Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 15: :test

An hour after the massacre ended...

Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun, who were riding with two people, finally arrived in the spoke area of ​​the underground base!

But at this time, the two people on the motorcycle had been replaced by Mo Shaojun in front, and Xia Jian sat in the back seat with a machete in one hand...

Do not misunderstand!

The knife in Xia Jian's hand is not a saber!

Just a handful of Damascus that Xia Jian brought from the storm!

It's not that Xia Jian doesn't want to take the saber!

That thing is too heavy! Nearly four tons of weight, the speedboat can't carry it at all!

At this time, the body of the Damascus machete was covered in blood, and Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun were not much better. The two of them were just like being picked up from a pool of blood! The whole body was soaked with blood!

These **** waters are not from the dark chasers, the sun is so bright, under normal circumstances, the dark chasers will never leave their nests! . .

As time goes by, the strength of the dark chasers is getting stronger and stronger, but at the same time, they are also more and more afraid of the sun!

In this kind of wind and beauty, as long as the dark chaser comes out for more than half an hour, the end will be like the unlucky dark chaser near the gas station...

Of course, it is impossible for this blood to belong to Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun!

This blood is human blood! Fresh human blood!

Now the information that Shenzhen and Hong Kong will be bombed has basically spread throughout Shenzhen and Hong Kong...

People who want to evacuate Shenzhen and Hong Kong are basically everywhere!

And Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun, riding such a cool motorcycle, will naturally arouse the jealousy of countless people!

Those who are self-sufficient enough. [Wudong Qiankun] It is inevitable that some evil thoughts will be born...

The biggest difference between Xia Jian and Liu Li and Black Widow is that people don't offend me, and I don't offend anyone. If someone offends me, I will kill you without negotiating...

As a result, those who dared to have a little bit of bad thoughts about motorcycles, without exception, all became the souls of Xia Jian's sword!

No, just when Mo Shaojun controlled the motorcycle and drove under a big tree...

'Hey! Get me down...'

There was a sudden grin from the tree. Immediately following three figures, from three directions, they were attacking. slammed into the motorcycle...

However, before these three get close to the motorcycle...


Xia Jian also laughed, as if the voice of life was coming from Jiuyou Purgatory!

The three people who were in the air shivered for no reason!

next second...

Suddenly, the Damascus machete in Xia Jian's hand. Instantly turned into a crescent moon. across the three...

The wind has stopped!

The three people who were flying slammed down to the ground...

Eyes full of horror and disbelief!

at the same time……

A light bright red loomed on the necks of the three of them, and with the passage of time, it quickly expanded, thickened, and turned red...

finally. When the blood overflowed from the bloodstain uncontrollably, the heads of the three people slowly slipped from their necks!


fell to the ground with a thud. The next moment, blood water spewed out from the smooth neck like a fountain...


In the blood all over the sky, Xia Jian had already withdrawn his knife and sat down. Mo Shaojun twisted the accelerator at the same time, and the motorcycle roared violently and rushed out...


With motorcycles, Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun's forward speed is still quite impressive!

Especially when the surroundings become more and more familiar...

In just three or four minutes, it's already a mile away!

At this time, the base antennas erected on the roof of the building are already in sight!

There are also some evacuated survivors around...

However, Xia Jian soon discovered that these survivors were slightly different from the survivors they met elsewhere!

The survivors here did not carry the necessary supplies at all, and they were all terrified and panicked, as if something terrifying was chasing them behind them!

'How is this going?'

Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun are confused...

Xia Jian did not stop to ask more questions, but asked Mo Shaojun to speed up again...

He vaguely felt that something might have happened in the base!

Hundreds of meters further...


Xia Jian suddenly let out an exclamation, widened his nostrils and took a few breaths into the air, "Old Mo, did you ask?"

Mo Shaojun nodded, 'Yeah! A very strong smell of blood...'

Seeing that Mo Shaojun also smelled it, Xia Jian's uneasy feeling became stronger and stronger, and his face couldn't help but become more solemn!

Such a strong **** smell can be asked from miles away, how many people will die?

Thinking of the previous survivors who were like headless flies...

