Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 300 Mr. Su, I heard you were looking for me


The lightning was still venting, and the amazing thunder kept hitting the giant and the scepter.

The thunder sea was so powerful and terrifying that Chen Xing was going crazy, but he could not see any signs of injury on the giant in front of him.

Is the gap between me and him so huge?

"This... How is this possible!"

Chen Xing's eyes were dull, and he didn't know how to attack.

His most proud talent, the ability that made countless gifted people feel despair in the unified nine cities, was as weak as a piece of paper.

The scepter was getting closer and closer!

Chen Xing didn't even have time to be afraid. He turned around and wanted to escape, but was horrified to find that no matter which direction he ran from, it was useless.

He seemed to be marking time forever, and the huge scepter that was slowly sweeping behind him was getting closer and closer!


Chen Xing's eyes widened, and he roared and hit his chest with both hands.


At the moment when Chen Xing hit himself, his body suddenly disappeared from the spot and turned into a purple arc of electricity that rushed far away.


Su Yi couldn't help but admire when he saw this scene: "It's worthy of being an SSS-level talent. There are indeed many tricks."

But no matter how many tricks there are, they are not very useful.

The purple arc of electricity rushed rapidly in the air, flying very fast, with a speed comparable to that of light.

But this is just Chen Xing's own feeling. In Su Yi's eyes, the arc of electricity has been staying in place and twisting constantly.

It seems to be struggling to move forward, but there are invisible big hands around pulling its tail, making it unable to move at all.



The scepter slowly and heavily hit the purple arc of electricity, and the majestic mass smashed it in an instant!


Chen Xing's body appeared from the arc of electricity, and flew backwards with blood spurting out.

Su Yi didn't know whether he died or not after this attack, but as Chen Xing's body fell into the golden ocean below, he disappeared.

"He must be dead now."

Su Yi murmured. According to the old man's innate effect in the fighting posture, there is basically no possibility for a creature that falls into the golden sea with serious injuries to survive.

This is probably like a person falling into the depths of a burning sun.

If he can still survive, he will be a high-dimensional organism that can roam the universe.

"What are you mumbling about? He is dead."

Suddenly, the old man's hoarse voice sounded in Su Yi's ears, which made Su Yi stunned.

He remembered that the old man's wick also has the effect of long-distance communication.

"Go to see your Captain Chen, I am here, and they can't hurt your woman yet."

Dongfang Zhiyuan's voice was hoarse, still the taste of an old man in his twilight years.

But in Su Yi's vision, the giant was clearly full of blood, holding a star scepter, and looking up at the eight city strongmen hiding in the clouds.

Their faces were filled with fear. Some people had tried to escape, but they could not leave the range of the golden sea.

Even if the golden sea was only under their feet, it still had a locking effect.

It seemed that as long as the giant saw them, they could not escape!

Should they stay and continue fighting?

Stop it!

The giant bathed in thunder looked like a god in mythology, which made it impossible for people to raise the will to resist.

The strong men of the eight cities had only endless regrets in their hearts at this moment. If they had known that their opponents were so strong that they were not human, they would never believe Chen Yanshuo's nonsense and temptations!

But now it was too late to say anything. They wanted to escape but could not, and the giant in front of them did not intend to give them the opportunity to beg for mercy and regret.

"Next, who will die!"

The giant hummed and rolled down like thunder: "The blessing has not ended yet, and the long lamp still has light! Enter my lamp quickly and light yourself and bless others!"



Su Yi waved his fists and laughed, his voice full of joy.

The old man is too strong!

No wonder the talent unit notes said that the old man gave himself a rank to respond to the recruitment.

At first, Su Yi thought that even if the old man gave himself a rank, it meant that the old man might be an SSS-level talent unit.

But now it seems that it is not that simple.

"Even if there is a gap between the strength of SSS-level talents and SSS-level talent units, they are not as good as them, but they will not be killed instantly without any resistance."

Su Yi murmured, and after he calmed down, he thought: "Could it be that for some special talent units, SSS-level is only the highest rank that the mechanism can present, but it cannot fully represent the strength of these talents."

"I became SSS-level not because I am SSS-level, but because the highest rank of the mechanism is only SSS-level?"

"Hiss, this makes sense!"

Su Yi suddenly realized that he remembered that when Wang Shi was recruited, he had mentioned to him the test under the doomsday mechanism.

According to what Wang Shi said at the time, the doomsday rotation mechanism that the human beings on Earth are facing now is, on the surface, a punishment imposed on the Earth by some mysterious existence, with the risk of extinction of the race.

But fundamentally speaking, it is a test.

In Wang Shi's era, the phenomenon of doomsday rotation was called "Judgment Doomsday", which was described as a random test of different civilizations by higher-level existences.

Its purpose is unknown, its background is unknown, its identity is unknown, its means are unknown, and its technological level is unknown.

This is obviously an extremely advanced and powerful existence.

Su Yi was in awe at first, and Wang Shi didn't know much, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Now that Su Yi witnessed the old man's battle with his own eyes, he couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart: "If everything goes as Wang Shi said, then the purpose of the mechanism is to test. What is the test?"

"A test of whether humans on earth can survive the constant apocalypse? Hiss...that's not quite right. If it's just a pure test, then the current situation shouldn't be too difficult for me, right?"

Su Yi murmured.

Based on the old man's combat prowess, one can obviously estimate Wang Chen's strength.

Although Su Yi did not see Wang Chen fighting with his own eyes, he could guess that Wang Chen and the old man were of the same level.

Wang Chen, known as the God of War, can only be stronger.

That ends here, not to mention whether he will recruit stronger talent units in the future, but the old man and Wang Chen are enough to solve the doomsday mechanism of the earth, right?

