Chapter 252 The global nuclear bomb is invalidated, and the fig leaf is uncovered

The sound of machinery echoed in the bright room, and Ogares got up from his seat, his one-meter-nine tall body indescribably burly.

With an icy expression on his face, Ogares put his right hand in a fist on the Hun Kou, bent down and half knelt on the ground, and said in a deep voice: “Gatekeeper Ogares accepts the order!” ”

After saying this, Ogares got up from the ground, walked step by step to a two-meter-long transparent crystal cabinet, tapped his finger on the crystal cabinet a few times, and the crystal cabinet slowly opened with a ‘snort’.

Inside the crystal cabinet is a silver trident with a circle of rings, and the rings are densely carved with complex inscriptions.

Looking at the trident in the crystal cabinet, Ogares grabbed it with his palm, and when Ogares’s palm touched the silver trident, the inscription on the ring flashed a faint light, and only after a moment disappeared, and at this time, Ogares had already picked up the trident in the crystal cabinet.

Silver electric light jumped on the trident, connecting inscriptions one after another, the electric light jumped on Ogares’s arm, and then along the arm to cover Ogares’s whole body, with the silver thunder light beating, the momentum on Ogares’s body climbed step by step, and finally reached a certain level of calm.

Holding the silver trident, Organes left the room and walked on the empty passage, Organes looked cold, his eyes were indifferent, his steps moved, through the alloy giant doors, and soon came to a laboratory.

Looking at the pile of instruments in the lab, Ogares scanned the circle and walked a few steps to an instrument.

“Goalkeeper Ogares, the activation key is 784,251,1315.”

The mechanical prompt sounded, Ogares raised his hand and entered a ten-digit password on the screen, and the dark prompt box on the screen instantly turned green, seeing this, Ogares raised his hand and pulled down the manual joystick next to him.

As the joystick was pulled down, above the pyramid-shaped silver building, silver rays of light intertwined, and finally collided, and the silver beam instantly broke through the underground world.

The silver beam with some kind of command directly broke through the atmosphere to outer space, and then exploded like fireworks, and the aura of explosion spread like light, centered on Texas, and instantly enveloped the world.

The Millikan Empire, stored in a warehouse and properly placed and safeguarded nuclear bombs inside the unknown mutation, all procedures have been burned and rewritten, the entire Millikan Empire stored thousands of nuclear bombs in the unknown to everyone, completely lost their effect, the nuclear bomb at this time is a large iron pimple.

Even if it is launched, at most a large hole will be smashed in the ground.

Not only the Millikan Empire, after the silver beam exploded, in less than three seconds, it destroyed the nuclear weapons of the major empires around the world and invalidated them, and this was not clear to the top officials of the major empires.

In the laboratory, Ogares finished all this, watching the beam disappear, and then turned and left the laboratory, his face was cold the whole time, his eyes were indifferent, or not indifferent, but simply indifferent, as if nothing could make him take it to heart.

Leaving the lab, Ogares left the pyramid-like silver building and ended up next to a giant helicopter.

Sensing Ogares’ approach, a light shot from the helicopter swept over him, followed by a sound from the helicopter.

“Authentication successful, Gatekeeper Ogares, welcome to your use, detected that your mission target location is Magic Capital, and the target location has been locked.”

As the sound echoed, the door of the helicopter opened automatically, and Ogares walked up with the trident, and the door of the helicopter closed close after him.

Then several silver flames of light erupted from the bottom of the helicopter, and the helicopter quickly lifted, and when it was close to the white light film, the silver light flashed, and the giant helicopter disappeared in place.

Above the city, the silver giant helicopter suddenly appeared, but soon it was invisible under the light of the sun, the space was faintly distorted, and under the control of terrifying kinetic energy, the silver giant helicopter disappeared directly into the sky.


The city of ruling, solved the problem of the nuclear bomb, Lin Fan rushed back through the space passage, and on the hospital side, Lin Youyou looked confused.

Inexplicably, a space door suddenly appeared, and then a bunch of tens of thousands of soldiers came out from inside Wuyang Wuyang, and so many people came this time, and the hospital directly couldn’t put it down.

Lin Youyou didn’t know how Lin Fan talked to these female soldiers, nor what means were used, let alone how these female soldiers felt about Lin Fan, and he didn’t know how to arrange it for a while.

These female soldiers are different from the women who have been captured, and they are rashly given weapons, what if this group of female soldiers holds a grudge and suddenly makes a black hand?

No matter how strong she is, she can’t react.

There was no way, Lin Youyou could only let several teams of female warriors maintain order, while she was standing in mid-air, looking down at the more than 10,000 female soldiers on the ground, beware of them making trouble.

On the ground, Liu Wanying didn’t want to make trouble, she didn’t want to come again, Lin Fan’s wave scared her, not only Liu Wanying, but also the female warriors around were similar, there was no intention of making trouble at all, at least not in a short time.

They had already seen the end of resisting Lin Fan, and that feeling was better than killing them directly.

Even if Lin Fan is not here now, they don’t have the guts to make trouble, looking at the women around them who are wearing white combat uniforms and holding Tang knives with fierce faces, these female warriors know that it is not easy to mess with.

