Doomsday Extinction

Vol 4 Chapter 6: : Weird vampire lair!

Chapter 6: Weird vampire lair!

Like all other skills...

If Xia Jian wants to quickly practice "Summoning Skeleton", he must use this skill repeatedly! !

This is not much different from the situation in the game "Legend of Blood"! The difference is that the game needs to use the "talisman" thing...

In reality, however, the "talisman" that was originally necessary in the game was omitted!


This does not make Xia Jian in reality, how much easier it is to practice the skill of "Summoning Skeleton"...

You know, in the game, there is a thing called "magic medicine" that can replenish mana! In reality, Xia Jian wanted to restore his spiritual power, but he could only do it through a long period of "meditation"! !

Therefore, if Xia Jian intends to practice "Summoning Skeleton" in reality, it will not only be easier than in the game "Legend of Blood", but it will be more troublesome! !

This is a daunting project that is bound to consume a lot of energy and time! !


Once Xia Jian decided to start practicing "Summoning Skeleton", he had to give up, and now he had the summoning skeleton! !

But Xia Jian's current head, the skeleton behemoth summoned from the corpse of a different ocean beast, is very useful...

This skeleton beast not only has the ability to live on land and sea, but also inherits its powerful combat power in the ocean when it is not dead, and also has the characteristics of undead creatures. Non-stop patrol! !

And such an undead creature with decent strength. It can be used to guard the exit of the military port to the outer sea!

No wonder Xia Jian was reluctant to...

You must know that after he was fortunate enough to see the power of marine mutant creatures, Xia Jian has always had a deep fear of the ocean! !


Xia Jian also decided for a while. Before I cultivate Cao Lei's ability, I will not go overseas for the time being! !

(Cao Lei, the person who was rescued by Xia Jian in Lianyang, has the ability to form an invisible black hole around the body, which can continuously devour and weaken the energy of evolutionaries close to him!)

It is for this reason that...

So until now. Xia Jiandu was reluctant to give up this skeleton beast! !

And when did Xia Jian use "Summon Skull" to summon this skeleton monster?

If you remember correctly...

It seems that it was still when Xia Jiangang transferred from Shenzhen-Hong Kong City to Pearl City by sea! At that time, Xia Jianke learned the "Summon Skeleton" skill not long ago! !

in short……

The number of times Xia Jian has used this skill since he learned the skill "Summon Skeleton". Not even ten times...

under these circumstances……

You can imagine what the proficiency of this skill experience is like now!


But now! !

In front of the Taoist priest's ultimate skill, "Summoning the Divine Beast", Xia Jian couldn't bear to part with that skeleton beast. Even if it is troublesome to practice "Summoning Skull". No matter how much time is wasted, I can't take care of it now...

In fact...

Since Xia Jian learned that "Summoning Skeleton" is a prerequisite for learning "Summoning Divine Beast", he has decisively abandoned the skeleton beast guarding the estuary of Pancheng! !

That is to say...

Since Xia Jian upgraded his Taoist profession to level 35, although Xia Jian still leveled frantically every day, at this time, the focus of Xia Jian's practice had been leveling from the beginning. Gradually transferred to the practice of the skill "Summon Skeleton"!

Every day Xia Jian would expect a lot of mental power. Use it to practice this skill! !

When Xia Jian upgraded the warrior profession to the forty-two level, and found that the level could not be upgraded, Xia Jian directly canceled the leveling...

Instead, he devoted himself to the cultivation of the skill "Summon Skull"...

What I do every day is to keep using "Summon Skeleton", wait until my mental power is exhausted, start meditating, then continue to use skills, and then continue to meditate...

Every day is a non-stop cycle between "summoning" and "meditation"! !

However even so...

As of today, the experience of the skill "Summoning Skeleton" still only stops at the level of 10% in the second level! !

And it can be speculated that the experience of each level of the skill is increased in an incremental way...

If Xia Jian wants to train "Summoning Skeleton" to full level 3, even if he continues to maintain the current training speed, it will take at least two weeks! !

From this, it can be seen that the skill of cultivating the skill of "Summoning Skeleton" is so stupid! !

But there is no way to cheat...

The thing to continue is to continue! !

