Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 5 Chaos spreads, crisis outside the door

Time flew by and soon it was eight o'clock in the evening.

The temperature has not dropped because of the darkness. The extra 10 degrees of high temperature today makes every breath that humans take at night feel like they are experiencing the feeling of organ barbecue.

Su Yi was also very upset and kept reading transaction information and chatting in the area to pass the time.

Until, suddenly, there were sounds of people on the street outside the window.

"Is someone out?"

Su Yi hurriedly walked to the window, slightly opened the gap in the curtains and looked out.

I saw a few people holding candlesticks and simple torches on the street at night. They were gradually walking out of the residential building where Su Yi was located.

"Hurry up and stop grinding. It's hot outside."

"Brother Li, can we really find something to eat? It's much hotter outside than inside. I feel like smoke is coming out of my throat."

"You have to look for it if you can't find it, or else you'll starve to death? The weather is so bad, it really doesn't cool down at night!"

Several men in overalls were complaining loudly. Windows on each floor of the building were open, and people were looking down.

"Brother Li?"

Su Yi's heart moved: "Isn't this the man who knocked on the door during the day?"

Su Yi recognized this group of men, but did not know their origins and intentions. Su Yi was usually busy with work and had not seen many neighbors.

"I'm really thirsty. I remember there are several shops on this street. Let's go and have a look."

"Have you brought all the guys? Don't return without success like last night."

"Brother Li, you have brought everything. By the way, can we bring more food to change into ice water later? I heard that that thing is amazing!"

"Ice water? Humph, it's too expensive and not cost-effective. Let's just drink some ordinary water."

The men walked towards the depths of darkness while communicating.

Su Yi, who had been observing secretly, saw clearly that these men seemed to be holding weapons such as steel bars, kitchen knives, and homemade bows and arrows.

"In the hot doomsday, the enemy is suffering from high temperatures. I'm afraid they have some ulterior motive with so many weapons."

Su Yi murmured, suddenly alert: "There must be someone in the shop, they are going to rob the shop!"

The high-temperature apocalypse will only bring extreme changes in climate, breaking the original living environment of humans on earth, but it will not directly eliminate humans.

Compared with the unbearable hot temperatures, humans are most in danger to each other.

The shutdown of global cities and the lack of various resources can easily breed the deepest darkness in the human heart.

At this time, the more people who do not abide by the old rules, the more nourished they are in life.


"Hero, spare your life! Spare your life...ah!"

"Husband! What did you do to my husband!"

"It's killing people! Come on, people are killing people!!"

The ear-piercing screams suddenly broke through the night sky. In the dark depths not far from the street, the screams of men and the screams of women were clearly heard, mixed with the cries of children.

For a moment, a nervous atmosphere enveloped several nearby residential buildings.

In the darkness, countless pairs of prying eyes silently stared at the direction from which the sound came.

About an hour later, Brother Li and others walked back carrying large and small bags of supplies, chatting and laughing along the way.

"Brother, why don't you let me fuck that girl? She has some taste."

"What do you know? You need to conserve your energy now. Aren't you afraid of dying of dehydration if you do that in such a hot weather?"

"Hey, it's a pity, I just touched it, but it feels really good, haha!"

"Hurry! We have food now. Let's move it a few more times at night to make sure others don't miss it."

The men smiled obscenely from time to time during the exchange and sounded very happy.

Su Yi saw that many of them had some fresh blood on their bodies, and there were also red marks on their hands.

"They are indeed a group of dangerous people."

Su Yi squinted his eyes slightly. He was glad that he didn't open the door during the day. Otherwise, if he encountered this group of people alone and was weak, the freezer at home would definitely be robbed.

"This group of people must be together, but they don't know what their talents are?"

"They adapt to the rules of the doomsday very quickly. If they are allowed to develop like this, I'm afraid I will be dug out by them sooner or later."

Su Yi thought silently in his heart, and an uneasy feeling arose in his heart.

These guys didn't break in today, but the future is hard to say.

Once human beings break the shackles of their hearts, they can do anything, and they are very likely to break in from house to house, rob and collect supplies.

"We must find a way to strengthen the defense measures of the shelter. I must be able to protect myself."

Su Yi closed the curtains silently and sat in the darkness to think calmly.

Soon, he reopened the trading platform, put four bottles of ice water on the shelves one after another, and changed the trading requirements to: all effective means of self-protection in shelters.

Whether it's weapons, equipment, or anything else, Su Yi can change it as long as it can improve the safety of the shelter.

He even emphasized in the message: "If you feel the price is not suitable, you can leave a message to discuss."

As long as the items are good enough, it doesn't matter even if you need to exchange multiple bottles of ice water for them.

