Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 204: : tough woman

The sky dimmed in an instant...

The huge dark cloud composed of bat-winged beasts kept spinning in the sky in a clockwise direction, covering the sky and the sun. [Wudong Qiankun] When the huge bat wings flapped, they made a roar like an engine, which constantly reverberated between the heaven and the earth. The huge momentum made Shi Hu, Feng Feng, Peng Wei and others breathless.

Everyone was stunned...

If the willpower is not strong enough, or the courage is less, this will already have trembling feet and pale faces.”

Fortunately, all those present are evolutionaries!

It's not like there is such a ****** thing that scares the urine...


Compared to Shi Hu, Feng Feng and others, Xia Jian's performance was much better!

Although he was also shocked...

But it's just shock, Xia Jian is not afraid, fear!

How many more?

It's not just a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals who only have soldier-level strength.

That's right!

Too many ants can indeed kill an elephant, but only if the elephant will lie there and let the ants bite?

Although Xia Jian is not too arrogant, he thinks that with his dozen or so people alone, he can completely solve this group of bat-winged beasts in the sky, and he does not dare to guarantee that he can protect the entire team and rush out safely. .

But if he wants to leave, Xia Jian believes that these bat-winged beasts can't stop him.

This is the confidence of being a general-level powerhouse!

Since life is not in danger, is it necessary for Xia Jian to be afraid, to worry?


Xia Jian admitted. These thoughts of my own are indeed indifferent and cold-blooded!

But he is absolutely! absolute! Won't. I don't even bother to do that kind of stupid thing, sacrificing the ego, fulfilling the big ego, and sacrificing myself in order to protect others!


Can't say that either! This may be too extreme to say!

To be precise, it's not that he won't do it!

But in this world, there is no one worthy of him doing this!

You can expect one to be abandoned by the whole world. Even his own brother, who has abandoned him, will he still have that kind of spirit of sacrificing himself and others like Lei Feng?


Shi Hu, Mo Shaojun and others. Naturally, it is impossible to know Xia Jian's true thoughts!

However, Xia Jian's calm, to a certain extent, eased the tension in their hearts...

Let's see!

My boss is facing such a terrifying situation. They were able to remain calm. Standing on the side of the sword, looking up at the sky full of domineering, that is clearly a posture that is full of chest, and does not put the group of 'bats' flying in the sky in his eyes!

"The boss must have a countermeasure!!"

Everyone was thinking this way in their hearts...

I just don't know, if when they knew, the reason why Xia Jian was so calm was that he didn't talk about their safety at all, and he was too concerned about it. What will you think! !

But this truth, Shi Hu, Feng Feng, Lao Mo and others. It is estimated that I will never have a chance to know in my lifetime.

You must know that Xia Jian is not a rookie like Cui Kai!

After many years of begging at the bottom, the thick-skinned and dark-hearted level has basically cultivated to the point where he is still calling people brothers in person, and when he turns around, he can draw a knife and stab him in his heart! !


from their perspective! Xia Jian was so calm, so confident, so powerful, so domineering, that image suddenly became incomparably tall.

Even with it, even they themselves suddenly became a lot more confident! !

The sky is falling and the boss is holding it!

As a little brother, what's the point of worrying about!

But they forgot that being a younger brother is often used to block the boss!



All of the above are actually just after seeing the situation in the sky clearly, everyone's heart moves at that moment!

is very short-lived!

After an initial dead silence...


"Where did these things come from?"

"The female horse's..."

Everyone began to use exclamation to vent their tension and fear!

For a time, all kinds of emotions and all kinds of foul language in the team, this ups and downs, the chaos is really lively.


The Adam's apple rolled up and down with difficulty, and Shi Hu looked at Xia Jian expectantly: "Boss! What should we do now?"

The words were not loud, but they seemed to have magic power.

The queue that was as lively as a vegetable market just now became quiet.

They turned their attention to Xia Jian! !

What about Xia Jian!

Now he still doesn't have it at all, and he has become the consciousness of the last life-saving straw in everyone's heart.

"what to do?"

Hearing Shi Hu's question suddenly, he was really confused.

He almost blurted out: what should I do, do you still need to ask me? Of course run! !

Fortunately, at a critical time, he found that the atmosphere around him was a bit wrong, and it was only at this time that he had a little bit of consciousness as a boss.

Seeing that his face was full, he said sternly: "Hurry up!! Find a sewer entrance!"

"Entrance to the sewer?"

Shi Hu, Feng Feng and the others were startled.

But in the blink of an eye, someone with a more flexible mind reacted!

yes! !

These monsters, called 'bat-winged beasts' by the boss, don't all fly in the sky!

When we get into the sewers, they can't possibly catch up!

