang Chen jumped up with full vigilance and hid behind a huge plaque.

He squatted down and stuck his head out, thinking about how to solve the problem in front of him.

It was equivalent to being attacked from both sides. If he caused a commotion.

Then they would definitely point the finger at Zhuang Chen.

Zhuang Chen carefully observed them hunched over, with green light in their eyes and drooling as they searched.

He pricked up his ears and keenly heard the rumbling sound of the zombies' stomachs.

It seemed that they had been hungry for a while.

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