After all, at noon tomorrow, the freezer will automatically generate 10 bottles of ice water. Su Yi's ice water transaction is completely costless.

"Brother Bing Shui is out again! A new order for ice water has appeared! 4 bottles are on sale at once! It's definitely Brother Bing Shui himself!"

"Let me take a look at the order... Oops, Brother Bingshui wants to use defensive methods this time. This is a clear idea."

"Brother Bingshui has enough food and drink now. If he can get some defensive measures, he can basically rest easy in this doomsday."

"Damn, I'm dying of thirst here. My neighbor's family has all died, but Brother Bingshui has already started to consider the safety of the shelter."

"Humanity should unite and overcome difficulties together! I call on Brother Bingshui to provide more ice water to everyone free of charge and be a great hero for the people of the city!"

Some discussions about new ice water orders floated in the chat channel, but there were still more messages for help and calls from self-proclaimed saviors.

On the night of the second day of the doomsday, people had lost the novelty of the initial experience of the doomsday, and all that was left was the fear of the future.

Resources are becoming increasingly scarce, and the temperature is becoming increasingly hot and unstoppable. People must face up to it: this is a global terrorist disaster that will really kill people!

And it is precisely because of the scarcity of resources that Su Yi's ice water is particularly popular.

The few bottles of ice water bought in the afternoon have been consumed. The new order of four bottles of ice water has attracted the attention of most of the surviving shelters in the city, and replies are constantly sent to Su Yi.

Su Yi carefully checked and spent an hour to carefully select what he wanted from a large number of replies.

In the end, Su Yi chose a set of small compound crossbows, equipped with 30 professional steel arrows, as well as corresponding repair tools and replacement parts, and instructions for use.

This thing is a controlled item in peacetime, and its lethality is not inferior to that of a pistol.

It is worth a lot of money. Su Yi finally traded with the other party with three bottles of water, and Su Yi exchanged another bottle of water for an insulated jacket.

"These guys are too stingy, one is smarter than the other. Although ice water is precious, it can only be exchanged for so many things."

Su Yi took a deep breath. In the end, people are calculating carefully.

Now that Su Yi has a thing, he feels a little safer.

He glanced at the door that he had blocked tightly, and put the crossbow next to the pillow to make sure he could take it in his hand when he went to sleep.

Su Yi also put on the heat-insulating jacket, but unfortunately the effect was not very obvious, and he still felt stuffy.

"With food, water and weapons, what I lack now should be medicine."

Su Yi lay on the bed, slowly thinking about his future survival plan in the dark: "Tomorrow's ice water, try to change some medicine, such as Huoxiang Zhengqi water."

"I don't know what tomorrow's reward is. Now that I have basic survival guarantees, will the reward be repeated food and water? Or something new?"

While thinking slowly, Su Yi fell asleep unknowingly.


"Ah! Don't come over, I'll call the police!"

"Help! Someone save me! Someone is going to kill someone!!"

Suddenly, a woman's shrill scream came from upstairs, waking Su Yi from his sleep.

He quickly got up from the bed, quickly picked up the crossbow, and looked at the door with vigilance.

The door was safe and sound, and there was no one else in the house.

After ensuring his own safety, Su Yi cast his eyes on the ceiling.

This is an old residential area, and the sound insulation is not very good. Su Yi can clearly hear the clanging and fighting sounds coming from upstairs.

There are men shouting and scolding, women screaming, and objects in the room being smashed.

"What are you doing! Are you going to hurt people!"

"Don't... don't come over! I have a weapon... ah!"

Another man screamed, it seems that a brave guy was subdued.

"Is it Brother Li's group?"

Su Yi's eyes were solemn, thinking in his heart.

According to the situation in the past two days, only Brother Li's group in his building seems to be very combat-ready.

But whether it is them or not, the current situation means that someone in this residential building can't help but start searching around.

Starting with the neighbors, breaking into the house to rob supplies.

The worst situation under the doomsday has gradually unfolded, and the human group without order will become extremely chaotic and dangerous.

Su Yi waited nervously in silence. An hour later, the noise upstairs gradually stopped.

The perpetrators did not seem to have any new expansion moves. They did not go downstairs to approach Su Yi's room.

But Su Yi knew that the reserve resources of just one room would definitely not satisfy this group of perpetrators.

It would not be long before this group of people would come to his door.

"I can't avoid it. I will face this group of people sooner or later."

Su Yi's heart was heavy. He looked around and found that the sky outside the window had already brightened. The sky outside was still red, and the air was full of twisted rolling heat waves.

The wall clock happened to reach 12 noon at this moment.

Now is noon on the third day of the doomsday.

[Congratulations, you have stayed in the shelter for a new 24 hours and triggered the talent reward of the shelter! ]

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