"That's not quite right. There should be something in it that I haven't mastered yet."

Su Yi frowned. If he followed this path, even the SSS-level talents would not be a match for these two people. Who could scheme against Su Yi?

No matter how brilliant the ingenuity is, it is still pale and powerless in the face of too strong strength.

Jiang Xiaoci is already extremely intelligent, but she made many subtle misjudgments when facing behind-the-scenes surprise attacks. This was due to her lack of understanding of our top combat power and her lack of understanding of the enemy's top combat power. learn.

"Unless there are talented people on earth like me, with a talent unit of Wang Chen's level."

"But if this is the case... in the end, the danger of the doomsday mechanism will just change from the danger of internal fighting among humans on earth. In any case... mankind has at least lost the risk of being destroyed. The underlying test logic of the doomsday rotation mechanism There is a risk of collapse.”

This is not the only thing Su Yi can't understand. He is even more confused now: "If it is based on the [test], it is only the third doomsday. If the intensity of the following doomsday is similar or stronger than the previous one, what will happen to it?" It’s not a problem for me.”

"It's just that now, I have the top power of Wang Chen and the old man... Will this test be a bit too weak for me?"

"Is there a loophole in the mechanism itself?"

Su Yi didn't know the answer. He felt that he hadn't reached a higher level yet, so he didn't fully understand the key.

"Forget it, don't think about this, let's deal with the matter in front of you first."

Su Yi took a deep breath. He switched his perspective and saw that Chen Dafeng had completed the final sniper kill. He caught the three people who escaped, killed them and left one alive.

As for the army establishment of 30,000 people, Chen Dafeng was able to destroy them all effortlessly.

A modern army of only 30,000 people could be dealt with by Chen Dafeng in ordinary times, not to mention that Chen Dafeng is now at his strongest.

When Su Yi switched perspectives, Chen Dafeng was already carrying the prisoner and chasing him in the direction of Dantu.

Although he lost contact with Su Yi, Chen Dafeng knew what he should do now.

The enemies on the first line of defense were eliminated. He needed to bring the prisoners back to Dantu and hand them over to Jiang Xiaoci, and at the same time restore contact with Su Yi to obtain the next military mission.

"If he rushes back here and joins forces with the old man, basically the retreat plan will be worry-free."

Su Yi took a deep breath and waited for the frontline to contact him with a smile.

Judging from the current overall situation, the raid plan of the mastermind behind this time should be regarded as a complete collapse, without having the slightest effect.

Of course, this is also thanks to the existence of the old man and Chen Dafeng, especially the old man, who can resist the strong men of eight cities!

"It's just that the mastermind behind this hasn't appeared yet. It seems that he is also a cautious person. Even when it comes to a full-scale attack on me, he still hides."

Su Yi frowned, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Would the top powerhouse who could unify the nine cities within three months not have a plan for defeat in advance?

In other words, doesn’t he have any new backhand or trump card?

Did he really reveal his trump cards against himself in one fell swoop, leaving no room for error?

"It's unlikely. The person who can unify the Nine Cities is definitely not that simple."

Su Yi murmured and sat on the sofa: "Did I overlook something... Could it be that he was actually at the Dantu battlefield, but he didn't dare to show up after seeing the old man's great power, so he ran away?"

"Or is it that he is not really on the frontline battlefield, and he wants to start from other places to implement a new siege against me?"

"Well, did you go to Xinchang?"

"Wait a minute, you can't come to Jinling to find me!"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled dumbly: "I also have a wick with me. If something happens to me, the old man will be able to rush to my side almost immediately."

"Even if he doesn't know this, he should have guessed that the raid on Aurous Hill is not in line with his cautious character who has always been hiding behind the scenes."

Su Yi is not afraid.

He also knew that he should have understood himself behind the scenes and knew that he had many trump cards, so how could he easily win against the king?

If this thing is not done well, one of the two will die. Who dares to do this easily?

Just when Su Yi was deducing in his mind where the mastermind behind the scenes would be, suddenly, a change occurred!

"Dong dong dong."

There was a slight but rhythmic knock outside Su Yi's bedroom door.


Su Yi was stunned and instantly shuddered!

Who is knocking?

This is where he lives, the most secure area in Jinling!

No matter who comes to visit him, they will not knock on the door, but will only let the guards or robots outside the door to report.

Even if there is no guard at the door, the security intelligent system in the room will directly inform Su Yi of the identity information of the visitor outside.

But at this moment, there is no guard's report outside the door, and the security system inside the door is silent.

At this moment, it seems that Su Yi's room does not have any early warning and safety devices, but is just an ordinary house, and visitors are knocking on the door.

"Definitely not one of us!"

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and his hands flashed with light.

But in an instant, his hands were already holding an S-level weapon and equipment.

He has a lot of reserves, and the grade is not low. His own strength is comparable to that of an S-level combat talent because of the skill effect of parasitizing Chen Dafeng.

But even so, Su Yi did not dare to act rashly.

He used the connection skill to connect to the perspective of the guard outside the door.

"It's the new trump card behind the scenes. They really want to execute a decapitation operation on me!"

"But why do you have to knock on the door? Wouldn't it be better to just kill in directly?"

Su Yi had doubts in his heart, and his skills were also successfully used to successfully connect with the guard outside the door.

When Su Yi first looked outside the door through the guard's perspective, he saw a young man in a casual shirt standing outside the door. He seemed to have noticed something and put away his right hand that was knocking on the door, and looked up at the guard next to him.

The young man smiled suddenly, nodded and bowed slightly to the guard next to him: "Hello, Mr. Su, first meeting."

"My name is Chen Yanshuo, I heard that you have been looking for me."

"No, I came to your door in person."

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