When Yuan Lin saw Zhuang Chen's serious expression, the corner of her mouth curled up.

He glanced lightly from the corner of his eyes, his eyes filled with determination to win over him.

She dragged out her long voice, which was so endearing.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples softly, making an irritated expression.

"Just say what you want to say?"

As soon as Zhuang Chen finished saying this, Yuan Lin's actions made his pupils widen.

She sat directly on Zhuang Chen's lap and put one hand around his neck.

Completely ignoring Zhuang Chen's current expression, she reached for a goblet and poured red wine.

Watching the scarlet liquid inside fluctuate slightly in the goblet.

The aroma of red wine came to his nostrils, lingering around the tip of his nose with a slight hint of drunkenness.

Zhuang Chen felt the soft touch close to him and almost paralyzed his nerves.

He gritted his teeth to keep himself awake, and looked at her actions coldly.

Want to see what tricks she's trying to pull off?

"Don't be so boring, okay?"

Yuan Lin stretched out her fingertips and gently stroked Zhuang Chen's cheek.

Gently swaying the goblet in her right hand, she leaned over and spoke hoarsely in his ear, her words filled with inexplicable temptation.

He blew a breath into his ear in a playful manner.

The upper part of her body lightly pressed against Zhuang Chen's chest, trying to capture his heart.

"Isn't the purpose of bringing me here just to use these tricks?"

Zhuang Chen felt that his body seemed to be reacting a little, and his breathing began to become rapid and disorderly.

He quickly reached out and pushed her shoulders away, widening the distance between him and her.

He questioned her coldly.

The coldness emanating from Zhuang Chen's body was like the aura of Rakshasa in hell.

She was so cold that goosebumps appeared on her arms.

Yuan Lin felt uneasy, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet.

The flowery rat hiding behind Zhuang Chen's neck and collar felt something heavy pressing on its small body.

It almost made it breathless, and it surged through its body.

He slipped out from Zhuang Chen's back and broke free from the other party's restraints.

Zhuang Chen felt the squirrel's twist, but did not react.

"You are such a dull, boring person."

Yuan Lin took a breath and drank the red wine in her hand.

He complained helplessly to Zhuang Chen.

"Do you think it is so easy to master such a large safe zone?

The forces you have to face are not normal. "

Zhuang Chen raised his eyes and looked at the splendid furnishings, directly exposing Yuan Lin's little thoughts.

"I'm not that easy to deal with. Of course it would be best if I have your blessing."

Yuan Lin picked up the red wine and poured it down again, looking back with a smile and giving Zhuang Chen a wink.

Zhuang Chen's lips curled up into a smile, and she could explain it by saying this.

Why did she behave like this? It seems that he also wants to win over himself.

"I only help things and forces that are beneficial to me, and you want to use this method to trap me.

I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible! "


Zhuang Chen stood up directly from the sofa. His unexpected move made Yuan Lin, who was sitting on top of him, exclaim in surprise.

Her body fell to the ground without mercy.

She rubbed her back in pain and glared at Zhuang Chen with her beautiful eyes.

"I can superficially manage everything in this area and let you be the boss behind it."

"What's the bargaining chip?"

Zhuang Chen turned around and looked at her talking to him, and spoke to her straight to the point.

It would not be so easy for her to give up such delicious food.

There is more behind this that is unknown.

“It’s really hard for me to deal with smart people.”

Yuan Lin's eyes were full of unwillingness, and she drank up the red wine in the goblet in one breath.

He twisted his waist and walked to Zhuang Chen, putting his hands on his shoulders.

Staring at him with crooked eyes, he slowly said his bargaining chip.

"The bargaining chip is that you must allow me to maintain my current life, have the rights to use it now, and also ensure my life safety."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Zhuang Chen's lips, and he looked at Yuan Lin quietly.

His bottomless eyes seemed to see through her, which made Yuan Lin's heart collapse.

Zhuang Chen knew her current situation. Quan Di and his son were the only ones controlling the Quan family.

The power in the hands of his other branches, relatives and nephews is even greater.

They thought that such a place was usurped by a woman.

Naturally, he was unconvinced and stared at her eagerly.

He was secretly stumbling upon her, trying to capture her in one fell swoop.

At the same time, Zhuang Chen also knew about the An family and put suspicion on her.

Facing such forces from all directions, although we can resist them, we are still unable to do so.

"How can I ensure that you have no doubts about me?"

"I can sign a contract for you."

Zhuang Chen was waiting for her to say this. He had long known that her power was to attack the other party's soul.

Because the price to pay was too high, she has never been seen using it.

The contract cannot be used casually, it must be approved by the other party.

Yuan Lin felt like she had fallen into Zhuang Chen's trap, but she couldn't explain it.

She dripped a drop of blood from her index finger and melted it into Zhuang Chen's brow, muttering something in her mouth.


Zhuang Chen felt his soul tremble and felt Yuan Lin's contract.

He was relieved and agreed to her request.

Yuan Lin breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a melancholy look on her face.

"You want to trap me with just this little ability, I'm afraid you are too overestimating yourself."

Zhuang Chen glanced at Yuan Lin's safe zone, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He walked in the farm with joyful steps.

Because he exuded the aura of a strong man, the sensitive zombies and monsters did not dare to approach him easily.

But the zombie standing stiffly in the dark had a gleam of light in his eyes.


Zhuang Chen felt it in his personal space on the road.

There was a sound of piglet screaming, and at this time he slapped his head heavily.

He suddenly remembered what happened some time ago.

"Aren't these the piglets in the porcupine's belly? Look at my memory, I actually forgot about them."

Zhuang Chen heard these piglets screaming with hunger, and he looked distressed.

The little guys he had finally found, he must not lose their lives because of his momentary negligence.

"These piglets have not been affected by the end of the world."

Zhuang Chen murmured softly.

If it was because of this loss, he would probably feel distressed and want to cry.

Zhuang Chen's face was full of tears.


He was caught up in his emotions, and didn't know when a zombie appeared in front of him.

He didn't even notice his appearance.

Zhuang Chen stopped his steps urgently.

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