You must know that the last time "Hell Lightning" was out of control, although it almost killed Xia Jian, it also allowed Xia Jian to see the power of the ultimate skill! !

Xia Jian now has high hopes for the ultimate Taoist skill of "Summoning Divine Beast"! !

What's more, in the game "Legend of Blood", a Taoist priest and this profession can only be called a Taoist priest after learning "Summoning Divine Beast"! !

As long as he thought that all the skills in the game, once the system was moved to reality, would often be strengthened, Xia Jian couldn't help but feel a little excited!


As for what He Ying was doing during this time...

As the saying goes, there is no wind and no waves! ! The reason why there have been those rumors in Pangucheng recently is not without reason...

On weekdays, although it looks like a careless person, in fact, He Ying is actually a very serious person! !

In He Ying's conception...

No matter what it is, if you don't do it yourself, you must do your best! !

This can be seen from her military career experience! !

And this time...

Now that she has decided. If you want to work with Xia Jian and make a show for people to see, then naturally you have to do a full set!


In the image of the vast majority of people in Pancheng. He Ying is a completely unreasonable, self-righteous crazy woman! !

To outsiders...

This time, Xia Jian went to Mingzhu City because he couldn't stand He Ying at all. He Ying was forced to do nothing, so he had to leave Pan Gucheng temporarily. Get out of the limelight! !

But in fact?

With the skill of "Summoning Divine Beast" attracting attention, Xia Jian could not wait to go to Pearl City to level up, but he couldn't find a reason. Since He Ying cooperated so much this time, Xia Jian certainly couldn't ask for it! !

And He Ying, as a very unreasonable woman, must pursue her victoriously! !


During the period when Xia Jiang just left Pan Gucheng, He Ying did chase Xia Jian to Pearl City! And still in Pearl City. I have been entangled with Xia Jian for a while! !


These are actually made for outsiders to see! !

So after pestering Xia Jian for a while. After going through the necessary procedures, He Ying just found an excuse and left Pearl City to do her own business...

As for what? !

Perhaps it was stimulated by Xia Jian's terrifying promotion speed! !

After all, when the two first met, He Ying was a whole rank higher than Xia Jianyi! Relying on himself, he forced Xia Jian's group to be so embarrassed! !

But now?

During the period when He Ying followed Xia Jian to Pearl City, Xia Jian, who had already upgraded his warrior career to the forty-two level, can already be regarded as a super powerhouse in the late imperial stage! !

He Ying even suspects...

Maybe it won't take long before Xia Jian jumps to the emperor level at once! !

(After all, He Ying doesn't know how Xia Jian upgrades...)

It's really about that time. In He Ying's view, if you don't work hard. Xia Jian might be a whole level higher than himself! !

And this situation is obviously not what He Ying wants to see...


While sighing that Xia Jian and Xia Yu were both equally perverted in their cultivation speed and aptitude, He Ying's unyielding personality and strong self-esteem burst out again...

In the following time, she simply abandoned Xia Jian, found a hidden place, and concentrated on retreating and practicing! !



According to Xia Jian's previous plan, this time he planned to leave the level until he learned "Summoning Divine Beast"! !


Plans never keep up with changes! !

this day……

The breeze is blowing, the weather is pleasant, and the noon sun shines brightly on the snow-covered earth, trying to disperse the blood-red mist that shrouded the city, like a year-round haze...

Xia Jian sat cross-legged in Mingzhu City, once a landmark building, but also the first building in the entire Mingzhu City with the highest altitude and a total height of more than 600 meters, the top of the Mingzhu Building...

Looking around...

The entire Pearl City has a panoramic view, and even when he first came to this place, Xia Jian once had a feeling that he was walking on the clouds at the moment! !

Often when the wind blows...

Xia Jian was frightened, lest he would fall from here! !

Forehead! !

Ok! ! Although Xia Jian is now a powerful emperor, when he was an ordinary person, he still had some instincts of fear of heights, but he still hadn't overcome it! !

It's just that with the increase in strength, Xia Jian's courage has also increased a lot! !


The reason why Xia Jian came to this place to "meditate" is definitely not to exercise his courage! Not because it looks more cool! !


