In a high-rise building in Yanjing, Muda laid out a bureau here.

Waiting for the arrival of Bai Yu Kaoru and Liu Xinghe.

He was holding a glass of red wine when the closed door was opened.

A young man entered the room with a group of his men.

“Long time no see! Galaxy Brother! ”

Muda raised his glass and smiled and welcomed.

Liu Xinghe did not seem to look at him, but looked around, looking for the person he wanted to see.

“Aren’t you there?”

Liu Xinghe frowned, looking a little disappointed.

“Kaoru Hakuba? He hasn’t come yet. ”

Mu Da stood up with a smile and walked over to Liu Xinghe.

“Brother Galaxy, I know you’ve liked Kaoru Hakuba for a long time, but as a brother, I have to tell you one thing first.” Muda said.


Liu Xinghe asked coldly.

Mu Da smiled fiercely and whispered in Liu Xinghe’s ear, “I heard that Bai Yu Kaoru already has a famous flower master, and he is still a man from out of town!” ”



Liu Xinghe was immediately enraged when he heard the news.

One foot smashed the floor!

“What you say is true?”

“Of course!”

Muda smiled and replied, “That man will most likely come back later, so you…”


Liu Xinghe clenched his fists in anger.

He never imagined that the woman he had liked for so long had been ruined by other men!

He must! A must!


Liu Xinghe hammered his chest, trying to release the anger squeezed in his heart.

And this move made several younger brothers who followed him a little embarrassed.

What is this doing?

Lose your marbles?

“Eh! Galaxy Brother! There’s no need to torture yourself like this! ”

Mu Da sneered, the reason why he told Liu Xinghe this news naturally had his own intentions.

Then he said, “Although she has a master in her white feather Kaoru, isn’t it better to have a wife?” I’ll take this bite! ”

“Yes! I can snatch Kaoru Feather!” Ay! What a shame! Her first time wasn’t mine! ”

Liu Xinghe took a deep breath, although he lost the first time of Bai Yu Kaoru.

But he could snatch the white feather from the man’s hand!

Even by force!

“Eh! Don’t say the word grab! ”

Mu Da smiled and offered advice, “Didn’t this Bai Yu Kaoru send a letter to Yanjing’s forces to unite all the forces?” We can use this to make conditions! ”


Liu Xinghe’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he listened carefully to Mu Da’s suggestion.

“Yes! Condition! ”

Mu Da laughed evilly, “For example, after spending a night with you, after this night has passed, with your Galactic Brother’s ability, she will not be allowed to be obeyed by your rule?” ”


Liu Xinghe was immediately overjoyed, how did he not think of it?

“But it’s still a little difficult, you know, Kaoru Hakuba has a tough personality and doesn’t have enough benefits, she won’t agree.”

Suddenly, Mu Dafeng turned around and said to Liu Xinghe.

This sentence, Liu Xinghe instantly understood.

This is to let Muda help him with this!

“You say! Brother Muda! What do you want? I Liu Xinghe can give it to you! ”

Liu Xinghe said excitedly.

“Hahahahaha! I knew Brother Galaxy was a smart guy! I don’t want much! So be it! I want you three hundred people, can I? ”

Muda smiled and touched her chin.

He wants to strengthen his power!

Start with this Liu Xinghe!

“No problem!”

Liu Xinghe smiled excitedly and continued to speak to Muda, “You are really my good brother! ”

“Eh! What is our relationship? It’s all supposed to be done! ”

Mu Da smiled and patted Liu Xinghe’s shoulder.

But in his heart he was scolding him, what a fool!

At this moment, Bai Yu Kaoru and Lin Yun appeared.

As if on purpose, Bai Yu Kaoru took Lin Yun’s arm and walked into the sight of the two of them.

“That’s the man!?”

At the first sight of Lin Yun, Liu Xinghe showed anger.

The two eyes stared like brass bells, wanting to directly chop off Lin Yun’s two arms.

“Miss White! Long time no see! ”

Mu Da, who was next to him, smiled and stepped forward to greet Kaoru Hakuba.

And held out his hand to shake hands with Kaoru Hakuba.

However, Bai Yu Kaoru and Lin Yun directly ignored him.

Moved to the seat of negotiation.

It made Mu Da suddenly frown.

But he didn’t dare say anything more.

After all, the Bai Family’s current strength was still stronger than his.

Three people are seated.

Prepare for the next negotiations.

But what made Mu Da and Liu Xinghe not expect was that it was not Bai Yu Kaoru who sat in the same seat as them, but the man!

“What does this mean?”

Muda asked Kaoru Hakuba.

“The affairs of the white family are decided by my man!”

Kaoru Hakuba replied coldly.

And leaned over Lin Yang and let him touch himself.


This scene made Liu Xinghe grit his teeth even more.

The woman he likes is actually being toyed with by other men.

This! This!

He immediately jumped up angrily, “White Feather Kaoru! My going is simple! Sleep with me, and I’m willing to help the White Family! ”

And his voice had just fallen.

The cold murderous qi haunted it.

Lin Yun’s voice came from his ear.

“Are you looking for death?”

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