Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 294 Perhaps, I am the one who is killing you!


Jiang Xiaoci was startled, and pursed her red lips.

The gentleman only said that Wang Chen was powerful, saying that he was far better than the old man, but he did not mention... He was a god.

In this trance, Jiang Xiaoci suddenly understood the true meaning of what Wang Chen said.

God is not his modifier, but a statement of fact.

"Mr. Wang Chen, you..."

When Jiang Xiaoci opened his mouth, he found that the communication had been disconnected.

But fortunately, Wang Chen had understood the difficulties Su Yi was facing now, or he was solving this difficulty.

"I seem to..."

Jiang Xiaoci silently put down the communicator in his hand, and a deep surprise flashed in his beautiful eyes: "I seem to have played an extraordinary chess piece."


In the boundless and lush forest of Sheshan in Shencheng, there are a large number of military vehicles like ants crawling, densely covering the ground like a long dragon.

The land of Sheshan has cracked, and the entire national forest park is full of traces of human modification.

If you look down from the sky, you can clearly see that the national park is shining with metallic luster everywhere.

Inside the mountain soil, there is a whole top military base that is as boundless as a mountain!

Thousands of fighter jets are launched from the mountain pass! Self-propelled robots are bouncing down from the mountainside!

A large number of soldiers in camouflage uniforms, holding sci-fi guns, are looming in the forest. Their uniforms seem to have a stealth effect of refracting light.

There are small jet nozzles near the back and soles of each soldier. The exoskeleton they wear can not only provide powerful kinetic energy assistance, but also enable them to have the ability to stay in the air for a certain period of time.

This place is not close to Shencheng, but the sky is clear, and the impact of the third doomsday does not seem to have affected this place.

The dazzling sunlight spreads all over the earth, and everyone's vision is unobstructed.

A large number of snipers on the ground could see through their telescopes that there was a man standing in the sky with his hands behind his back. He was stepping on the clouds and wind in the air, and his upright figure seemed to be covered with an indescribable sacred charm under the sunlight.

No one fired, but just stared at the man in the sky in silence.

They tried, and all the attack methods in this huge technology base had no effect on the man in the sky.

But there were still warriors who did not give up. There were S-level military talent units who stepped forward, lurking under the man, raising the S-level [Skybreaker] cannon in their hands, and firing the strongest laser from future technology!


The dazzling red laser cut through the sky and stabbed the young man from bottom to top!


The red laser cannon exploded in the air before it got close to the man, stirring up layers of gorgeous flowers in the sky.

"Damn it, it still has no effect!"

The S-level warrior was regretting, but he was too late to retreat.

The snipers saw that the cold and empty eyes of the man in the sky just fell lightly on the soldier who was about to retreat on the ground, and the soldier's body flew up out of thin air.


The soldier was shocked and struggled desperately, wanting to shout, but his throat was blocked, his face flushed red, and he couldn't make any sound.

He could only feel a tyrannical and irresistible force sweeping over his body, like an invisible giant hand holding a chicken and throwing him into the big pit in the middle of the battlefield.


The body of this S-level soldier exploded out of thin air, and the blood mist fell down, filling the big pit and soaking the twelve seriously injured people in the big pit.

"Who... who is he?"

In the deep pit of the national park, a woman who was broken from the waist raised her head weakly. She couldn't wipe off the blood on her face, and could only vaguely see Wang Chen's appearance in the misty vision.

Under the huge blue sky, he was just an insignificant black dot, but it gave people a deep sense of powerlessness that was too huge to resist.

It seemed that under this sky, no one could stop him, not even the blue sky behind him.

"Cough! Cough cough!"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, she couldn't help but feel her chest rise and fall violently. Blood was oozing from her mouth and nose while she coughed. Her face was as pale as gold paper, and she was staggering as if she was about to die.

"Don't talk! Don't talk!"