The real reason is that once Xia Jian inadvertently discovered that when he was doing "meditation" at a higher altitude, not only would the effect of "meditation" be better, but he would also enter the ethereal realm more wishfully! !

Therefore, after some choices, Xia Jian specially chose the tallest building in Pearl City, the most his own "meditation" place! !



The first thing Xia Jian did when he felt his gradually full spiritual power. It is to spit out the turbid air that has been held in his lungs for a long time...

Take another greedy sip...

Feel that awake air flow along your nostrils. The trachea, directly to the lungs, and finally, with the blood, all over the body...

Open your eyes abruptly...

In an instant, Xia Jian's deep pupils suddenly shot out a divine light that seemed to reach the soul of a person! !

This is Xia Jian's energetic performance! !

a long time……

The divine light subsided, and Xia Jian stood up calmly. Jump from the top of the building! !

The whole person suddenly turned into a black lightning, with a whistling wind, from a height of hundreds of meters. fall straight down...

Waiting for the moment to be about to fall...

Before this, Xia Jian, who had been falling at a constant speed, actually accelerated again...

at the same time……

I don't know if it's because of the speed, around Xia Jian's body. There was a raging flame...

next second...


I heard a loud bang like thunder. Xia Jian crossed the space of more than ten meters in an instant, carrying the might of thunder, and slammed down to the ground...

In an instant...

The fire is soaring! !

The raging flames that had been shrouded around Xia Jian's body suddenly exploded and turned into a fire all over the sky! !

At the same time, the terrifying impact of Xia Jian's fall from a height of hundreds of meters also instantly spread to the ground along Xia Jian's legs...

Under such a terrifying impact...

With Xia Jian as the center, the ground is tens of meters in radius. It sank sharply, amid the flying sparks and rubble. I saw a terrifying air wave centered on Xia Jian, swept away violently...

For a time, the power is amazing! !


a long time……

When the exploding flames dissipated, Xia Jian gradually revealed his figure in the dust that filled the sky...

This time, the impact seems to be amazing, but it obviously did not cause any harm to Xia Jian! !

Why does this happen?

At the last moment, why did Xia Jian not only choose not to slow down, but instead accelerated his speed again? !

turn out to be……

At the last moment of the fall just now, Xia Jian took a trick and used "Savage Crash"! !

And this is also thanks to...

Xia Jian inadvertently tested out that when he did not use the "Savage Clash" skill, an air shield would form around his body! !

Although the defensive power of this air shield is not very good, it has a miraculous effect in resisting impact! !

of course! !

Then again, jumping from a height of more than 600 meters, that kind of terrifying impact cannot be completely removed by just talking about it! !

The reason why I stood there for so long without moving...

It was Xia Jian who calmed down the violently shaken blood in his body! !

wait until fully recovered...

Casually patted the dust on his body, Xia Jian made a slight effort on his legs, and easily jumped out of the pit that was several meters deep...

Immediately after identifying the direction, Xia Jian walked towards a certain street not far away...

Only a burly figure was left, and the ground behind him was covered with cracks like a spider web! !

The skill "Summon Skeleton" can't summon skeletons out of thin air! !

Xia Jian is planning to hunt down a few dark chasers so that he can continue to practice his skills! !


Since leveling encountered a bottleneck!

After turning to concentrate on cultivating skills, the team that was sent to follow behind him to clean up the bodies of the dark chasers was sent back by Xia Jian...


During this period of time, Xia Jian was basically alone! !

If it's not necessary, I rarely even contact Pan Gucheng...

It is precisely because of Xia Jian that he has gradually become accustomed to living alone...

Otherwise, Xia Jian wouldn't have jumped directly from the Pearl Tower just now, making it so earth-shattering! !

just today...

Xia Jian had just left the Pearl Tower when he saw the monkey greet him with a look of admiration from an open-air bench that was originally used for rest...

From the large number of cigarette butts on the ground, it is not difficult to see that the monkeys have been waiting here for a while...

This made Xia Jian frown...

Xia Jian suddenly thought of...

Because I specifically told him before, when I was "meditating". Forbid everyone to disturb! ! And now the monkey has been waiting here for so long...

This is obviously something important for the monkey, waiting to report to himself! Otherwise, he would just have to take the time to come. There's no need to wait so long here! !


