Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 171 Evolution Successful

The methods of using mutated fruits are different, and it mainly depends on the type of original fruit before mutation.

Take the mutated fire spirit fruit in Liu Chen's hand as an example. The original fruit before the mutation was an ordinary tomato, which can be eaten directly, so after the mutation, it can still be used in this way.

But this is not necessarily the case for other mutated fruits. Some of the original fruits before mutating are of a type that cannot be eaten directly, and some are even poisonous. In this case, it is impossible to eat them directly after mutating. The energy inside needs to be used in a special way. Only when the means are extracted can they be used.

There are even mutated fruits that have cores inside them. After fruits such as peaches and apples mutate, the cores inside are extremely useful and can continue to be grown.

But it is not certain whether it can grow. After all, the formation of mutant plants requires extremely rich energy and cannot be formed randomly.

Scientists in previous lives had been studying how to mass-produce mutant plants, but until Liu Chen's death, they had not been able to produce any results.

Mutation and evolution, to a certain extent, are far beyond the scope of what scientists can study and explain. It is more like the legendary product that should only exist when a civilization grows to a certain height and evolves to a god-level civilization.

Liu Chen split a mutated fire spirit fruit into two and let his parents eat it.

Afterwards, Liu Chen began to wait nervously on the side.

Although theoretically speaking, there would be basically no danger if two people share a mutated fruit, but when it comes to the people closest to them in the world, Liu Chen said it was impossible not to worry about it.

Fortunately, the process went smoothly without any accidents.

After Liu's father and Liu's mother took half of the mutated fruit, their bodies began to glow with a fiery red light. This was when the energy in the mutated fire spirit fruit began to take effect and was transforming their bodies.

This transformation lasted for about half an hour, and finally Liu's father and Liu's mother fell into a deep sleep.

This slumber is a sign of successful evolution, and when they wake up, they will become acquired evolvers.

After Liu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, he covered his parents with quilts and walked out.

The success of his parents' evolution was within his expectation. The main reason was Chen Yu. If he had to use an entire mutated fruit, he might have to leave it to fate as to what the final outcome would be.

"It's your turn……"

Liu Chen walked to Chen Yu's room and took out the last mutant fruit.

"Don't worry, Brother Liu. Since I didn't die in the hands of those scum, I will definitely be fine this time."

Sensing Liu Chen's worry, Chen Yu suddenly laughed and said.

"Well, it would be best if you have this kind of confidence. I also believe that you will succeed."

Liu Chen nodded, said nothing more, and asked Chen Yu to start taking the mutant fruit.

Although in terms of quantity, the mutant fruits used by Chen Yu were exactly the same as those used by Liu Chen's parents combined, the effect was earth-shaking.

The duration of Chen Yu's evolution was several times longer than that of Liu's father and Liu's mother combined.

During this period, Chen Yu was in danger at least five or six times, but this girl's willpower was indeed amazing, and she dared to survive all of them in the end.

Just the pale face, the bitten lower lip that was bloody, and the clothes soaked with cold sweat all showed how shocking the pain was.

Liu Chen knew this best, because he had also experienced this kind of pain, and in the end he couldn't bear it and passed out.

But what he didn't expect was that Chen Yu could endure it even better than him. No matter how painful it was, Chen Yu remained silent and did not fall into coma. Instead, he relied entirely on his own willpower to hold on.

This made Liu Chen a little shocked, and at the same time he became more and more excited.

He knew very well that the more he could bear the pain of evolution soberly and keep himself from comatose, although it would be extremely difficult, the benefits after surviving it would be extremely amazing.

If Chen Yu can persist in the end, he will definitely be able to create an extremely powerful evolved person.

Finally, after Liu's father and Liu's mother both woke up successfully and washed away the impurities excreted from their bodies after evolution, Chen Yu also evolved successfully.

With a soft sound, Liu Chen seemed to clearly hear the sound of some kind of shackles being broken in Chen Yu's body, and then an extremely majestic energy surged from the room, and the hot breath began to rise continuously.

Chen Yu's clothes were instantly turned into ashes when the hot energy hit him, revealing a fair and attractive body.

Liu Chen was not in the mood to appreciate this. He just breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and went out, closing the door.

Having evolved to this level, Chen Yu has definitely succeeded in becoming an acquired evolver. However, the final evolutionary level cannot be known until he has completely evolved.

"Xiaochen, this feeling is really good. I can clearly feel the hot energy flowing in my body. More importantly, I no longer need a lighter to light cigarettes..."

Liu Chen went to the room where his parents were, and happened to see his father sitting on the sofa, looking excitedly at a small flame coming out of his finger.

"Xiaochen, ignore your dad and take a closer look at mom. Has she really become younger?"

Mother Liu was observing herself carefully in front of the mirror, with an equally excited look on her face.

Faced with the different concerns of the old couple, Liu Chen couldn't help but laugh and began to answer one by one.

In the end, Liu Chen checked his parents carefully. What surprised him was that although it was a mutated fruit that was divided into two halves for use, the evolutionary levels of Liu's father and Liu's mother had actually reached the F-level high level. !

Although this level of evolution is not high at the current stage, it is definitely not low either. This made Liu Chen completely realize that it is no wonder that every mutant plant and mutant fruit that appeared in his previous life would cause all forces to rush for it. Even at all costs.

The effect of this kind of thing is really incredible.

However, although the evolutionary level is not too low, Father Liu and Mother Liu are still not able to use energy proficiently, which makes them still have a long way to go before they have the power to protect themselves.

But no matter what, this is always a good start.

Moreover, as Liu Chen uses the diluted evolutionary energy balls for his parents, the evolutionary level of the old couple will continue to increase, and it will not be long before they can join the ranks of the top group.

After all, in the current situation where the evolutionary liquid has not yet appeared, Liu Chen, who has mastered the evolutionary method of evolutionary energy balls, has a much stronger advantage than others.

After chatting with his parents for a long time and preparing a lot of food for them, so that the two old people could quickly replenish the food they needed to become evolved beings, there was also news from Chen Yu's side.

"Brother Liu, I seem to have accidentally stepped into the E-level..."

Seeing Liu Chen coming over, Chen Yu, who had already changed into a set of clothes, suddenly turned red and whispered.

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