Especially there is a woman flying in the sky looking at them with vigilant eyes, good guy, such a big battle, where do they dare to make trouble, with Lin Fan’s previous experience, they are a little panicked when they see that they can fly.

Lin Fan is not the only one who has that terrifying ability?

It was in this situation that Lin Fan walked out of the space door.

Looking up at Lin Youyou above his head, and then at the group of female warriors around him who were like great enemies, Lin Fan scratched his head, it seemed that the situation was not quite right.

In mid-air, seeing Lin Fan appear, Lin You You breathed a sigh of relief and quickly fell from the sky.

Putting his arm around Lin Youyou, Lin Fan wondered, “What’s the situation?” ”

“You also asked me, you got so many people at once, I don’t know how you took these female soldiers over, I don’t know how to arrange, the main thing is that I am afraid of accidents, if more than 10,000 people rebel in the City of Judgment, there should be no problem with female soldiers, but those maids may suffer.” Lin You sighed, feeling indescribably tired in his heart.

Hearing Lin Youyou’s words, Lin Fan couldn’t help but laugh directly for a while, “What is going on in your little head?” These are female soldiers, and they are not female bandits, the kind of thing you are talking about, it seems that only bandits and robbers can do it, right? ”

Lin Youyou thought about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case, this is a female soldier and not a bandit, if she thinks so, what was she worried about before?

Seeing that Lin Youyou had already begun to doubt life, Lin Fan quickly pulled her and said, “Your concern is indeed justified, if this group of female soldiers really has some kind of moth, it is really not very easy to handle.” ”

The gaze swept over a group of female soldiers, and they didn’t feel anything when they were in the military district square before, but on the hospital side, more than 10,000 people really seemed that the hospital campus was very small.

“How do you think these female soldiers should be arranged?”

More than 13,000 people suddenly appeared, Lin Fan had a little headache, before there were fewer people with a headache, now there are more people, and they also have a headache!

These female soldiers are not the same as those women, the biggest difference is that those women cannot become the climate, and these female soldiers…

Forget it, what to do so much, Lin Fan didn’t bother to think about it, he still didn’t believe that these women could turn against the sky.

“I think…” As soon as Lin Youyou spoke, Lin Fan raised his hand to stop her, ignoring Lin Youyou’s doubtful gaze, Lin Fan clapped his hands, attracting the attention of Liu Wanying and a group of female soldiers.

“The same words, the same things, I think you must not want to hear or see again, now in the city of judgment, including you, there are close to twenty-five thousand people, of which seven thousand are soldiers, and the remaining five thousand are unarmed ordinary people, I want to ask you, what are the duties of soldiers?”

Many female soldiers looked at each other, and Liu Wanying stood at the front and said in a deep voice: “Protect the family and defend the country and protect civilians.” ”

“Very well, then I ask you, more than five thousand unarmed women, they are now living a stable life, are they worthy of your protection?”


Hearing Liu Wanying’s answer, Lin Fan looked at the more than 10,000 female soldiers behind her, “What about you?” ”


As soon as Lin Fan finished asking, tens of thousands of female soldiers shouted in unison, their voices were crisp and loud, and tens of thousands of people spoke at the same time, their voices were very loud, and the high voices echoed over the courtyard.

Hearing the female soldiers answer in unison, Lin Fan smiled, hooked his finger at Liu Wanying, and said, “You guys come with me.” ”

Liu Wanying didn’t know what Lin Fan wanted to do, but she didn’t dare to have any resistance, and obediently followed behind Lin Fan, and tens of thousands of female soldiers also followed.

Lin You looked at Lin Fan puzzled, and for a while he couldn’t figure out what Lin Fan wanted to do.

With Liu Wanying and tens of thousands of female soldiers to the edge of the farmland, before Lin Fan could speak, Liu Wanying and the female soldiers standing in the front were already dumbfounded.

The campus has been reclaimed into fertile land, and wheat, rice, corn and other crops are distributed one by one, and in the farmland, women are shuttling through it, sweating.

Seeing this scene, Liu Wanying and the female soldiers were stunned, they didn’t expect Lin Fan to take them to see this.

Turning his head to look at the astonished gazes of Liu Wanying and the female soldiers, Lin Fan chuckled and said, “Did you see it?” These are the women I rescued, and now they can earn money to eat what they want, buy clothes and jewelry they want, and no one oppresses them, and no man forces them to exchange their bodies for poor food. ”

“But I rescued them from the abyss of the bitter sea, can you think? Before these women were rescued by me, some were raised as dogs, and some were simply venting tools, going through dozens of men every day, Liu Wanying, you tell me, where were you at that time? What are you doing? ”

Liu Wanying returned her gaze and looked at Lin Fan in amazement, her face pale for a while.

At that time, she was in the military area, eating food that was no different from before the end of the world, and living a good life, and these women were …..

“What about you? At that time, as a soldier, you should stand up to protect these women, and what were you doing? ”

The female warriors’ faces turned pale for a while, and Liu Wanying’s words just now still faintly echoed in their ears.

“Why don’t you talk anymore? Dumb? ”

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