After a while, the green slave suddenly burst out.

Thirty minutes later, an unusual breath suddenly burst out from the green slave.

If ordinary people sense this breath, they will definitely piss their pants.

But who are Mu Yun and Chu Antian? The breath of a mere third-level green slave is nothing. At most, it makes them a little more vigilant.

The breath of the green slave is getting stronger and stronger. Finally, when the last spiritual energy crystal core is swallowed, it finally advances to the third-level green slave.


The green slave raised his neck and wanted to roar loudly.

Tremble, human!

I have reached the third level. Now, it's my turn to kill you all!

Wow, hahahaha——

As a result, the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

This may be the first cuckold in the world to break through to the third level, but he didn't get excited for long.

With a "puff", his head moved.

The cuckold opened his lifeless eyes and fell down, and his death couldn't be more thorough.

This is really a sad story.

Mu Yun took out the dagger and fiddled with his head. He saw a spiritual energy crystal core emitting a white light.

The inside of the third-level crystal core is no longer transparent, but there are three strands of milky white mist lingering in it. Obviously, the spiritual energy contained is several times higher than that of the second level.

"Husband, is this the third-level spiritual energy crystal core?" Chu Antian asked curiously.

"Yes, it seems that our plan is feasible. As long as we find the ninety-nine cuckolds, we can gather enough energy for the breakthrough."

"What are you waiting for? Go catch the cuckolds." Chu Antian urged.

"Let's go!"

Mu Yun put away the crystal core, and the two of them started working vigorously.

Not long after, the two of them tied up more than 20 green slaves who were cut into human sticks.

Following the example, Mu Yun took out the spiritual energy crystal core and quickly stuffed it into the mouth of the green slave.

Chu Antian was not idle either, and continued to look for the traces of the green slave in the school.

The two cooperated tacitly, like an assembly line, harvesting one crystal core after another.


On the other side.

The maids drove a van to a high-end villa area.

This was the target location they specially selected, because all the people living here were rich, and the flow of people was relatively small, which was very suitable for their seven-person team to act.

The two vans stopped at the gate of the villa area and locked the iron gate at the entrance.

If the noise was too loud, it would attract monsters around, and the iron gate could block them out.

"Sister Zhong Li, what should we do next?"

The speaker was Fan Xiaoqi, the youngest of the maids.

Even though the maids were all wearing combat uniforms and their beautiful faces were covered by goggles and masks, people who knew them could still recognize them at a glance.

The reason was simple: it was too peaceful.

"According to our previous plan, Zhang Lan, your ability is steel, so don't worry about the attacks of the cuckolds. You will lead the charge."

"This is our first mission. We don't seek speed, but stability."

"See your own strength, exercise our tacit understanding, and find the most suitable combat method for us."

"Remember, our goal is to avoid unnecessary casualties as much as possible. If the situation is urgent, evacuate immediately!"


Several maids agreed in unison.

In this way, a group of seven people moved towards one of the villas.

Among them, Zhong Li was under the greatest pressure.

As the captain, her duty was to lead the team members back alive.

Every decision was related to the lives of everyone, and she could not afford to be careless.

Fortunately, she used to play online games frequently and was a group battle commander. As long as they regarded this doomsday as a game, there would be nothing to be afraid of.

When the group arrived at the door of the villa, they found that the door was locked.

He Ling stepped forward consciously. She awakened the fire power. She held the door handle with her right hand. As the spiritual energy in her body surged, the door handle was burned red, and then she pulled it out with force.

The entire door handle was pulled down, and the door opened.

They were all third-level power users, with a physique seven or eight times that of ordinary people, so they still had some strength.

"T goes to open the monster, and the others are responsible for cover. Go!"

Zhong Li gave an order, and the others rushed into the villa.

"There are no monsters on the first floor. Find cover, T goes to attract monsters."


Zhang Lan responded and turned to the second floor. The rest of the people looked for sofas, tables, chairs and benches as cover.

The rifles in their hands were all aimed at the stairs. As long as a monster showed its head, it would be subject to the gunfire of the crowd.

Bullet rain.

Yan Yunyun hid beside Zhong Li, a little nervous, and her hand holding the gun trembled slightly.

"Don't be afraid, just follow me." Zhong Li whispered to comfort her. After all, she was only a sixteen-year-old child, and her psychological endurance was not enough.

"Pay attention to the target, don't hit your own people." Zhong Li, as a commander, has met many newbies, and has her own set of experience on how to lead novices.

Yan Yunyun took a deep breath, and with Zhong Li's comfort, she was indeed much calmer.


Just then, an angry shout came from the stairs, accompanied by a loud noise and footsteps, and Zhang Lan appeared in the field of vision first.

She jumped down the stairs directly, and turned around quickly after landing to hold the gun.

"Seven monsters, be careful."

As the voice fell, a green slave appeared at the stairs.

Zhong Li narrowed her eyes, raised her rifle and shot.

Others also pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Da Da Da——"

Soon, the seven green slaves came like the gourd dolls saving their grandfather, and one came and one died.

The battle went smoothly, and their confidence was instantly doubled.

After taking out the crystal core from the green slave while forcing themselves to endure the discomfort in their stomachs, the group went to the next villa.

As before, the tank went to attract the monsters, and the rest of the people focused their fire.

In less than an hour, the green slaves in this villa area were cleared out.

They harvested a total of 60 first-level crystal cores, which was not much.

But for this group of rookies, what was more important was that they gained confidence.

The green slaves seemed not so scary in their hearts at this moment, and even the little girl Yan Yunyun was no longer afraid. Instead, she was eager to try and aimed with a rifle, looking ready to move.

"Sister Zhong Li, I found a problem."

Zhang Lan suddenly spoke in the co-pilot seat of the van.

"What's the problem?"

"It seems that these monsters are a bit weak. I feel that I can handle them alone."

"Yeah, indeed, I feel the same way."

Liu Meng and Ou Honghong in the back seat also nodded in agreement.

Zhong Li thought for a moment, "There is a large factory not far away. It is estimated that there are about a hundred people. Let's go and see if we can kill them all in one go."

"This time we will try not to use guns to test our strength."

Zhong Li made the decision, and no one else objected.

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