Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 372: Cannot be guaranteed

Because of the late night.

It was quiet inside the farm, and Zhuang Chen quietly brought his newly acquired group of forces back to his room.

Looking at the room full of people, he sat on the chair with his legs crossed.

Look at their appearance and feel the aura of power on their bodies.

"You are indeed strong enough, that's why so many people covet you."

Zhuang Chen was pertinent to them, and his eyes as he looked up and down were full of deep thoughts.

"I plan to develop you secretly, what do you think?"

"As your master sends you."

Zhuang Chen saw that they did not object to his idea.

He began to boldly expand his capabilities and chatted with them all night about the details of the development.

Send them off at dawn.

Zhuang Chen dragged his tired body to the room and changed out of his blood-covered clothes.

After a simple rinse, he lay down on the big bed and let the warmth wrap around him.

Zhuang Chen slept until three o'clock in the morning, and the rays of the high sun passed through his window and shone on his eyes.

Zhuang Chen rubbed his eyes, turned over and went back to sleep.

Then the alarm bells started ringing in my head, and I suddenly realized that I still had a lot of things to do.

Suddenly he got up from the bed without any sleepiness, scratched his head drowsily, and went to brush his teeth and wash his face in a daze.

Zhuang Chen walked out of his room, moved his limbs, and felt the sunshine.

The weather has been cloudy and rainy, and the sun has not appeared for a long time.

He walked to his field and looked at the newly planted vegetable seedlings, which were already full of life.

I saw that inside the mud corn dumplings I made, they had begun to sprout.

Zhuang Chen moved his muscles and bones and walked to the warehouse.

He returned to the field with a hoe and used the gravel soil to dig out ravines.

Zhuang Chen waved his hoe and set the distance between them to about sixty-five centimeters.

The distance between each corn plant is 18 centimeters. Half-bent down, press the corn into the soil about five centimeters deep.

Zhuang Chen strictly followed this planting distance and planted all the corn in his hands.

"Fortunately, corn has a strong vitality and can grow vigorously even in such gravel soil."

Zhuang Chen skillfully scraped the dirt on the ground with a hoe, sighing in a low voice.

"Today is a good day, and cotton must be implemented."

Zhuang Chen stretched out his right hand and placed it on his brow to block the sunlight.

He looked up at the sun hanging high in the sky and murmured softly.

Time is getting shorter and shorter, and winter is coming soon.

Zhuang Chen walked, carrying a hoe, to the room where Cen Gong lived.

He looked at Cen Gong through the window, arranging the cotton seeds on the table.

He put them all into transparent bottles one by one, as if he were handling treasures.

Zhuang Chen felt a little relieved in his heart.

"Bang bang..."

He walked to the door, holding the handle in his fist, and gently knocked on the wooden door with his fingertips.

Soon there was the sound of footsteps scraping against the ground.


The wooden door was opened, revealing Cen Gong's tired face. The moment he saw Zhuang Chen, he immediately gave a big smile.

"Zhuang Da, come here and see if the seeds I copied are enough?"

He quickly made a gesture to invite Zhuang Chen, and walked quickly to his table like an innocent child.

He raised the transparent glass bottle in his hand, which was full of cotton seeds.

There was still a trace of glistening in the excited eyes.

Zhuang Chen was also infected by his emotion. He reached out and patted his shoulder, then took the thing in his hand.

These heavy cotton seeds were copied by him day and night, containing his endless urgency.

"Thank you so much for your hard work."

Zhuang Chen choked with tears and expressed his gratitude to him.

“It’s an honor to be able to contribute to the farm.”

When Cen Gong saw that he had been recognized by Zhuang Chen, he sniffed hard and collected his emotions.

The corner of his mouth curled up and he answered Zhuang Chen's words humbly.

Zhuang Chen also took out resources that were helpful to his body from his personal space, and was grateful for his dedicated efforts.

Zhuang Chen non-stop collected all the cotton seeds in his hand into his portable space.

I returned to my room and looked for ways to grow cotton.

I rummaged through the plant encyclopedia from the study room, which recorded the planting methods of various plants.

He knew a thing or two about other common things, but this plant that he had never come into contact with made him a little troubled.

Zhuang Chen sat at the table and rummaged through a large encyclopedia, quickly scanning the information on it.

Just when his eyes were aching and swollen, he finally saw information about planting cotton seeds.

"Fortunately, Huangtian has paid off and finally found it. If I couldn't find it again, I would almost have to look at the computer."

Zhuang Chen looked carefully at every word on it, and he quickly finished browsing.


Zhuang Chen quickly closed the book and started walking in the countryside with the hoe on his shoulder.

"I have to find a fertile, thick land that will help cotton grow."

Zhuang Chen found a large piece of land and put down the hoe and fertilizer in his hands.

He rolled up his sleeves and prepared to work hard.

After Zhuang Chen made a series of preparations, he bent down and picked up the hoe on the ground and waved it.

Sweat splashed in the soil, and the scorching sun shone on Zhuang Chen's handsome face.

From a distance, it looked like a picture of a handsome man working, which not only stunned the girls in the farm.

After finishing their work, Huang Feng and others also came to help Zhuang Chen urgently, and renovated the land like Zhuang Chen.

"Zhuang Da, after we get this out, how long will it take for the cotton seeds to grow?"

"It should be very soon."

"Then can we take care of the cotton before winter comes?"

"I can't guarantee this, I can only speed up now."

As soon as Zhuang Chen finished speaking, they dug in the soil even harder.

They wanted to get everything done before winter came as much as possible.

If the plan could not be implemented in time, I don't know what kind of tragedy would happen.

This made them all a little scared.

In just two hours, all of them worked together to renovate the 180 acres of land.

They spread fertilizer neatly.

One person was digging nests with a hoe in the front, and another was planting seeds in the back. They divided the work in an orderly manner.

More people came to help in the back.

Basically, all the people in the farm hurried over and planted all the cotton.

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