Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 48: : Prey and Hunter

Xia Jian can't remember, once upon a time, someone said this!

When you look at the vast and boundless sea, your mood will also be sublimated and become more open...

indeed! !

Xia Jian remembered that when he saw the sea for the first time, he did feel this way.


With the passage of time, when I face this monotonous and unchanging boundless sea day after day, every day, no matter how good my mood is, it will become boring and boring!


As time goes by……

Night is coming!

"Zi la la..."

In a series of lightning and thunder, a wildly dancing electric snake crossed the sky.

The dazzling electric light instantly made the sky and earth clear...

on the sea...

The weather was not bad before, but now it is windy and rainy, and the waves are raging.

The four sea giants, like rootless duckweeds, constantly floated up and down in the storm, and seemed to be completely engulfed by the raging sea at any time.

The moodiness of the sea was vividly reflected on this night...


But everything has pros and cons!


When disaster strikes, it is often accompanied by opportunity!

Nothing is absolute!

This sentence, Xia Jian can be said to have a deep understanding now! Incredibly profound!

Like this storm...

Although it brought a huge disaster to the entire team!

But at the same time, it also disperses the marine creatures that have been cruising in the nearby waters, not only that. To a certain extent, it can also help Xia Jian and them to wash the remaining dirt on the hull!

Wash the dirt?

A smile crossed the corner of Xia Jian's mouth...

Look down.

Follow his line of sight. Below is a huge deck, and on the deck, the crowd is in full swing.

Farther away, there are three black figures of different sizes.

Take a closer look at the outlines of these three shadows...

Completely hidden in the darkness, the smallest, exuding a chilling aura, is the destroyer USS Mustine.

The whole body is brightly lit. On the endless sea, as dazzling as the stars, is the luxury cruise ship Dingyuan.

And like a giant beast. Creeping in the darkness, occasionally emitting a few traces of light, is the Weiyuan supertanker.

These are the three ships that now belong to Xia Jian's fleet.

But since they are all far away...

Then what is Xia Jian's feet at this time?

Zoom out...

At this time, the ship at Xia Jian's feet turned out to be the other of the two aircraft carriers. USS George Washington!

As for Xia Jian at this time. Why on board the USS George Washington?

This thing has to start in the afternoon...


When two super-giant mutant sea snakes with king-level strength challenged the approaching Dingyuan!

With Dingyuan as the center, a faint ring of ripples appeared.

At the beginning, Xia Jian was still a little confused...

Don't know what this thing is!

But when you feel dizzy in your mind.

Xia Jian was shocked...

This is a mental shock!

And it is the kind of mental shock that is so powerful that it is about to materialize.


Wherever this circle of mental shock goes, all marine creatures, regardless of strength or weakness. All become like lost dogs.

Escaped in an instant.

Xia Jian instantly understood a fact...

On the Dingyuan, among the nearly 2,000 survivors. Definitely hiding a master.

A master who is so powerful that he can't find it, and who is so powerful that he can make these sea creatures reach the king level!

That is at this moment...

All the weird things that I couldn't get an answer to in the previous hard thinking, all have the answer.

But knowing these answers, Xia Jian didn't feel much relieved because of this, instead he became more vigilant.

Who is this expert?

Why keep hiding your identity?

Is it friend or foe? What is the purpose of hiding in your own team?



Xia Jian is quite self-aware!

Since this master is so powerful that he can make these marine creatures shy away, with his current strength, he is definitely not an opponent!

Since he refused to show up!

Xia Jian naturally won't force it! To avoid angering him at the time.

But Xia Jian also quite disliked the feeling that life and death were controlled by others.


On the surface, Xia Jian didn't seem to care, as if this incident had never happened at all, but in fact, he had already made a decision in his heart to return to the land as soon as this incident was over.

In any case, it is still down to earth to feel at ease.

But before that...

The aircraft carrier USS George Washington, which was delivered to him, should not be wasted no matter what!

You must know that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!

When the meat in the mouth is reached, there is no reason to spit it out.

What's more, this is not mosquito meat, but a 10,000-ton ship, the ultimate weapon at sea armed to the teeth.

Even if I go back to land later...

If the aircraft carrier can't go ashore, it is no longer needed, and the weapons and planes on the aircraft carrier can also be removed and taken away.

It's really not possible, these tens of thousands of tons of steel giants can also be recycled as scrap iron!


correct! Listening to Xie Cong's meaning, the USS George Washington seems to be a nuclear powered aircraft carrier.

Nuclear power! That's good stuff!

At that time, when you return to the land and build a base, you will not have to worry about running out of electricity.


