Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 302 Standing on the edge of the abyss and heaven, a madman holding a miracle.

Chen Yanshuo smiled shyly, with a hint of expectation and grievance in his eyes.

He looked like a boy next door, innocent and inexperienced.

But Su Yi didn't believe this guy.

Su Yi didn't believe every word he said!

Taiwan Novel Network → smoke𝚠𝚔g𝚗.𝚌Wu𝚖

"Although we haven't met, we have been fighting for a while."

Su Yi played with the short knife in his hand and looked up and down at Chen Yanshuo: "You claim to be strong and want to behead, but after being restrained by me, you said that there are others behind you?"

"Do you think I will believe it?"

Su Yi's face was full of irony: "A guy who can carry out a blood-sucking plan for the entire Jiangnan area and regards human life as grass, now pretending to be innocent with me?"

"Am I so... a hero?"

Chen Yanshuo was startled, and he seemed a little surprised, as if he was praised.

This made Su Yi frown. He felt that this guy's mind was a little weird. Was he pretending too much, or was he mentally ill?

Su Yi looked up at Wang Chen, who said calmly: "Although he is strong, his abilities are too complicated and different from ordinary people."

Is it because of his talent?

Su Yi's eyes fell on Chen Yanshuo again, and he silently used the exploration skill on him.

Due to the squeezing effect of Wang Chen's God of War domain, Su Yi's exploration of Chen Yanshuo was not hindered at all, and he could directly see all the effects of Chen Yanshuo's talents.

[Despair Abyss and Miracle Paradise]: SSS-level shelter talent; his two feet stepped on the edges of despair and hope respectively, and he turned into the abyss once, which was the symbol of a lone walker.

[Talent Effect]: He has both [Ordinary] and [Blessing] talent effects, which can be used any number of times a day, and are not affected by any restraining mechanism effects of the same level or below; if he is in the [Ordinary] state for more than one month, he and the other party will lose all their talents, skills and all mechanism abilities (not affecting their respective talent units); if he [Blessing] more than 100 times, he will choose n*2 random abilities to keep when he is in the Ordinary state, and the retained abilities are not affected by the Ordinary effect (n is the level of the current shelter).

[Ordinary]: All units within a 1000-meter range around him (controllable, minimum 10-meter range) can choose whether to make them enter the Ordinary state according to their own will; after entering the Ordinary state, the target will lose all mechanism abilities and effects within the range (talent units will not disappear, but will also lose their abilities). If a single target enters the Ordinary state more than 3 times at the same time, the current shelter will be lost immediately!

[Blessing]: You can cast it on any target holding a shelter. After blessing, you can make [Stable advancement of shelter talent (cannot exceed your own level)] and [Random replacement of shelter talent]. The choice of two effects is controllable; each time you successfully bless, if you choose the first blessing effect, you will inherit 1% of the body data of the blessed target unit (the maximum inheritance limit is n*10000); if you choose the second blessing effect, you will obtain the shelter talent before the replacement of the blessed target unit (obtained in the form of personal skills).

[Hidden information]: Currently 30,000 points (reaching the upper limit) of basic body data have been inherited.

[Hidden information]: Currently 425,123 "talent" skills have been inherited.

[Hidden information]: When the number of abilities inherited by blessing is higher than the body value, the greater the gap, the heavier the burden on your soul and spirit, and it is suspected to have adverse consequences.


"He is really a potential mental patient..."

Su Yi murmured. Perhaps because Wang Chen's suppression was too strong, the information he found this time was very complete and detailed.

Chen Yanshuo's shelter level is level 3. Although it is not high, the terrifying data of 30,000 points in all physical values ​​shows that he loves to use blessing skills.

He has as many as 420,000 blessing skills. Who knows how many SS-level skills and S-level skills there are!

What's more exaggerated is the ordinary effect, which can directly suppress the mechanism effect of all units, allowing both parties to enter the "ordinary" state at the same time, but still retain a large number of talent skills!

What's more, this guy has no limit to the number of blessings and ordinary times per day!

Isn't this pure rogue!

No wonder there are so many Nine City strongmen on the Dantu front battlefield, no wonder they listen to Chen Yanshuo so much.

For Chen Yanshuo, it only takes a few small blessings to quickly grow from an ordinary and humble talent to a talented strongman that people look up to.

He controls the source of power, almost the mechanism of talent itself!

With such a powerful talent, there is no need to worry about building a loyal and powerful army of talents.

"Are you scolding me?"

Chen Yanshuo suddenly looked at Su Yi suspiciously. He raised his hand and pointed at Su Yi's nose, and suddenly became excited: "Ah! You are scolding me! I just heard it! You called me a psychopath!"

"How can you do this! Mr. Su, I respect you so much, but you scolded me!"

Chen Yanshuo was very excited, but after looking into Wang Chen's eyes again, his excited expression quickly calmed down, and he turned to be wronged and lowered his head, looking like he was about to cry.

Su Yi looked at Chen Yanshuo silently, without answering this guy's sudden excitement.