What happened in the difficulty base?

Just when Xia Jian was in a bad mood...

The motorcycle turns off the street corner...

Finally reached the destination!

Looking at the scene in front of them, Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun were completely stunned...

There is no imagined battle scene...

It can be entered, but it is an Asura slaughterhouse...

Bright red blood, warm and smooth internal organs, and mutilated corpses covered every corner of the field of vision!


Mo Shaojun's mouth was dry, as if he wanted to say something, but suddenly found himself unable to say it!

At this time, Xia Jian had already discovered the Tibetan Mastiff group playing in the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses...

what happened?

Difficulty: In the first few days, will these beasts slaughter the entire base?

Xia Jian just had such an idea in his heart...

next second...


One of the little Tibetan mastiffs, who had not had enough fun, was cruising on the edge of the battlefield, and the searcher left the survivors alone, and suddenly rushed out from the corner next to it and headed towards Xia Jian's face...


At this time, Xia Jian was in a great mood, but this little Tibetan Mastiff was ignorant. If he came to seek abuse, how could Xia Jian keep his hand...

Make a fist with one hand, it is a punch...

Fortunately, at a critical time. Xia Jian remembered that it was not advisable to completely anger these Tibetan mastiffs before the matter was clarified, so he did not draw his sword!

Bullying the little Tibetan Mastiff, who was used to bullying, never expected that the little guy who was vulnerable in his eyes just now would suddenly become so fierce and careless. In mid-air, with nowhere to hide, Xia Jian punched him on the forehead...

Fortunately, Xia Jian was at a critical time. Xia Jian took back a little bit of his strength, and the little Tibetan Mastiff avoided the end of his head!

However, Xia Jian's arrogant punches also made the little Tibetan Mastiff dizzy for a while. Excruciating pain!


The little Tibetan Mastiff who bullies the soft and fears the hard. Immediately, I screamed and went home to find my mother!


The little Tibetan Mastiff's cry for help immediately caught the attention of the resting and playful Tibetan Mastiff group...

Most of them don't know Xia Jian!

Who let these little ones look the same in their eyes!

Dozens of Tibetan Mastiffs are now aggressively forced to come up!

Seeing this situation, Xia Jian couldn't calm down!

In my heart, I scolded these Tibetan mastiffs as wolves, and I was already thinking about whether I should avoid the limelight for a while!

Good at this time. Mo Shaojun got in touch with one of the old friends he knew well!

It took Mo Shaojun a lot of words and promises to make several barbecues. His old friend was good, so he was reluctant, and reluctantly went to inform the Tibetan mastiff leader!


Looking at Mo Shaojun, who was so stinky, Xia Jian cursed in his heart!

The female horse, what's the situation? The boss's face is not as big as the younger brother's!

of course!

This kind of resentment only existed in Xia Jian's heart for a moment!

When the Tibetan Mastiff leader came out and figured out the whole story, Xia Jian not only dispelled his grievances, but patted Mo Shaojun's shoulder with a crying face, "Brother, come on! I support you with all my heart!" '

Feelings These Tibetan Mastiffs have long recognized Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun!

The reason why this scene occurs...

The truth of the matter is that the Tibetan mastiff leader and a group of Mo Shaojun's old friends, after being used to eating barbecue and having to eat raw meat for nearly a week, these beasts suddenly miss Mo Shaojun's barbecue. !

Under the leadership of the Tibetan mastiff leader Laomei, the Tibetan mastiffs accused the Tibetan mastiff leader of not rejecting Xia Jian's invitation, and at the same time, all their thoughts and resentments about the barbecue were transferred to Mo Shaojun!

Poor Mo Shaojun suffered an unwarranted disaster for no reason!

Forced by this group of Tibetan mastiffs, they had to agree to the arduous task of roasting five tons of barbecued meat for them!


Finally successfully arrived at the base...

The misunderstanding with the Tibetan Mastiff is also resolved!

Seeing Xia Jian and Mo Shaojun coming back, Liu Li and Black Widow, leading a group of frightened little brothers and sisters, rushed out of the underground base in a hive!