"How did you come?!"

"There are new discoveries below..."

The monkey did not grumble, and directly stated his intentions...


But Xia Jian was stunned. During this period of time, he was so focused on his cultivation that his brain felt a little rusty. For a while, he couldn't remember what the monkey was referring to! !

Monkeys are personal...

Seeing Xia Jian like this. I still don't understand what happened, so I quickly reminded: "It's the blood clan's lair!!"


Xia Jian suddenly realized this!


turn out to be……

Things have to start a month ago...

That day, when He Ying had just arrived at Pan Ancient City. Because everyone was afraid of He Ying's chaos, all those who had reached the king level stayed in Pan Gucheng, and only sent Monkey and Cui Kai. Take a helicopter to Mingzhu City to inform Xia Jian! !

And what was Xia Jian doing at that time?

At that time, Xia Jian burned a group of dark chasers...

When it's about to end. Inadvertently, a vampire lair was discovered underground! And invited Wang Han to let him open the nest, so that the nest can be cleaned up thoroughly! !

Originally, Xia Jian wanted to go down and clean up himself! ! But because of He Ying's business, she had to leave first, leaving only Monkey and Cui Kai to continue in place...

In the evening of the day...

Wang Han finally lived up to his high hopes and opened the passage to the blood clan's lair...

According to the news reported by Monkey and Cui Kai at the time...

The bottom is exactly as Xia Jian expected. It's a vampire lair! ! And the scale of this blood clan's lair is quite large...


Cui Kai and the monkey also discovered that...

This blood clan lair, although large in scale. But the molding time should be the recent period of time!

Except for a king-level blood clan responsible for guarding! That overwhelming blood cocoon, there is no sign of hatching! !

After hearing this news...

Xia Jian decisively stopped paying attention to this matter, and did not send another person to support Cui Kai and Monkey!

It's not that Xia Jian doesn't care about the two of them...

It is because, with the strength of Monkey and Cui Kai, there is no problem at all to solve a king-level blood clan! ! And other blood cocoons have not hatched, in this case, there is no need to send someone to support!

It's just Monkey and Cui Kai, greet some people nearby and get rid of all those blood cocoons! !



Because of He Ying's matter, Xia Jian quickly put it aside...

On Monkey and Cui Kai's side, it's just reporting how the daily harvest is, and there is no other new news...

until one day……

At that time, the blood clan's lair had been emptied, and they were all ready to call it quits. Cui Kai and Monkey, who were planning to return to Pan Gucheng, were doing their last inspection...

The blood clan's lair actually collapsed from the middle...


Monkey and Cui Kai, actually found another, larger blood clan nest under the collapsed vampire lair! !

At that time, when he first heard the news, Xia Jian also went to the blood clan's lair to go around! !

And this time...

Through his own mental perception, Xia Jian was also shocked to discover that there was not only one vampire lair under the vampire lair that had been cleaned up by Cui Kai and the monkeys! !

Instead, there is a vampire nest group with a structure similar to an ant hole! !

None of the blood clan nest groups have figured it out, but they are separated by a sticky film made of unknown materials...


Unlike the vampire lair above that has been cleaned up, there are blood cocoons of any grade! In this vampire lair group, all blood cocoons are hatching king-level vampires! !


There are not many king-level blood cocoons in each vampire lair! No more than ten at most! !

But even so...

Based on the size of this vampire lair and the number of blood cocoons in each vampire lair, Xia Jian roughly estimated...

Still got a horrible result in the end! !

If you wait until all the blood cocoons in this vampire lair have in Pearl City, there will be nearly a thousand more king-level vampires! !

This figure surprised Xia Jian at the time! !

But Xia Jian is fortunate that...

Fortunately, before these blood cocoons hatched, I discovered this vampire lair in advance...


When these nearly 1,000 king-level blood clans are fully hatched, I am afraid that from now on, the entire Pearl City will become a forbidden place for human beings! !

One more thing to mention...

This time...

The reason why Xia Jian was able to raise the level of the warrior profession to forty-two in one breath, in fact, a large part of the credit must be counted on these king-level blood cocoons! !

....................................................................................................................................................................................(To be continued..)

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