If you think about it, if you really want to do it, Xia Jian still needs to solve a problem.

This is an aircraft carrier!

It's not as long as you start the engine, you can drive a speedboat that runs around alone!

According to information provided by Asha. The standard crew of the USS George Washington is 3,200 people!

It's just the crew!

If you include the flying wing, this number has to continue to rise to two thousand.


Xia Jian didn't need to go to war with this aircraft carrier. As long as it can be activated!

Fortunately, he still has more than 90 American soldiers under his command!

If nothing else, it's not a problem to make this aircraft carrier move...

And even if you can't move!

Xia Jian has also made preparations. The big deal is to let the Weiyuan and Dingyuan pull the aircraft carrier to run.

This is what is happening now...



Just when Xia Jian was immersed in the joy of owning an aircraft carrier, and was annoyed by the little devil's quasi-aircraft carrier Izumo. Liu Li came over excitedly, with a smile on her face.

It seems that Liu Li is in a very good mood!

Even the strong wind and waves outside did not affect her mood.


Xia Jian nodded. Seeing the smile on Liu Li's face, a smile appeared on his face.

"How is it? Has it been counted?"

It turned out that after boarding the USS George Washington, Xia Jian asked everyone to move the entire aircraft carrier. Thorough cleaning inside and out. He also asked Liu Li, Yasha and others to hurry up and count the remaining materials in the entire aircraft carrier!

Judging from Liu Li's performance at this time...

Obviously this time the harvest is quite good!

"The statistics came out..."

Liu Li smiled and handed the list to Xia Jian.

Xia Jian's list of results, I can't wait to read it...

At first glance, Xia Jian's eyes lit up...

"Five nuclear bombs?"

There are actually five nuclear bombs on this aircraft carrier!

When he saw this, Xia Jian suddenly became very kind. The impulse to throw all five nuclear bombs at the Southeast Military Base.

Granny bear!

Now it's not just you who have nukes! I have it too!

"Ten helicopters..."

"Eighteen attack aircraft..."


Go through all the lists in one go. Xia Jian took a deep breath!

After having these things, in the end times, he can be regarded as a calf.

You can also wrestle with those government forces.


Before that, Xia Jian had to train some pilots of his own.

After digesting this information, Xia Jian calmed down a little and asked the question he cared about most: "How is the power system now? Can we drive this big guy away?"

It seemed that Xia Jian would ask this question for a long time.

Liu Li smiled and said: "The power system is not faulty, and the problem of starting is not big, but the manpower may not be enough..."


Hearing this, Xia Jian couldn't help but have a headache!

This thing cannot be solved in a short time, it can only be done slowly!


Above the sea...

Xia Jian is distressed about training the crew and wanting to return to land as soon as possible.

And the other side...

During the period of time when Xia Jian left the land and drifted at sea, on the mainland, the wind was surging, and it was another scene.

over time……

It has been almost half a year since entering the last days.

In the past half a year, after being eliminated from the dangerous environment, the survivors who can successfully survive now have more or less the ability to survive in the apocalypse.

Survivor settlements large and small, like bamboo shoots after the rain, are constantly being established on the land full of ruins.

And the military bases that had been shrinking and passively defended before gradually began to try to clean up the dark chasers around the base! Want to try to regain lost ground...


There are also many strong people with great power, constantly emerging.

Their stories, passed down by word of mouth, like wings, quickly spread among the survivors.

While making everyone envious and jealous, it also gives everyone hope and a direction to struggle!


The survival environment of the survivors has not improved because of this!



Mutant creatures!

Gradually known to the world!

General creature. King-level creatures are also gradually appearing in the world's field of vision, and they appear every time. Often accompanied by death and disaster!

And more serious...

That's the food!

half a year...

Most of the places where you can find food have been turned upside down by the survivors! And the rest of the food that was not found, after such a long time, most of them have almost deteriorated and cannot be eaten.

Because it cannot be produced...

Today's survivors are facing more and more severe famine!

As a last resort, more and more survivors. Look only at those creatures that are edible.

Like humans themselves!

For example, various mutant organisms that have not been infected by viruses...

I don't know...

In this way, while temporarily solving the food problem, it has brought about even greater disasters!


Jianghai Province. Dinghai City...

The entire East China Sea coast, the largest ice-free port.

Located on the outlet coast of the largest river in China, to the north, it is the most developed city on the eastern coast. Pearl City is across the sea.

Due to its superior geographical conditions. Since ancient times, it has been one of the most famous ports along the entire East China Sea.

In recent years, it has become the largest military port along the East China Sea!


This is just information on the surface!

