Zhuang Chen went out after taking care of the vegetable seedlings on the farm.

He was like a bolt of lightning flashing across the eyes of those hiding in the darkness.

The people in the dark only felt a biting cold wind blowing across their faces.

It made them feel some pain and rubbed their cheeks.

"That boy must have gone out again."

Whenever this happens, even if they can't see the other person's face clearly, they can still guess the identity of Zhuang Chen.

Zhuang Chen quickened his pace and threw away several people behind him.

Even sensitive zombies and monsters can't catch him at all.


He arrived at Mr. Kong's door in one go. He put one hand on the wall and exhaled heavily.

"Bang bang..."


After adjusting his breathing, Zhuang Chen knocked lightly on his door.

When Mr. Kong saw that it was Zhuang Chen, he enthusiastically invited him in.

"You came here just in time today. My granddaughter also happened to be here. I can introduce you to her."

"I came here today because of something important."

Perhaps it was because of the arrival of his granddaughter today that Mr. Kong was particularly happy. He took Zhuang Chen's arm and walked towards the back room.

Zhuang Chen stepped in and saw two girls holding hands and greeting each other.

Kong Ci and Cai Qingleng turned their heads to look at the door at the same time. When they saw the person in front of them clearly, they both stood up from their seats.

"Oh it's you?"

Kong Ci's pupils widened, and he couldn't suppress the surprise in his exclaimed voice.

When the other two people saw her like this, their eyes scanned their bodies back and forth.

"Do you two know each other too?"

Zhuang Chen explained to others why he met Kong Ci.

"What's the matter with you coming here this time?"

"I came here to get the machine that Mr. Kong made for me. I may have to get into a fight recently."


He was stunned for a moment when he said this sentence, and then slowly explained everything to everyone.


"Does this Guo Jia really want to cover the sky with one hand? Then he doesn't take the people above him seriously, right?"

Mr. Kong was so angry that he slapped the table and stood up, pacing back and forth in front of several people with a sullen look on his face.

"It's not easy for the people in charge to intervene in this matter, because they haven't caught his pigtails."

"His target this time is my farm, so I must be fully prepared."

When Mr. Kong heard what he said, he couldn't help but lower his head in shame.

It is true that people at the top cannot use their power at will, as the impact and consequences will be too great.

It is easy to cause chaos among the people.

"Although we can't help you openly, we can also provide you with convenience in secret."

Kong Ci pushed up his glasses, pondered for a while and said to Zhuang Chen.

"Thank you everyone for your help this time. I believe we can get through this difficulty."

"And the mechanical iron I researched this time will definitely help you."

Zhuang Chen's unflinching look made Mr. Kong look at him with admiration.

He immediately took his arm and took him to see the research that he was most satisfied with.

Kong Ci and Cai Qingleng followed closely behind.


Mr. Kong pulled off the outer layer of the warehouse with a wave of his hand.

The machinery in front of you is majestic, and the cold aura of steel exuding from it is something that cannot be underestimated.

Zhuang Chen was shocked by this posture. He walked over and stretched out his fingertips to touch the cold mechanical body.

Feeling the power that the raw material black stone exudes faintly, compared with the machinery of his farm.

There are certain differences in appearance, but the most important thing is that the core is indeed stronger.

"Thank you Mr. Kong for your generous help this time."

Looking at the detailed texture and structure on it, he knew that Mr. Kong had put in a certain amount of effort.

Zhuang Chen had a brief exchange here and then left in a hurry.

On the way back, he found that the secret forces were always determined to deal with him.

A row of men in black carried cannons on their shoulders and aimed at Zhuang Chen. Yuan Lin stood behind Quan Di, trying not to look at Zhuang Chen as much as possible.

“You must have done everything before, and now you put everything on my head.

You are so rich. "

Quan Di saw that Zhuang Chen couldn't control the anger in his heart, and he became even more angry when he thought of An's methods against them.

Zhuang Chen naturally knew what he was talking about?

This is nothing more than shooting themselves in the foot.

"If I want to blame, I can only blame you for being stupid. You don't reflect on yourself, and you still want to take it out on me. Your ability is nothing more than that."

Zhuang Chen walked slowly towards him, folding his hands on his chest and raising his head slightly.

Didn't take him seriously at all.

The man in black with the cannon on his shoulder aimed at Zhuang Chen as he moved.

But Zhuang Chen didn't panic at all.

"Then let me see how hard your mouth is."

The corners of Quan Di's mouth curved in a strange way, and he stretched out his palm and shook it.

Instruct his subordinates to fire.

"Bang! Bang!"

Several cannons flew through the air fiercely, and the roaring sound almost shattered everyone's eardrums.

Zhuang Chen stood still without moving a step, his eyes reflecting the cannons flying towards him.

"There is a saying that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. It seems that you still don't know me!"

Zhuang Chen raised his eyebrows and said this sarcastically.

Just when those cannons were one meter away from him.

It was visible to the naked eye that the speed of those cannons slowed down, and even froze in front of Zhuang Chen.

Everyone widened their pupils, rubbed their eyes again and again and looked at Zhuang Chen.

Discovering this strange scene, Quan Di also panicked,

"It seems that you are much more powerful than I thought."


Seeing the cannon turn around in front of them, the men in black were scared and ran around and fled.

However, their speed was still a step slower, and the ruthless cannon fell beside them.

Their bodies were blown to pieces, huge dust was raised, and their limbs were mixed with soil and blown away.

This area was instantly surrounded by the smell of blood, and the ground shook violently.

Zombies and monsters within a few miles were also attracted here, and they all came to this place.

The monsters with scarlet eyes rushed to the limbs on the ground, tearing them apart and swallowing them into their stomachs.

Quan Di was frightened to the point of weakness when he saw this.

He had been looking at the family and had not come up with a good solution.

Hearing someone come back to report that Zhuang Chen had left the farm, he thought to himself that he might as well do it once and for all.

Give him a fierce wave and kill him completely.

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