Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 289 The deadlock is about to end, and the anomaly behind the scenes

Is it difficult?

Of course it is difficult!

The doomsday is changing, the earth is in danger, and there are people lurking around secretly.

In this situation, we want to protect the people of the four cities, pursue zero casualties, and ensure everyone's quality of life, and truly achieve the slogan of "disaster relief" that we shouted.

It is no exaggeration to say that the difficulty of this matter is almost visible to the naked eye.

But nothing in the world is simple. Su Yi just wants a peace of mind and his values.

It is said that what goes up should be followed. Su Yi's attitude has been very firm from beginning to end, and it is precisely because of his firmness that he can directly affect all the staff who are collectively engaged in disaster relief work in Jinling.

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Not to mention the loyal and obedient talent units, the people who originally transformed from talented people to partial managers are actually the most difficult to manage.

People's hearts are unpredictable, and they will be arrogant if they have a little power.

But the political correctness above is there, and the emphasis and supervision from Su Yi is a sword hanging over everyone's head.

Let alone harming the interests of the masses, even if the power in your hands is a little willful, you will immediately receive the intimate greetings of the "Corruption Rectification, Integrity at the End of the World" supervision team within the management.

No matter what era, as long as there is a management agency, there will be corrupt officials.

This is human nature and cannot be changed, but what is important is the attitude of the top level.

The first batch of staff who settled in Dantu made the people of Dantu fully aware of the top-level ideology of Jinling Group.

In fact, it is not unfamiliar, it is the same as our ideology in peacetime.

Do things for the people and serve the masses.

Occasionally there are bad things, just report them actively.

Let alone the darkness and cruelty of the end of the world cannot fall on people's heads, even if they take a little more from the masses, it will be severely punished.

The staff under Su Yi dare not say that their hearts are all right, but on the surface no one dares to violate this set of values ​​and ideological attitudes, and the people of Dantu expressed satisfaction in their first experience.

At least in Dantu's chat channel and in personal contact, Su Yi has not found any evil or complaints yet.

The only thing that Dantu people are not used to is the unified allocation of talent products and shelter resources by Jinling Group.

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is actually to concentrate favorable resources to fight against external threats. It is a conventional and correct approach, but the people of Dantu are used to living a free life under Li Aiguo's command, and they can't turn around for a while.

There is no perfect solution in the world. How can you ask the collective to guarantee your own safety and refuse to support the collective.

Under the guidance of Li Aiguo and the planning of Jiang Xiaoci, the adaptation of this kind of new system is very fast. In just a few days, the Dantu people have adapted to it.

The collective did not take much, just the excess resources that the Dantu people could not spend.

Rather than leaving them at home to rot, it is better to give them to the collective and to those who need them.

Compared with the collective taking away some resources, Wang Chen personally took action to dispel the ghost fog in Dantu, making Dantu the second city to restore light after Jinling. This reward is huge and visible to the naked eye.

Let the darkness disappear and the light reappear.

Let everyone see the alternation of day and night again, and let the people of Dantu no longer worry about the dilemma of the heart-stealing demon and the ghost fog. This is the first practical thing done by the Jinling Group.

Especially when everyone knows that even Xinchang City has not received this treatment, the sense of pride and being valued is unparalleled.

After the fifth day of the deadlock, Dantu City basically announced its formal integration into the Jinling Group. The management work inside and outside the city has been completed, and the exchange of resources between the three cities has been put on track.

At noon on the sixth day, Su Yi also received the news that the Xinchang fog was dispelled by Wang Chen.

This is not that Xinchang is not worthy of attention, and the progress of the fog dispelling work has been deliberately delayed. It is just that Xinchang has recently been conducting new training for combat talents.

The ghost fog dilemma is a natural training ground. It was Xinchang who requested to temporarily delay the work of dispersing the fog.

Xinchang now has a very clear positioning. Jinling is responsible for centralization, central management and the output of top talents; Dantu is responsible for the output of logistical resources and the establishment of special talents.

Then Xinchang must have something to show off in order to gain a foothold in the Jinling Group.

What can Xinchang show off?

Of course, it is a talented person with a lot of combat experience!

Before being liberated by Jinling, Xinchang had been in a situation of internal strife and disputes among various forces. Although not all people are soldiers, most people in the city have combat experience under the crazy absorption of major forces.

In addition, Xinchang itself has many combat talents. Their training base for the talented army is very consistent with the needs of the Jinling Group in improving the existing military establishment, and can meet the main direction of "realizing diversified, multi-establishment, and multi-type doomsday military" formulated by Su Yi to protect the people.

Of course, Su Yi can't take care of these things now, and even if he wants to manage them, he has no place to intervene.

Now Su Yi has fully returned to his previous empty and boring otaku life in the past few days.

It is not his turn to worry about the management of all parties. It takes time to develop and strengthen the forces...Su Yi himself has become the most idle person in the entire Jinling Group. In addition to playing games in the house every day, the most concerned thing is what rewards will be given by today's talent?

[Congratulations! Trigger today's talent reward and obtain the S-level technology prop "Strong Electromagnetic Light Curtain Module". 】

[Strong Electromagnetic Light Curtain Module]: It can be loaded in our buildings of technology types such as shelters, rooms, and bases to achieve a fully electromagnetic controllable environment within a diameter of 100 kilometers (including the sky and underground), and can achieve electromagnetic strikes on any enemy unit, and can achieve support attacks and range physical enhancement effects on any friendly unit.

"Damn! Another S-level reward, where is my grand prize?!"

Su Yi looked at the new props that appeared in the storage space of the shelter, waved his fists and sighed deeply.

