Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 388 No longer available

"He actually killed my right-hand man. This time I won't let him go no matter what.

His old, hoarse voice jumped out of his throat, and his body exploded with strength.

All the zombies and monsters that had eaten Zhang Ke's body were crushed into pulp.

Such terrifying power made him wear a neat suit behind him to guard them.

He lowered his head and lowered his sense of presence without saying a word.

Originally, they received news that this time they had caught the person they wanted to deal with.

I rushed over from the base urgently, but I didn't expect the result to be like this, and everyone was too angry to express it.

The mysterious old man turned around angrily and walked away quickly, and the luxury car sped away.



A sound like a killing pig kept coming from Zhuang Chen's studio.

The people standing outside frowned and looked inside the house with distressed faces.

They rubbed their goose-bumped arms.

"Looking at Huang Feng's angry shouting, it seems there isn't much of a problem."

"Then let's relax and just do our own thing."


Zhao De waved his hand to let everyone disperse.

Zhuang Chen was wearing a white coat, goggles, and standard rubber white gloves on his hands.

Holding sterilized sharp scissors in his hand, he lowered his head and carefully removed all the burnt flesh on Huang Feng's chest.

After Zhuang Chen quickly completed this move, he tilted his head and rubbed his ears.

He looked helplessly at Huang Feng, who looked miserable on the bed.

"You're about to burst my eardrums."

Zhuang Chen looked at his injured condition and knew that the problem was not big.

Fortunately, when he was approaching the fireball, he used his mental power to block him and buffer him.

The fireball was three millimeters away from his heart, otherwise he would be a dead body lying on the bed at this time.

It won't be like what he is shouting now.

"As long as you take medicine on time and have a good rest, the problem won't be too big."

"But why do I feel like I'm dying."

Huang Feng had a sad face and intertwined his hands nervously.

Looking at him, a grown man, he was crying like a woman.

A flock of crows flew over Zhuang Chen's head.

"Okay, okay, I'll ask them to make you a chicken stewed with mushrooms in a moment."

"I feel like I can do it again."

Huang Feng suddenly relaxed his brows and said with a smile like a flower.

He was so happy that he immediately sat up and patted his chest to prove that his body was strong.

If Zhuang Chen hadn't blocked his move, there would have been another burst of howling.

"You kid, don't show off recently, tell me about the recent investigation."

Zhuang Chen turned his head to pack his medical equipment and asked in a low voice about other things that he had been asked to investigate some time ago.

Huang Feng stared at the ceiling with dull eyes, lost in memories.

After a while, he solemnly reported to Zhuang Chen.

"What makes us feel strange is that the people above took 1,000 kilograms of our cotton, but did not announce the news to the outside world, and there was no any movement.

According to our tracking over several days and nights, we found that the cotton was stolen by the people above.

Because their officials protect each other, we have no way of knowing who they are? "

After listening to Huang Feng's series of words, the answer has already emerged.

It seemed like the people above were up to something, trying to exploit the fruits of his labor.

He chose to stop trusting any force and wanted to become an independent person.

For some reason, Zhuang Chen suddenly remembered last night in his mind.

While he was in a coma, he heard a conversation between Zhang Ke and another person. He felt that this person seemed to be related to the person above.

It's a pity that he didn't see the other party's appearance, but what made her catch an important point was.

The other person walked with a light weight and a heavy weight. It seemed that he was either lame or had an injury on his leg?

Zhuang Chen used Tang Xuan and others to secretly deal with several dark forces above, but he didn't expect that some fish would still slip through the net.

Zhuang Chen fell into irritation. He crossed his chest with one hand and gently rubbed his stubbled chin with the other.

Pacing back and forth in the room.

Zhuang Chen put this matter in his head and thought about it carefully.

He gave Huang Feng a few instructions and sent him back to the room.

Huang Feng got his wish, his own chicken stewed with mushrooms.

The sound of him chewing echoed in the room, his face full of enjoyment.


"Zhuang Da, Zhu Zhengju is here."

Zhuang Chen squatted in the field and pulled grass mechanically, his mind kept sorting out the recent events.

Qiu Yinyin walked over with delicate steps, breaking Zhuang Chen's thoughts.

He raised his head and looked at her blankly for a while before he reacted.

Putting down what he was doing, he left the field and walked to the front yard of the farm.

When Zhu Zhengju saw Zhuang Chen approaching, he hurriedly greeted him and said anxiously:

"Zhuang Da, when can we grow cotton again?"

"Why wasn't the cotton I gave you distributed to the people at the bottom below?"

Zhuang Chen didn't want to talk in circles with him, so he asked him straight to the point.

Sharp eyes looked at him, catching every move on his face.

The people above also have an area where ordinary people live.

Logically speaking, they should distribute resources, but they didn't hear any news.

Zhu Zhengju subconsciously moved his eyes away, not daring to look at Zhuang Chen.

The corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

"Because it needs to be made into quilts and cotton-padded clothes, which takes a while, so it was not distributed in time."

When Zhu Zhengju said these words, it was in such cold weather.

There were beads of sweat on his forehead.

He turned his back calmly and quietly reached out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

He thought Zhuang Chen didn't see it, but he didn't know that his actions were all caught in his eyes.

"You don't have to lie to me. I have received news that the people above have embezzled this batch of cotton and have no intention of giving it to the people.

If you are squeezing the fruits of my labor like this, then I can only tell you that I am sorry that I will not provide it in the future. "

Zhuang Chen lowered his head and smiled and sat on the chair, sitting on the chair with his legs crossed with a strong aura.

He casually picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

The words were like cannonballs hitting Zhu Zhengju's heart one by one.

It made him feel a little panicked, and then he suppressed it forcefully and regained his composure.

"I wonder where you got the news? We have never been like this."

Zhu Zhengju said bravely, the nails of his clenched fists almost digging into his flesh.

It was so numb that he didn't feel any pain.

He opened his eyes wide and stared at Zhuang Chen without blinking.

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