88Chapter: Kill, Mutant Black Cat! (1/x for self-booking!)

Right now collected so many first-order crystal nuclei, even if this mutant black cat does not have crystal nuclei generated, but as long as you get the frost crystals in your body, you can greatly enhance your own evolution.

Even if it is not enough to support yourself to break free from the fourth genetic lock, it can be used as a storage energy to use the supernatural power.

After having a decision in mind,

Chu Tian whispered, “Coconut Mangald, get ready.”

Even the reaction speed of ordinary domestic cats, are far more than ordinary people, not to mention the wild cats, sensitivity and reaction speed, are far more than – ordinary domestic cats.

After breaking free from the genetic lock, this gap, will be even greater.

So the same is broken free of the three genetic locks, Chu Tian also did not even think, their own speed, can be compared with this mutant black cat in front of.

And the speed of the coconut Mongaard, there is no such worry.

Its body, which is a snake animal known for its explosive speed!


The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re looking for.

Not far away, hidden in the darkness of the mutant black cat, the body of the fur exploded, the back arched high, into a state of readiness for battle.

The pupils of the eyes, mixed with fear and vigilance, the limbs keep slowly backing up.

In just a moment, it instinctively felt that they were in an extremely dangerous environment.

It’s like being prey to some beast, staring at it.

Since becoming a mutant creature, the mutant black cat has almost never felt this way.


Suddenly, see on a black shadow, fiercely shot towards themselves.


The mutant black cat’s mouth, fierce a howl, not in hiding.

Without the slightest hesitation, run directly backwards.

As three times mutated creatures, the speed of the black cat is also extremely fast, the naked eye simply can not capture its dynamics!

“Gotta get a grip ….”

Chu Tian whispered softly, and his heart snapped.


In an instant, a channel of energy emanated from Chu Tian’s body and spread around, forming a frozen field.

The jewel on Chu Tian’s eyebrow appeared again, and the energy stored in it gushed out wildly.

This time, almost only for a moment, all the energy is exhausted, the ice field shattered with a bang.

“As expected, it’s an S-ranked ability, it’s a waste of fucking energy…”

Chu Tian exhaled lightly.


The mutant black cat that is fleeing, the heart suddenly felt wrong.

Just feel their feet, there is something bound to their actions, but only for a moment, this feeling disappeared.

But, for the mutant black cat and Liu Menggaade this level of speed, this moment, enough to do a lot of things.


Almost in this instant, coconut Mengade has caught up with the mutant black cat, ready to start the attack.

But the instinctive reaction of the mutant black cat is not weak at all.

Seeing that you can’t run away, the whole body directly around, stretching out his claws, wanting a grab to rip Mengade’s body.

Once caught by this claw covered with cold ice, the cold will instantly follow the wound and invade the body.

Coconut Dream Plus spit out the snake letter disdainfully, directly from the paws of the mutant black cat wrapped around the past, instantly to the mutant black cat’s body, body around the mutant black cat’s neck turned two circles, tightly strangled.


The mutant black cat struggled frantically,

However, all this is useless.

The howling of the mutant black cat became smaller and smaller, and soon, gradually lost its breath.

The tail of the Coconut Dream Gad, directly to the head of the mutant black cat, immediately, a stream of energy along the line, into the Coconut Dream Gad’s body.

The body of the mutant black cat quickly withered up, and soon there was only a layer of skin wrapped in a bone.

The coconut dream of the adder spit the snake letter, the tail directly along the head of the mutant black cat a flash.


The skin on the head of the mutant black cat, instantly split open a large mouth.

A white light, from the wound emerged.

“This is…”

Chu Tian’s heart burst with joy.

Hastily walked over, from the mutant black cat wound reached in, touched a small piece of very cold solid.

……… is asking for flowers…

Took it straight out.

A crystal clear ice, appeared in the sight of Chu Tian.

“System, scan!”

[Frost Crystals)

Introduction: It contains a lot of energy, and at the same time, it can be used as a cooling tool.

Chu Tian held this piece of icing in his hand.

The reason why the mutant black cat can move so fast, a large part of this thing is the credit.

After all, the greater the amount and speed of movement of the object, the more heat generated, if there is no suitable cooling, the physical quality of the mutant black cat, simply can not withstand the heat that comes with such a fast speed.

With high-performance computers, also need to be equipped with a high-level cooling equipment, is a reason.


Chu Tian suddenly found that from the wound of the mutant black cat, there is still white light gushing out.

“It wouldn’t be… …

Chu Tian did not hesitate to extend his hand again.

[Third order crystal core)

Introduction:Generated from three times mutated organisms, it can bring a lot of energy to the user, break the genetic lock and enhance a lot of four-dimensional data.

“It’s really a crystal core!

Chu Tian’s heart was immediately happy, this time actually harvested a third-order crystal core!

Moreover, the coconut Mengade, is also on the verge of evolution!

This time the harvest, simply than the harvest of hunting an afternoon, more to come!

Almost couldn’t resist swallowing this crystal core on the spot.

But then he looked at the fire in the sky, thought for a moment, Chu Tian still subjected it: “Coconut Mangald, let’s go, first to find Kidola!”

Soon, the figure of Kidola, finally appeared in the sight of Chu Tian.


In the sky, Kidora was still using gravitational rays from the three faucets, releasing a large amount of heat that washed over the body of the ice crystal on the ground.

But Chu Tian wouldn’t dare to come any closer.

Kidola gravitational rays brought about by the temperature, only afraid that they are closer to some, instantly melted. Child.

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