Chapter 256 huge points, the feeling of krypton gold, really cool!

“Astronaut, let’s go! What are you doing? Don’t run to die yet? ”

Du Yuhang was stunned by the scene behind him, and a passing male student roared at him, raised his hand and slapped him hard, but did not dare to stay for half a second.

A student buried his head and ran wildly, not bothering to pay attention to Du Yuhang at all, for fear of stopping to become the food of the zombie dogs behind him, as long as they were not the last, they could live a little longer, maybe in just a few minutes, they could completely survive.

Some people also shouted at Du Yuhang, but looking at Du Yuhang’s gaze was dull, he could only helplessly pass him and continue to flee.

Stunned in place, Du Yuhang looked at the scene behind him in shock, almost wondering if there was an illusion.

The crazy zombie dogs turned into flying ash during the run, like a model piled up with sand, dozens of zombie dogs inexplicably dissipated, farther away, lying on the ground to the students on the ground madly tearing the zombie dogs are no exception, if it were not for the fresh blood on the ground and the painful howl, he really thought that he was overhopeful, resulting in hallucinations.

Moving under his feet, Du Yuhang stepped on roller skates and approached the student who fell to the ground, and as he got closer, he saw clearly who the student who fell to the ground was, and also saw the hideous wounds on his body, and the eyes that gradually turned gray.

The student who was pounced on by the zombie dog is called Li Zhi, and now he has been bitten by the zombie dog in an inhuman form, with wounds everywhere on the face, mouth and stomach, and even the intestines on the stomach have turned out, and the cardboard and hard plastic tied to the body have not had much effect, or the bite force of the zombie dog is too terrifying.


Looking at Li Zhi, who kept twitching two meters away, and the blue tendons in the corners of his eyes revealed Li Zhi, who had begun to zombify, Du Yuhang slid over and swung the baseball bat in his hand hard.


The sound was crisp, the blood splashed, Li Zhi’s head was completely deformed, and the two-meter run plus the full swing, the destructive power of this stick was very amazing.

Flicking the blood stains on the baseball bat, Du Zhihang looked at all corners of the street suspiciously, he did not find any zombie cat shadow, he had a guess in his heart, could it be that those zombie dogs and zombie cats were all destroyed by some invisible force?

Now he can only understand it this way, everything that just happened is too weird, more than a dozen zombie dogs disappeared in mid-air, that kind of picture, how to look at it can only be attributed to unknown forces, don’t care what it is, now the only good news is that the zombie dogs disappeared, he, or they were safe in a short time!

The zombie dogs suddenly evaporated, he didn’t know what the reason was, and he didn’t want to delve into it, as long as he could survive.

Looking up at the sky, the near-midday sun was shining on his face, it was hot, but he had a feeling of being alive.

The students who were fleeing in front didn’t know when they also stopped, and looked at Du Zhihang blankly, their eyes full of doubt and dazedness.

What about zombie dogs? Why is none of them missing? What happened?

Some of the students ran back boldly, gathered around Du Zhihang, and asked without saying a word.

“Du Yuhang, what about the zombie dog? Why is it all gone? ”

“yes, so where are the zombie dogs? Did you see something? ”

“What’s going on? Du Yuhang, do you know? ”

Lowering his head, Du Yuhang looked at the more and more students around him and shook his head: “I don’t know, I don’t know.” ”

“But we’re alive now, aren’t we?”

Bypassing these students, Du Zhihang slid forward, but it was much easier than before.

“Let’s go, keep going.”

Looking at Du Zhihang’s back, many students were even more dazed.


In the western area of the City of Ruling, Lin Fan’s consciousness returned, opened his eyes, and looked at the silent and empty streets around him like the Dead Domain, with a slight helplessness on his face.

The zombies in a radius of ten kilometers were all cleaned up by him, and it was estimated that Li Siqi and those female warriors were going to cry.

Scratching his chin, Lin Fan’s thoughts spread out, and he instantly found the female warriors who were active in various places in the western region, looking at Li Siqi and the helpless and frustrated look on their faces, Lin Fan quickly withdrew his gaze.

Sure enough, he knew.

He just brushed the points and experience refreshed, but Li Siqi and many female warriors can be tragic, ten kilometers in such a large area, all the zombies were evaporated, it is estimated that Li Siqi and their harvest today will be much less, and the progress may be left behind by the female warriors in the other four directions.

Li Siqi didn’t have a big problem, after those female warriors went back today, it should be enough to reward each of them with a source power pill as compensation.

Opening the system panel, Lin Fan looked at the last prompt sound, Rao was already mentally prepared, and his heart still couldn’t help but speed up and beat twice.

“Ding! Kill zombie dog, +1 points, +1 magnetic field control experience, current experience 125,5135/1000w. ”

1.25 million experience! That’s more than one-tenth of the promotion to the next level! Lin Fan didn’t know how many zombies and zombie animals had been killed in this wave, but he had directly risen two levels, from Lv7 to Lv9.

That’s more than two million experiences! Experience and points are equivalent, that is….

Silently opening the personal panel, Lin Fan glanced at the points bar and instantly gasped.

