“This is the hometown of Group Leader Chen?” It looks much worse than Ninghang City. ”

At Chen Mofeng’s base, four young men and women from Ninghang City were sitting in the hall chatting.

One of the girls with a ponytail picked up a purple sand teapot and looked at it curiously in her hand.

Then he said, “This is a teapot from the Song Dynasty, right?” It looks pretty valuable. ”

“Mu Li, don’t you break people’s things, can’t you settle down?”

The square-faced man with a pair of large thick eyebrows asked the girl.

The girl named Mu Li muttered to put the teapot back in place, and said unhappily: “Who is like you, who comes to someone else as a guest but has always had a dead fish face, eighty percent is sick.” ”


“What are you?” Shut up you! ”


The man knew that he could not talk about her, so he no longer bothered with her, and the original rigid face had a little more resentment.


Murray snorted coldly and extended her hand again to the other objects placed on the cabinet, seemingly unable to stop for a quarter of an hour.

“I heard that Leader Chen’s daughter looks like a fairy, Huang Chao, is this true?”

The man with a handful of small red hairs on his head smiled and asked the cold man next to him.

The tall cold man nodded and replied, “It’s very good-looking.” ”

“Oh well??? Even you think it looks good? That’s definitely super pretty! This time, I was finally able to meet the real person. The red-haired man shouted excitedly.

“Got it!”

Mu Li glanced at the red-haired man, “Is there any woman who can look better than Miss Ben?” I didn’t believe it! He said, and pinched his own white and red face.

“Right, right, what about her and Muribi?”

The red-haired man asked.

Huang Chao first looked at Mu Li and said without hesitation: “Mo Feng is good-looking, and her figure is much better than Mu Li, how to say it?” Two people are not on the same level. ”


Murray was a little angry when she heard this answer.

But the red-haired man was even more excited, dancing and shouting, “Long live the beauty!” Long live the beauty! ”

“Ahem! Huang Chao, you give me wait and see! Wait for Ning Hang, see I don’t clean up after you! ”

Mu Li looked at Huang Chao viciously, and his eyes were full of complaints.

“Yo yo yo! The little two are going to quarrel! ”

The red-haired man also spared no effort to make this fire burn a little more fiercely, laughing and pushing Huang Chao next to him.

“I thought who was coming, isn’t this Huang Chao?”

Just at this moment, Chen Mofeng and the others returned, and as soon as she entered the door, she saw her former military partner.

Say hello to him.

Huang Chao nodded and replied, “Excuse me.” ”

But apart from him, the other three were all behaving a bit abnormally.

When the red-haired man saw the beautiful woman in front of him, his eyes suddenly glowed with gold, “Oh oh oh! It’s really beautiful, Murray, you can’t even compare to people’s heels! ”

“Shut up you!”


Mu Li hammered a fist at the back of the red-haired man’s head, and then a pair of jealous eyes looked at Chen Mofeng in front of him.

I have to say that she and Chen Mofeng are not in the same class at all.

After all, she was just a woman with a slight posture, but she was still a hundred and eighteen thousand miles away from the word beauty.

And Chen Mofeng?

It was a down-to-earth, down-to-earth woman, and there was no contrast between the two at all.

Murray (Charisma Value: 68!) )

“You are the daughter of Group Leader Chen, Chen Mofeng?”

Mu Li looked at Chen Mofeng complainingly, and a pair of small eyes carefully swirled around Chen Mofeng’s body, and she couldn’t find any shortcomings at all.

Chen Mofeng looked at the woman in front of her doubtfully, not knowing why she was full of hostility towards herself.

But he still smiled and replied: “Yes, I guess you are Huang Chao’s girlfriend, right?” When I was in the military department before, I heard him say that his girlfriend was in another unit, and when he was in the army, he was the most talked about you. ”

Hearing Chen Mofeng’s words, Mu Li’s unhappiness was swept away.

He smiled and said, “That must be, the relationship between the two of us can be regarded as a sea of dead stones, but you, so beautiful, do you have a boyfriend?” Do you want me to introduce you? ”

Chen Mofeng covered the corners of his mouth with his hand and smiled, “No, I don’t have any plans for this.” ”

“Is it?” Mu Li glanced at the two pieces of fat on Chen Mofeng’s upper body and continued, “That’s a pity.” ”

“Sister! We’ve got what you want! ”

Suddenly, Chen Mojing rushed into the hall with a black bag.

Seeing the appearance of Chen Mojing, the four people suddenly looked surprised.

“Sister? Do you still have a sister? ”

Huang Chao asked in surprise.

Even he did not remember that Chen Mofeng had a sister.

And it is a little girl who is only twelve or thirteen years old in terms of height.

“Yes, she is my sister, Chen Mojing, and I have never told you about it before.” Chen Mofeng replied.

“Sister, what about Stinky Daddy?” Why not here? ”

Chen Mojing looked around and did not see the figure of her father, Chen Yaowei.

In this regard, the red-haired man smiled and said: “Group Leader Chen rests in the room inside, he is old and tired because of the boats and cars, and he has the habit of taking a nap every day.” ”


Chen Mozhen seemed to understand and nodded.

“Words, little sister?”

The red-haired man whispered to Chen Mowen, “What type of boy does your sister like?” What do you think of me? ”

“Just you?”

Chen Moting looked at the red-haired man in front of her and replied with a smile, “I can’t see it.” ”

“Oh? So you talk about it, what kind of type? Huang Chao this? The red-haired man continued to ask.

Chen Mojing glanced at her and replied, “I’m sorry, none of the men present are qualified to be my sister’s boyfriend, you don’t deserve it!” ”

“Hahahahaha! This little girl is still funny, want to eat candy? I have oh this! ”

The red-haired man was amused by Chen Mojing and reached out to touch her head.

But as soon as the hand reached out, Chen Mozhen’s figure disappeared from his sight, followed by a heavy fall.

The red-haired man’s face came into close contact with the ground!

“Eh! What just happened? ”

Red Mao struggled to get up from the ground.

He didn’t see Chen Mojing’s movements at all, like a ghost, and the next moment he was thrown to the ground.

The others also looked at Chen Mofeng who appeared next to Chen Mofeng again with a look of surprise, this little girl who was not very tall, and her combat effectiveness was so amazing.

“Ahem! Don’t touch me with your stinky hand, be careful I kill you! Chen Mojing warned.

“Don’t be naughty!”

Chen Mofeng pinched Chen Mofeng’s little face and apologized to Hongmao: “I’m sorry, my sister is a bit naughty, are you okay?” ”

“It’s all right, it’s all right!”

Red Mao stood up straight with pain, he didn’t want people to think that he couldn’t beat a little girl.

Especially if the other party’s sister is still his favorite type, it would be a shame to be beaten on the ground and scream.

“But your sister is also strong enough, only twelve or thirteen years old to bring down the defenseless me, this is a martial arts wizard!”

“Twelve or thirteen?!”

When Chen Mojing heard these words, she instantly exploded!

The petite body began to breed infinite power, and it seemed that the next moment it would tear the red hair in front of it alive.

At this moment, Lin Yun’s voice gradually approached from outside the door, saying:

“Let me see, who is bullying our family’s Moo? If I don’t say why, I promise to make him regret being born in this world! ”

== It’s been reviewed for a day, Chapter Ninety-Seven hasn’t been released yet, I’m really drunk! ==

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