Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 104: : a blessing not a curse

Since the Great Destruction Day, every survivor has a trace amount of X virus in their bodies.

The reason why the survivors did not have lesions is because after the nuclear explosion, the trace amount of nuclear radiation in the air has a suppressive effect on the X virus in the human body.

The above two points have become common sense that everyone knows in the apocalypse...

A considerable number of people know that, under the suppression of nuclear radiation, the human body absorbs a small amount of X virus, which is actually beneficial. It can greatly stimulate the human body's potential and make ordinary humans become powerful enhancers.

As for the effect of blood crystals on the human body...

As of now, only a very small number of strong people know about it, and intentionally or unintentionally, everyone is controlling this news as much as possible, not letting others know.

The reality is cruel, and people are also selfish. No one is willing to risk their own lives to easily share the news with others. Especially when this news is used, it can easily create a group of masters who are almost as powerful as themselves. when.


Sitting next to her, the black widow who had been eavesdropping on Xia Jian and Liu Li's conversation, pouted Chao Xia Jian in contempt.

Unlike Liu Li's shock, the role of blood crystals has long been no secret to these evolutionaries. She only needs to think for a moment to understand why Xia Jian did this.

Weng Sheng murmured angrily: "Che, it's mysterious, I thought it was something, but after a long time, I wanted to play the old trick of buying people's hearts..."

This aunt is still angry with Xia Jian for being mad at her just now...

But now Xia Jian didn't have time to pay attention to her, he just stared at Liu Li, watching every expression on her face.

Finally, Liu Li recovered from the shock...

She was originally a smart person, otherwise she would not have created her own listed company in just two years.

Naturally, she knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her.

But now she has no looks and no strength...

So she doesn't need Xia Jian to make it too clear, she can also guess what Xia Jian needs, and she knows exactly what she needs to pay...

Biting her lip lightly, Liu Li was at war in her heart...

Actually, what Xia Jian needs is not a problem for her now. Not only her, but any ordinary survivor would nod and agree without hesitation.

Now what she really needs to think about is how to make Xia Jian truly believe in her...

In today's environment, this is a relatively unsolved problem.

And what she can do...

Under Xia Jian's gaze, Liu Li suddenly raised her head, her clear eyes met Xia Jian's, and said solemnly, "Give me a chance..., please believe me..."

After Liu Li finished speaking, the surroundings immediately fell into an extremely strange silence.

Everyone turned their attention to Xia Jian, wanting to see what he would do next...

However, to everyone's surprise, Xia Jian didn't hesitate. As soon as Liu Li finished speaking, a stiff smile appeared on his face, and then he looked at Black Widow, Shi Hu and others in shock or envy. Next, he took out as many as five crystals with glamorous blood light from his arms, and threw them into Liu Li's hands without hesitation.

"try hard……"

After all, Xia Jian patted Liu Li on the shoulder heavily.

At this time, no matter how ignorant Liu Li was, she could see from the eyes of Black Widow, Shi Hu and others how important the five small stones that Xia Jian gave her were.

However, she didn't say some nonsense about thanking Dade, she just calmly said, "Thank you!"


After this seemingly absurd scene was over, the horizon was already slightly bright...

Xia Jian, on the other hand, took the time to teach her the trick of absorbing blood crystals that Xiao Ling taught her to Liu Li, and instructed her to complete an initial absorption.

The effect is very obvious. With the huge energy of five blood crystals pouring in, it only took less than ten minutes for Liu Li to change from an ordinary female survivor with no strength to a woman with a certain amount of self-confidence. A second-level enhancer of security capabilities.

After Liu Li got used to her strength, Xia Jian greeted his team members and stepped out of the bank gate again...

Standing on the square in front of the door, Xia Jian looked back at the second floor, and then at the people on the first floor who saluted him.

A feeling suddenly rose in my heart...

I don't know how Deng Hai and Liu Wentao will be arranged in the end, and how many of these people will survive in the end.

Maybe after I leave this time, I will never interact with them again!

He has made a decision...

The destination this time is the underground fortifications.

Since there is no suitable place to go, that place can only be the only place to go.

As for the loyalty of Black Widow and others...

He has also figured it out clearly, it's a blessing or a curse, and it can't be avoided. Anyway, he has no experience in dealing with this kind of thing.

He believed that as long as his strength was not let, he could at least ensure that the loyalty of Cui Kai, Shi Hu, and Monkey would not go wrong. At that time, even if there is an accident, it will just expose the problem completely.

And he has also buried a backhand...

As long as Liu Li is allowed to control the defense system in the entire underground fortification, even if Black Widow and the others really have any problems, they will not be able to make any trouble.

And Liu Li...

Xia Jian believed that under the circumstance that he gave her hope, her loyalty to herself should at least not be lower than that of Cui Kai and others...


Some people might think that Xia Jian racked his brains to guard against others and calculated others, he was just trying to keep himself full and looking for trouble.

But there is no way, he is such an insecure person...

In fact, as long as you think about what happened to him, you can understand.

A **** who can even leave him alone, grew up in a garbage heap and a gangster, and fought a life-and-death with the traffickers since he was a child. How much security can you make him feel? How could he dare to trust others easily?


Originally it took nearly an hour to travel, but it took Xia Jian less than half an hour to successfully reach this destination...

This speed is quite fast.

Actually, you can't think about it if you don't want it quickly. You must know that this is the fourth time Xia Jian has come here...

A group of eight people, lined up, stood at the entrance of the passage leading to the underground fortification, that is, on the huge ruin above the basement, looking at the scene in front of them, one by one opened their mouths, and the expressions on their faces were extremely strange... …



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