In fact, in the vast mountains hundreds of miles south of Dinghai City, under the endless sheer cliffs, there is an extremely inconspicuous small harbor hidden!

This little! Only relative to Dinghai City!

And this seaport is the real station of the entire East China Sea Fleet!

Before the Great Destruction...

There are even rumors. In this seaport, China's first truly self-made aircraft carrier is being built in secret.

But that's all in the past...

now. The once heavily guarded military port was in depression.

In the harbour that was once full of warships, only one or two ships were occasionally seen, dilapidated and riddled with abandoned warships, and more were some broken floating objects.

Near the harbour entrance...

You can even see a huge warship with only half left, slanting into the sea.

It's just in the harbor...

By comparison, the situation on the shore is worse!


The coast, once lined with buildings, is now almost flattened by artillery fire.

A huge crater, shocking!

From time to time, you can also see the corpse of a huge and ferocious beast.

Obviously, a fierce battle broke out here.

As for the outcome of the battle...

If you look at the current situation of the entire military port, you will know a thing or two.


The entire military port faces the sea in the east!

And west...

It is a vast mountain of mountains.

No one knew that there was actually a huge underground military base in this vast mountain.

This military base was originally built for the purpose of guarding the military port.

But over time, with the development of the military port, this military base has gradually become the largest military station on the entire eastern coast.

For geographical reasons...

This military base was completely preserved after the Great Destruction.

After half a year of development, it has now become the largest gathering place for survivors in the entire east, and even the southeast.

It is also the largest military base in the entire east that is still under the control of the government!

The entire military base is surrounded by mountains...

Under the influence of viruses and nuclear radiation, the originally lush jungle grew even more lush and taller.

Walking in it is like being in a primitive jungle!

Due to the dangerous and remote terrain, and the fact that it was originally a military center, before the Great Destruction, the population living in this area was quite small!

This directly led to the fact that after entering the apocalypse, there were very few dark chasers here.

This makes it the preferred place of refuge for survivors of the entire eastern seaboard...


In the dense forest north of the base...

As the temperature continues to drop, the entire mountain area is now completely covered by heavy snow.

Looking into the past, the vast expanse of white...

Occasionally a strong wind blows, and the crystal clear ice in the sky is sprinkled one after another, like raindrops, falling from the lush branches and leaves.

fall to the ground...

After a long period of accumulation, a thick layer of ice has accumulated on the ground of the entire dense forest.


Once upon a time, these layers of ice represented beauty! The so-called Ruixue Mega Year!

But now...

This thick layer of ice has only one meaning for the surviving humans, and that is disaster!

The icy and biting ice layer not only dissipates the heat that humans have, which makes the climate worse, but also buries a large number of usable plants under the snow.

The famine is getting worse...


In the dense forest with gusts of overcast wind, a series of crisp sounds suddenly came out.

It was the sound of the soles stepping on the snow.

hear movement...

The wolf cub the size of a local dog who had been foraging in the snow suddenly pricked up his pair of pointed triangular ears...

Staring at a pair of round red eyes, he stared vigilantly in the direction from which the voice came.


Two figures wrapped in rice dumplings appeared at the end of the jungle.

When I saw these two figures...

This dog-sized wolf cub instinctively wanted to escape!

But after running a distance of two or three meters, it stopped again...

Maybe the rabbit suddenly remembered that now humans are no longer the rulers of the earth, and it seems that he does not need to fear these humans.

"Brother, look..."

Liang Dao also finally found the wolf cub the size of a local dog.

One of the figures pointed in the direction of the wolf cub, and his voice was full of surprises: "It's a wolf, it's a wolf cub..."

Really worth the surprise...

You must know that in today's forest sea, all kinds of animals have mutated and become cruel and violent.

Even rabbits and mice that would run away when they saw humans on weekdays have become bitten now!

And the strength is not weak!

Ordinary strengtheners may not be able to fight!

because of this!

Hunters like them who come out to hunt mutant animals often have to take great risks!

But if it's an animal cub!

The risks they take are undoubtedly much smaller!

Don't wait for him to shout...

His brother seemed to be stimulated in some way, rushed over, covered his mouth, and said angrily: "You want to die! What are you screaming?"

After scolding, the elder brother also patrolled around vigilantly.

For fear of disturbing a dangerous existence...


Apart from the "rustling..." sound of the wind blowing the leaves, and the "ding dong..." crisp sound when the ice on the leaves collided, the surroundings were still silent!

There are no exceptions!

Only then did the older brother slowly release the hand covering his younger brother's mouth...

Glancing at his brother fiercely, he slowly pulled out a shotgun from behind.

Skilled in reloading bullets...

………………………………………………(To be continued..)

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