The man beside her was trembling all over. He dragged his body and put his last intact right hand on the woman's wound, trying his best to treat her.

"It's useless... We lost. All twelve of us couldn't beat him."

The woman was smiling bitterly. She barely raised her hand to wipe off the blood mist covering her eyes, and tried to raise her head. Her beautiful eyes looked at Wang Chen in the sky unwillingly.

"I thought... we were the masters of this era."

"We... the twelve stars of Wengzhou, so many of us... SS-level! In front of him... we seem to be a group of ants... I'm so unwilling!"

The woman's voice became lighter and her eyes became brighter. Wang Chen turned his head slightly. He noticed the woman's eyes and cast a calm gaze.

The woman stared at him intently, slightly opening her red lips: "You...are you the SSS-level that Shen Cheng mentioned?"

She had not finished her question, and when the last word fell, her body had already stiffened.


The SS-level healing talent could not save her life, and the raging divine power in her body took away the last light of life.


In the big pit, the man was screaming like crazy, the sound was extremely shrill, and blood flowed from the empty blood hole.

"Chen Yanshuo! You lied to us! You lied to us!!!"

His hatred was so vivid that it made people feel terrified.

Twelve SS-level talents!

Why can't twelve people even touch one of his fingers!

Why is the gap between us so big! Why doesn't Chen Yanshuo say anything!

Wang Chen still had no expression on his face, just raised his hand slightly and pressed it gently.


The huge force out of thin air covered the pit in an instant, and the incomplete bodies of the twelve people in the pit were severely injured in an instant, as if they were pressed by Mount Tai, and they were crushed into powder in an instant!

The desperate roar stopped abruptly, and the defense line of the national park battlefield collapsed in less than five minutes.

In the only technology base, tens of thousands of soldiers were stunned, and no one knew whether they would continue to launch a new attack on Wang Chen.

After the last round of offensive stop order, the new attack order has not yet been received, and only the constant quarrels of the think tanks came from the command room.

"The Star-Destroying Cannon is charging! We have reached the most critical moment! We must launch a new attack!"

"Behind us is Shencheng, this line of defense must not be lost!"

"It's useless! It's useless! The Star-Destroying Cannon has no energy, and we have used up all our means! Do we have to use human lives to fill it?"

"Then use lives to fill it, we still have 60,000 soldiers! The Twelve Stars of Wengzhou can't have died in vain, this man must have been exhausted!"

"Fuck you! Our Mingzhou Legion is not here to die! Is Shencheng my territory? If you want to continue fighting, let Chen Yanshuo come to see me!"

"What did he promise us? He said he had taken Guangling! He said there were people in Dantu who were gifted with the ability to bring the dead back to life! He said he would split Jinling in two! What did he do!"

"He didn't even tell us where this damn man came from! He is definitely SSS-level! He is definitely!!"

"Then what are we waiting for... Contact Chongshan! Chongshan is also SSS-level, we still have hope! They are just trying to save Zhao from Wei! Let Chongshan's action team come back!"

Finally, the fierce argument in the command room came to a brief end, and they seemed to have reached a consensus.

"The communication is broken... I can't contact Chongshan, I can't contact Chen Yanshuo."

"What did you say?!!"

"News came from Shencheng, the whole city is empty, there are only useless people, and no military force is left!"

"Chen Yanshuo has fooled us! We are abandoned pawns! He has bet all his military strength on the battlefield of Jinling!"

The entire command room was filled with silence and despair.

After a while, someone asked tremblingly: "We...are we going to die today?"

Who can stop the man outside?

Just relying on these 60,000 soldiers who have not died yet?

The way he killed the twelve strong men was so desperate that people could not breathe. These 60,000 people were just 60,000 ants to him!

Maybe, it was just a matter of stepping on them.

Despair roamed the room, blocking everyone's mouth and nose.

Until someone broke the silence, with a trembling and ecstatic voice: "He's gone! Look!! He's gone!!"