Cui Kai is the most exaggerated. Because the underground passage is already full of blood and water, when he comes out, it all sticks to his body, which will be mud, blood, internal organs and brains all over his body, sticky and rushing up. Just pounce on Xia Jian...

'Boss! You are back! Missing me...'


However, in the face of his enthusiasm, it was Xia Jian's Hong Kong foot that responded to him!


Liu Li came up without a word of nonsense, and immediately reported to Xia Jian briefly about the preparations and what happened just now!

Xia Jian is very satisfied with the preparation work!

As for the surrounding survivors who were slaughtered by Tibetan mastiffs, for some reason, Xia Jian not only did not feel unbearable, but heaved a sigh of relief!

Maybe it's the scene at the pier, the image of Xia Jian is too deep!

At this time, knowing that these people died and escaped, he felt relieved!


He definitely wouldn't say such a thing!

Not only will he not say it, but he will hide it deeply!

Everything that needs to be prepared is ready!

The Tibetan mastiff leader's persuasion to Mo Shaojun was uncharacteristic this time.

Xia Jian was quite surprised at this!

But he didn't know that at this time, the Tibetan mastiff leader was crying without tears! If you don't have a dog, you can't have it!!

The next thing is just fine...

I urgently removed a few buckets from a few pickup trucks, and simply converted them into a Dongfeng truck that can be pulled. I took away the ones that I wanted to take away, but couldn't take them because they were too heavy. , or you can take it away, but if you don't take it away, all of them are thrown into the car bucket at once, and then put the reins on a few sad Tibetan mastiffs...

One after another, the Dongfeng trucks of the dog pull card are released one after another!

after an hour……

Xia Jian officially closed the entire underground base!

After a while...

A huge, strange dog-pulled caravan with nearly a hundred people and nearly a hundred Tibetan mastiffs officially hit the road...


Three hours later...

port terminal...

With the passage of time, the originally bright sunshine is gradually becoming dim...

The thick cloud layer presents a magnificent color like blood, and the heaven and earth are bathed in a thick layer of blood!

like a sea of ​​blood...

The sun is finally going down!

The five-hour day seems to be very short, but after the Great Disruption, it can already be regarded as the longest day in the day!

But that's not enough...

Very not enough!!

With the concerted efforts of thousands of people, countless buildings on the port wharf were brutally torn down by manpower, and then all the materials that could be used were transported to the entrance of the wharf...

There are also all kinds of cars, all kinds of containers, all kinds of things that can be used, all sent there...

After nearly four hours of hard work, a huge city wall with a length of several thousand meters that separates the entire pier from the city has begun to take shape...

This is a great miracle!

A great miracle created by human beings only relying on their own hands without relying on any machine!

But juveniles are juveniles...

This life line of defense is not completely completed after all...

Looking at the sun gradually setting in the west, and then looking at the life line of defense that is impossible to complete before the sunset, many people began to hesitate!

Does it make sense to yourself?

If the city wall is not completed and the dark chasers start to go out for food, then rely on this semi-finished city wall to defend against the situation of thousands of people on the dock and lack of weapons. Once the defense line collapses, wait for those who stay on the dock to survive. It must have been a horrific massacre...

Now everyone finally understands the meaning of the words that the terrifying person left behind when he finally left!

But this is a must-have game!

what to do?

Maybe come back tomorrow...

Many people can't help but have this idea in their minds!

They can't wait for the people on the ship to announce the so-called charter!

Then someone sneaked away from the busy crowd, and then quickly disappeared into the shadows of the buildings in the distance!

And over time, more and more people made the same choice!

Everyone is selfish!

Everyone has the right to choose!

No one is going to stop these people!

Some people follow, others stay, silently watching them leave...

There is no right or wrong!


The huge crowd of seven or eight will soon be less than one-third!

The rest of the people, led by some people, appropriately narrowed the area that the city wall was to defend...


It doesn't matter who is left behind!

So are those who left!

They didn't know that, in fact, on those two transport ships, there had always been a pair of eyes, quietly watching their choice in their eyes...

…………………………………………………… (To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

ps: The three shifts are over, ask for tickets, ask for subscription! ! !

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