Points: 254,7771

I’ll go! It’s about to be 2.55 million points! Not to mention the first time the points exceeded seven figures, it was still more than two million, and Lin Fan was a little floating now.

That’s close to 2.55 million points, which is 2.55 million points! Why can’t you buy it? Isn’t it just chickens, ducks, cows and so on? Buy! What does 32,6000 points count? Not even a fraction of him!

Get wire mesh first? Wait for the points to be enough, and then directly build the city wall with krypton gold? No, no, no, that’s too low, make it now! Make it now! Make it now!

Isn’t it just the city walls? Isn’t it 100 points per kilometer? Is that called? The 4 walls add up to only 160 kilometers, how many points is this? Is 16,000 points called points? However, now the earth element energy level is Lv8, and the Lv6 level city wall is also used, which is really a bit unfaced.

Lin Fan felt that the city wall had to be updated, it was going to be upgraded, not only the defense power had to be upgraded, but also the height and width had to be upgraded! Not to mention the Lv8 level, at least the wild Lv7, right?

The 15-meter-high and 12-meter-wide city wall is too faceless, directly the entire 20-meter-high and 15-meter-wide city wall!

“System, if the Lv7 level city wall is 20 meters high and 15 meters wide, how many points do you need for one kilometer?”

“Lord, the defense level of the city wall is Lv7, and it is 20 meters high and 15 meters wide, and it costs 1,000 points for one kilometer.”

1000 points for 1 km? Lin Fan’s heart was subconsciously tight, but after calculating it, it seems that it is only 160,000 points, where is this? In total, he didn’t even use up his 2.55 million points leader, that’s all?

For the first time, Lin Fan felt that it was so cheap!

“What about the walls with Lv8 defense?”

“10,000 points for 1 km.”

As soon as the horn was drawn, Lin Fan felt that he was redundant to ask this sentence, 1 km 10,000 points is too big, really too big, 160 kilometers This is 1.6 million points! Not to mention that the first wall is also going to be upgraded, which adds up to 2.4 million points, where to play this?

It’s better to honestly use the Lv7-level earth element energy to build the city wall, that defensive nuclear bomb is not afraid, enough is enough, and the landlord’s family has no surplus food.

Moreover, Lin Fan also planned to exchange some other powers to deal with some of the next things, and the next powers to be exchanged were very important.

With a decision in his heart, Lin Fan’s figure disappeared out of thin air in a flash, and when he appeared again, he had already come to the side of the farm.

After leaving in ashes before, Lin Fan is now coming back with great momentum.

Looking at the huge and open farm in front of him, Lin Fan silently said in his heart: “System, exchange for those cattle and sheep with a base of six thousand.” ”

“Ding! After deducting 32,6000 points, the 6,000 base poultry livestock and fish have been redeemed, and you will be given three days of feed, which is now available. ”

The sound of the system fell, and the empty farm instantly had more densely packed cattle and sheep, as well as elk, rabbits, and the cattle and sheep that had just appeared were still a little dazed, but soon attracted by the fragrant plants on the grass, and lowered their heads to graze leisurely while walking.

Some rabbits fled into some bushes in panic, and elk ran around with joy.

Looking at the full farm, Lin Fan smiled slightly, with these poultry and livestock, at least in terms of diet, the City of Ruling does not need to worry.

Turn around and leave from the farm, the next thing is to build the wall, this is relatively simple, there is a system, direct krypton gold is OK, do not have to work hard to build as before.

After building the city wall, what needs to be done today is basically gone, you can salted fish in the afternoon, what do you want to do, kill so many zombies today, treat yourself, and rest in the hospital for a while is not too much, right?

Well! Surely not too much!

As for the time power, this thing is released first, there is no hurry, anything that wants to stop him salted fish is a paper tiger, you can kick it away.

Flying all the way to the side of the steel wire mesh, looking at the steel wire mesh in front of him and the large number of zombies on the opposite side, Lin Fan said softly: “System, Lv7 level earth element power, build me a 40-kilometer city wall, according to the structure of the inner city wall, change it to 20 meters high and 15 meters wide, and the rest does not need to change.” ”

“Ding! Deduct 40,000 points and start building the wall now, please later. ”

When the system’s words fell, Lin Fan felt that the ground in front of him trembled, and then a huge city wall rose up from the ground in front of him, not a kilometer distance, not ten kilometers, but a whole 40 kilometers from south to north The city wall was rising at the same time.

Taking a few steps back, looking up at the city wall that was slowly rising from the ground and getting higher and higher, Lin Fan felt indescribably refreshed in his heart, this is the power of krypton gold!

Krypton gold can do anything! The liver is too hard, or krypton gold is fun.

Under Lin Fan’s gaze, the city wall in front of him only took more than ten seconds to build.

Flying to the city wall, Lin Fan took a look, the 15-meter-wide city wall is simply not too cool, 15 meters wide! How many carriages are enough for side by side?

Looking outside the city wall, Lin Fan kept nodding, satisfied, really satisfied! This 20-meter-high wall is not the same as the 15-meter-high wall! The view is bigger and more spacious! What stands out is the word comfortable!

Don’t say anything! Vigorous!

PS: Thank you for your tipping support, the author will try to update

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