Everyone rushed to the far-sighted port of the base and looked out of the mountain in disbelief.

The man in the sky disappeared.

There were technological cameras that recorded his whereabouts. He just looked in the direction of Shencheng for a while, turned around and left, breaking into the clouds and disappearing.

He came, killed people, and then left.

From beginning to end, this man never said a word. No one even knew his name, and no one knew what his innate ability was.

"He's finally gone!"

Everyone was relieved, and everyone woke up to sweat soaking their backs.

But some people were murmured and asked softly: "Why didn't he kill...did he find that Shencheng was an empty city?"

At the critical moment of the game between the two sides, such a strong man could not stay to massacre the people in the city who had no ability to resist.

"He went back to Jinling!"

Someone jumped up: "Is Chen Yanshuo there!"

"Hehe, let him go! Let him go!"

There was a think tank in Wengzhou with red eyes, laughing hoarsely: "He will die! He will be killed by our SSS-level!!"

"Chen Yanshuo, will never let such a strong opponent go!"


Dantu's first line of defense.

"You are so incompetent! You waste!!"

"Hahahaha, if you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

Chen Dafeng's laughter was still raging on the battlefield, and the surrounding fog had been constantly stirred in the fight between the two, and completely dissipated.

The fight between Li Poyun and Chen Dafeng was too intense. Every time they punched each other, they could stir up an infinite and fierce airflow, sweeping around with a hissing sound, and tearing the fog in this area, revealing a ray of blue sky in the sky.


Another two punches hit each other, exploding visible ripples that swept around, overturned abandoned military vehicles, and deafened everyone's ears.


Sister Yueyue stood in front of Xu Ka, squinting her eyes and holding a knife, gritting her teeth to block this extremely strong shock wave.

Even though she had tried her best, she was still forced to drag the boy back and was forced out of the battlefield like flying.

Her chest rose and fell violently under the pressure of the shock wave, and her throat rolled and surged with a trace of sweetness, and she had the urge to spit blood.

These two monsters!

Are they still SS-level talents?

The aftermath of such a horrific fight far exceeded the strength of all the SS-level talents she had seen. These were simply two living perverts!

When she stood firm, she looked up at the battlefield.

But she saw Li Poyun holding his fists across his chest, his eyes narrowed, standing firmly like a cheetah. The clouds of air around him had dimmed for the most part, but he still maintained his most high-spirited fighting spirit, ready to launch new attacks and defenses at any time.

Anyone hiding in the dark could see that although Li Poyun's fists were clenched tightly, his ten knuckles had been twisted like a twist, there were exaggerated sunken wounds all over his body, and new blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, covering the old bloodstains.

He was seriously injured.

Chen Dafeng, who was standing not far away from him, looked even more terrifying!

At this moment, Chen Dafeng's two soles were broken at the ankles, and his bones and tendons were exposed as he stepped on the mud.

His right leg was bent inward at the knee and had cracked. His left arm was completely gone. Only his right fist was still clenched, and bright red blood was flowing in the cracks of his fist.

This was a shocking pain. Su Chen saw it and couldn't help but clench his fist.

He was already wounded and no one knew how long Chen Dafeng could hold on, but his laughter was still wild and arrogant, as if he had endless vitality.

"Hahaha! Li Poyun, you useless thing!"

"Six people killed me, can't you do it!"

Chen Dafeng laughed more and more arrogantly, and his eyes swept through the darkness around Li Poyun.

He could only see Li Poyun, Xu Ka and Yueyue with alert faces, and the other three hid again.

But he didn't care.

"How long can you bunch of useless people hold on?"

"Maybe I will kill you!"

Chen Dafeng's mouth was pulled apart, revealing bloody teeth. He was still laughing arrogantly, full of confidence.

He straightened his wounded body, held his head high, and still looked down upon everyone!

Just like the little white bear that day, the man that frightened the whole city!

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