And even if they chase down, they are not afraid anymore! A bird without wings, is it still afraid that it won't be able to jump!

The boss is indeed the boss!

Sure enough, it was within reach! Found a solution in no time!

But how do they know that, in fact, Xia Jian learned this from Xiaohua, Dazhi, Xiaoqiang and the others. This is because he played a lot of burrows some time ago. It has become a conditioned reflex when faced with danger.


But the way is to find...

The team also quickly dispersed under the leadership of Shi Hu, Feng Feng, Yasha, and Lao Mo, the four team leaders. Look for sewer wells nearby.

But everyone is ignoring one fact!

That's right here is the city center!

It is the entire Shenzhen-Hong Kong city! The most prosperous, but also the earliest built old town!

Will there be any decent sewers in the old city built in the 1960s and 1970s?


It wasn't called a sewer back then!

There was a sewer back then!

It's the kind of sewage ditch that is often blocked even in the next heavy to moderate rain!

Can you hide in a sewage ditch like this?

The answer is definitely no!

"what to do?"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the small hole in front of them that was not enough for one person to get in!

Can't count. Xia Jian had another plan, "Subway tunnel, quickly find the entrance of the subway tunnel..."

Xia Jian can think of this. Also thanks to Xiaohua and them! !

At that time, didn't the three little ghosts often drill between the subway tunnel and the sewers!

get reminded...

The team that just got together, under the leadership of the four team leaders, spread out again.

And Xia Jian also used his own advantages. Jump several times in a row. He quickly came to the top of a building, looked down from above, looking for a possible subway entrance.

However, at this time, the bat-winged beast leader, who had been hovering above Xia Jian for a long time, seemed to have finally noticed Xia Jian and the others, and the shrill whistling finally stopped.

The huge 'dark cloud' that rotates clockwise. Finally stopped and continued to grow.

"not good……"

Xia Jian immediately noticed the abnormality of the bat-winged beasts above his head.

Just about to jump off the building...

"help me……"

But at this moment, Xia Jian faintly heard a woman's cry for help.

"Please!! Help me..."

Someone is indeed crying for help.

Xia Jian couldn't help but stop...

Look at the sound. I saw that it was on the remaining half of the building that collapsed just now. In a room where the wall was completely collapsed and exposed, a woman was grabbing half of the steel bars and tremblingly shrinking in the corner.

And the position where the woman shrunk was exactly where the building collapsed.

Countless steel bars around were exposed and crisscrossed, and the floor slabs had also seriously tilted, as if they would collapse again at any time, and various office equipment and documents were constantly poured out of the stairs.

The heavier one hits the ground directly...

The lighter things like Xiang Document were attracted by the huge earth dragon and flew towards it. The scene was spectacular.

"The girl's horse!! This girl's life is really hard, and I don't know what to do there..."

Seeing this scene, Xia Jian sighed!

But can you save this girl?

Maybe in normal times, it is nothing more than a little effort, and Xia Jian can save her easily.

But when is it now?

And just when it was set, a scream suddenly came from the top of the head again, and the vortex accelerated again.

Xia Jian understood that these bat-winged beasts were about to start attacking.

"What are you doing, have you found the entrance?"

Not caring about the woman above his head, Xia Jian roared at Shi Hu and the others below.


"The female horse, I can't find it at all!"


No need to scold Xia Jian, in fact, Shi Hu and others knew that the situation was urgent at this time.

But everyone was unfamiliar with the neighborhood, and there was a mess everywhere, so it was only possible to find the tunnel entrance so quickly.

Of course, not everyone is unfamiliar with the neighborhood.

Just as everyone was in a hurry, a weak voice suddenly came from the team, "I... I remember that there doesn't seem to be an entrance to the subway tunnel..."

Upon hearing this...

Not only Xia Jian, but now people are all mad! !


"Female horse, you didn't say it earlier!!"


Since I knew there was no entrance here, I didn't say it sooner. Isn't this a clear sign of harm!

at the same time……

The group of bat-winged beasts, which had been rotating clockwise, suddenly paused, and then, with the point of the earth dragon as the center, countless bat-winged beasts were densely packed, like extremely spectacular From the high attack of thousands of meters, it swooped down.

"That's too late……"

Xia Jian knew that he was going to suffer at first glance. These bat-winged beasts finally gathered and launched an attack, "Everyone, find cover..."

After shouting this, Xia Jian was about to jump off the top of the building.

But at this moment...

"Don't leave me..."

"I know where to get to the tunnel..."

"I can take you to..."

The woman who had seen Xia Jian ignore her and was almost desperate suddenly roared frantically at Xia Jian as if she had grabbed the last straw.

……………………………………(To be continued.)

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