For the past six days, he has been eagerly waiting for the powerful effect of the level 5 shelter talent every day!

The talent reward level of the Level 5 shelter is already S-level, and the lowest level of talent rewards every day is S-level, and Su Yi's talent jackpot probability still exists, which means that Su Yi can try his luck to get SS-level or even stronger rewards!

But unfortunately, the rewards for the past six days are all S-level types.

There are 3 S-level talents, 2 resource production props, and 1 technology combat module.

He didn't even see the shadow of the jackpot!

"Is it because the talent level is too high, so the probability of the jackpot is reduced?"

Su Yi murmured: "Or, I sent Lin Yue to Dantu to learn and organize the military organization of special talents, she is not with me, so my luck has become worse?"

"But it's not that there will be no jackpot for six days! This is a talent that has just been upgraded! At least give me some hard stuff!"

Su Yi sighed, and suddenly laughed again: "I seem to be a little pretentious."

Think about the days when the doomsday just started, multiple D-level props would make Su Yi happy for a long time.

Now that he gets S-level items every day, Su Yi doesn't care. Although he doesn't say he doesn't care, he is really calm.

"Forget it, let's wait and see."

"One reward a day, I don't believe I won't get a new big prize in my life!"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows. Anyway, his shelter is already level 5, and the minimum standard for rewards has been raised.

As long as he encounters a big prize, it will be a new huge improvement for him.

It doesn't matter, we can afford it!

"That guy has been waiting for six days and he doesn't plan to take action. The remnants of Guangling are almost unable to hold on, right?"

Su Yi put his mind back. He didn't plan to play games today. He was flipping through various front-line war reports on the table.

This is the situation of the Guangling front line handed over by the headquarters, as well as various evaluations and battlefield analysis intelligence provided by the staff.

During these six days, the situation in Guangling was very stable.

Although it was a situation of confrontation between the three parties, Jinling was still expanding its influence in a powerful and stable manner.

The rescue team and publicity group led by Qin Dashan have achieved absolute control over the chat channel in Jinling.

Coupled with the small-scale defensive battles that broke out several times a day, and the practical work done by the Jinling rescue team that the Guangling people felt personally.

In comparison, the people of Guangling felt that the Jinling side was simply too human!

This directly led to the Jinling Group's reputation in Guangling rising day by day.

Originally, in the stalemate of the first two days, the Guangling remnant army also tried to throw dirty water on public opinion, and made some rumors and public opinion news to confuse the audience on the chat channel.

But two days later, these people basically disappeared.

They were all captured by the special team composed of Chen Dafeng and Wang Chen. No one could escape from these two powerful men. They all mastered the means to directly locate the spokesperson's geographical location, and truly achieved "offline single kill".

Jiang Xiaoci did not abuse the captured people too much. She detained them in a good mood and sent people to do ideological work every day to make them give up the dark and join the light. She also announced the treatment of the captives in the chat channel every day.

In addition to all kinds of detailed work, Jiang Xiaoci did not fall behind.

In the deadlock, Jiang Xiaoci put the greatest energy into the disaster relief work in Guangling City.

She made the Guangling people really realize that these people holding the banner of disaster relief are not just talking casually, they are for real!

No matter who in the city asks for help on the chat channel, there will definitely be a Jinling rescue team arriving on the same day! It is also equipped with the most comprehensive medical personnel!

Send food, drink, medicine, ask about your well-being, and even guarantee your mental state at the end of the world!

They have gone through thousands of dangers and hardships and passed through the heavy defense lines of Guangling Military City, just to come to the masses and ask: Are you okay? Is there anything missing?

What can you do about this? Can you not be moved by this?

You can say that Jinling is a hypocrite, but they do this every day!

The people of Dantu next door also sent a support group, and they all praised Jinling to the sky!

It is said that the people of Xinchang in the city are also praising it, and no one says anything bad about Jinling.

In addition to taking care of the masses, Jiang Xiaoci also dispatched the technology corps to directly carry out urban reconstruction projects in the actual control area.

The streets that were previously messed up in Guangling and the buildings damaged by the three-way exchange of fire were all carefully replanned and repaired.

For nothing else, it is just to ensure that the people of Guangling can still see a complete and well-organized urban home after the war and after the end of the world.

You say that their kindness to the people is fake, and I don’t need to argue about it, but the city they rebuilt can’t be hypocritical, right?

They invested real resources to rebuild Guangling, but they can’t take Guangling away!

By doing this, aren’t they sincerely doing something good for Guangling?

The remnant army of Guangling sometimes shouts on the chat channel, trying to tear off the "hypocritical" face of the Jinling Group: "This is their plan to incorporate Guangling! Conquered! They are building their own territory, what is there to brag about!"

But they will soon be retorted by the local people of Guangling: "When you are in charge, why don’t you rebuild the city? Why don’t you consider the city environment? Why don’t you consider rebuilding the people’s homes?"

"You don’t even do basic urban sanitation, the whole Guangling is full of foul air and blood, and now you still have the face to call others hypocritical?"

Facts have proved that the masses are all practical.

Whoever is good to us, we trust.

There is no such thing as "you exploit me, I still support you" in the world.

Su Yi was flipping through the frontline war reports in the room. Judging from the situation, the remnant troops of Guangling basically can't hold on for two days.

"If the mastermind behind the scenes doesn't take action, Guangling will really be lost. I'm afraid his blood-sucking plan in the Jiangnan region will be completely ruined."

"He is so patient, is he really going to give Guangling to me? It's a bit strange."

Su Yi flipped through the frontline war reports until the last page, which made him raise his eyebrows.

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