Su Yi was thinking about the effect of Chen Yanshuo's talent.

To be honest, if Wang Chen is missing, Su Yi feels that he will not be a match for this guy.

Although Su Yi has not been tested yet, based on Su Yi's understanding of his own talents, the talent effect of the otaku's house is actually very obvious, that is, it is very easy to be affected by other effects.

The otaku's house is a talent that drags on the later stage. The later the effect, the stronger it is, but the possibility of being restricted itself is also greater.

Even Lin Yue's good luck effect can easily affect him, so facing such a guy who can directly make people "ordinary", the possibility of the otaku's house continuing to work is basically impossible.

Su Yi knows the effect of his talent mechanism very well, and he is not discouraged or surprised by this. After all, the stronger the mechanism talent, the more obvious the weakness is, which conforms to the underlying logic of the operation of the doomsday mechanism.

For example, the otaku's house is easily affected by the effects of buffs, such as Chen Dafeng's talent is easily restrained by spiritual talents, such as Yao Lao's talent is that he has no means of attack... Each talent is also advanced, and the tendency of being restrained by each other is more obvious.

But Chen Yanshuo's talent is different!

Su Yi couldn't figure out the weakness of Chen Yanshuo's talent. Could it be that a little bit of mental influence is a weakness?

This thing is too ridiculous. It can't be caught and restrained by others at all.

Looking at Chen Yanshuo's conversation and words, he can communicate with people normally with more than 400,000 talents, which means that this mental burden is not too big.

Don't you see Chen Dafeng, even if there is no mechanism to deal with mental burden, he will still go crazy from time to time.

Su Yi can't see Chen Yanshuo's weakness for the time being, he can only detect some things wrong.

"After careful analysis, his talent seems to be a little imperfect."

"The talent says that it can ordinary all targets, but his talent effect seems to be ineffective for Wang Chen."

Su Yi glanced at Wang Chen again, the God of War was still so indifferent, just looking at him with a probing look for a moment, and then looked at Chen Yanshuo again.

"Make the ordinary ordinary... This is what Chen Yanshuo said just now, and judging from the way he just walked in, he obviously knows Wang Chen."

"But I have only recruited Wang Chen not long ago, and I haven't even seen Wang Chen fight with my own eyes. Why is he so afraid?"

"If I have his talent, I will never be afraid of an SSS-level talent unit, even if the strength of the talent unit is generally stronger than that of the talent of the same level."

"After all, Chen Yanshuo's talent is no longer described by strength. The more than 400,000 talent skills can make him a warrior with almost no weaknesses, an all-round warrior who can make his opponent ordinary. What is there to be afraid of?"

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and he calculated in his mind for a moment: "So, Chen Yanshuo still has secrets that I don't know."

"Mr. Su, what are you still thinking about?"

Chen Yanshuo was a little impatient. He fidgeted, looking at Wang Chen and Su Yi for a while: "Can we talk? Give me a word! If you don't say something, believe it or not, I will die in front of you!"

Die for me?

Su Yi raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "It seems that you have the ability to come back to life, right?"


Chen Yanshuo shook his head, and lowered his voice with a chuckle, his tone full of boasting: "It's even more awesome than that, how about you kill me and see?"

"But don't let him do it!"

Chen Yanshuo pointed at Wang Chen, his tone was not fearful, but repulsive.

"It's really hard to deal with someone who is not afraid of death. I seem to have no way to deal with him."

Su Yi looked at Chen Yanshuo thoughtfully. Chen Yanshuo raised his head proudly: "Of course! I have no flaws!"

"Since you are not afraid of death, then I will help you tie you up? Trap you here?"

Su Yi looked up at Wang Chen with a smile on his face: "Then I will send people to Shencheng to destroy all the shelters in the city. In this way, the mechanism effect on you should be gone, right?"

"Hey? Can it be like this?"

Chen Yanshuo was stunned. He suddenly realized, shrank into the sofa, and looked at Su Yi with fear on his face: "Fuck! You are a demon! How did you find my weakness! Are you really that smart!"

Does this have anything to do with intelligence? Anyone can think of it!


Su Yi is a little used to Chen Yanshuo's "retardation", although it is not clear whether he is pretending or real.

"Why are you so afraid of him?"

Su Yi knew that he couldn't answer according to the rhythm of this madman. He raised his hand and pointed at Wang Chen behind him, asking directly.

"Of course it's because he's strong."

Chen Yanshuo held the pillow in his arms, blinked at Su Yi, and asked strangely: "If it were you, wouldn't you be afraid? He is so powerful, who wouldn't be afraid of him."

Well... it's a very pure reason.

"Then how do you know he is strong?"

Su Yi narrowed his eyes and asked calmly: "If it were me, I really wouldn't be afraid."

"Because, I don't know him yet."

"He is my man, I don't know him, but you seem to know him very well."

Su Yi's body leaned forward slightly, and his tone became colder and colder: "Don't you think there are some strange things hidden in this?"

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