The car was still in the air, but the driver was still standing.

When the motorcycle drove to the edge of the fountain square, the zombies gathered in the square were startled by the roar of the engine.

Thirty or forty ordinary zombies turned around first, waving their rotten arms and roaring as they ran towards this side.

The four mutant zombies and the three-meter-tall tank zombie stayed where they were.

Qin Hao jumped off the motorcycle the moment Evelyn stopped it, and then put the motorcycle into the alternate dimension shelter after Evelyn got off.

"Evelyn, it's time for your first show. Don't let me down."

Qin Hao smiled, holding the gun in his left hand, and made an invitation gesture to Evelyn who was standing beside him with his other hand.


Evelyn nodded to Qin Hao,

reached out to take off the two fully equipped MP5 submachine guns hanging on her side, and then turned and walked towards the group of zombies rushing over.

Almost at the moment of turning around.

She held the gun with both hands and pulled the trigger at the zombies running over with a roar.

Da Da Da~~~~

Da Da Da~~~~~

Evelyn's marksmanship was superb. The ordinary zombies 10 to 20 meters away were constantly hit in the head by bullets and fell down one by one.

After two magazines were empty.

Half of the thirty or forty zombies fell down directly.

She did not change the magazine, but inserted the two MP5 submachine guns in her hands back to her side, and then quickly pulled out the two Desert Eagles on the tactical belt.

Bang~ ... Two weightless female zombies, two bloody muscle zombies, and a three-meter-tall tank zombie.

In addition.

Qin Hao also found that on the steps of the fountain pool behind these mutant zombies, there was a young man wearing a white sportswear and looking leisurely.

He didn't look like a zombie.

But the mutant zombies ignored his existence and did not attack him, as if they regarded him as their own kind.

After Evelyn killed 36 ordinary zombies in just one minute, the young man in the white sportswear stood up in shock.

His pale face seemed to reveal an expression of disbelief, and then he whispered a few words to the mutant zombies standing in front of him.

Then the three-meter-tall tank zombie and the two bloody muscle zombies fell into a violent state in an instant and rushed over here.

At the same time, the two petite weightless female zombies raised their heads and let out a sharp and piercing scream at the sky.

Almost in an instant.

Two piercing screams resounded throughout the fountain square and quickly spread to the surroundings.

Those ordinary zombies that were originally attracted by the gunshots became even more violent after hearing the screams.

Waving two rotten arms, they roared and ran towards Qin Hao and Evelyn.

Moreover, the ordinary zombies and mutant zombies wandering around the fountain square were also startled by the screams and quickly gathered.

Some of the weightless female zombies also let out piercing screams.

In an instant.

More than a dozen piercing screams continued to sound in several nearby streets, and the sound spread farther and farther, causing a series of chain reactions.

All the zombies in the nearby blocks were startled by the screams and fell into a violent state in an instant.

Thousands of ordinary zombies and dozens of mutant zombies continued to gather together, quickly gathering towards the fountain square from all directions.

"Come on, come on, the more the better."

Looking at the zombies that kept appearing around the fountain square

Zombies, Qin Hao's handsome face showed a trace of happy smile.

At this moment, Evelyn stood beside Qin Hao, raised the MP5 submachine gun in both hands, and fired at the two bloody muscle zombies and tank zombies rushing over.

"Annie, come out to help."

Qin Hao raised his hand, and a delicate golden card was thrown into the air by him.

A dazzling golden light flashed.

Annie, with long golden hair and a tall figure, appeared beside Qin Hao.

The moment she appeared, she just glanced at the surrounding situation.

Then she pulled out the two silver laser pistols from her waist with both hands and attacked the tank zombies rushing over.

Seeing more and more zombies gathering towards the fountain square, the young man in white sportswear and pale skin.

Suddenly stood on the steps of the fountain pool.

He raised his hands with a smug look on his face, raised two middle fingers to Qin Hao who was 20 to 30 meters away, and mocked loudly.

"Boy, there are only three of you, with a few broken guns. How many zombies can you kill with the bullets in your hands?

One hundred? Or two hundred?"

While speaking, he pointed at the zombies swarming around the fountain square with his finger, and mocked loudly with a smug look on his face:

"Even if there are not a thousand zombies now, there must be seven or eight hundred. Even if you pile up your heads, you will be killed!

You are dead!"

After saying that, the young man suddenly laughed up to the sky: "From now on, I am the king of the zombie world! Sooner or later, I will conquer this world!"

"Is this guy the zombie king? It seems that he has not lost his human consciousness? Could it be that this guy has obtained a zombie-like system?"

With doubts in his heart, Qin Hao decided to capture this arrogant guy who called himself the zombie king alive and interrogate him to see what was going on.

Then, he glanced at the rotten zombies around him that had already run 20 to 30 meters away.

"Heh~ Want to use numbers to bully the few? I'm not fighting alone, so let's fight a team battle!"

With a slightly sarcastic sneer.

Qin Hao decided to give the arrogant guy a little shock, and threw 19 summoning cards into the air.

In an instant.

In the air, the 19 summoning cards, like flowers scattered by a fairy, summoned figures in the dazzling light.

The skeleton warrior holding a war knife, the purple big-mouthed carnivorous plant, the yellow muscular Shiba Inu, and the barbarian warrior holding a battle axe killed the zombies in the east.

The dwarf scout holding a short knife and a sentinel arrow, the six-meter-long green anaconda, and the crazy Barbie holding a pink chainsaw killed the zombies in the west.

Green frost dwarves, armored imperial warriors holding spears, and minotaur warriors holding double axes killed the zombies in the south.

Crazy Ace, who was tied with bombs, and the two-meter-tall werewolf warriors also quickly killed the zombies.

"No one is allowed to exceed ten meters from me, let those zombies come over and kill them!"

Qin Hao switched the shotgun in his hand to an M32 revolver grenade launcher and shouted at the summons that had just appeared.

Seven summons above level C also appeared around Qin Hao in an instant, but did not immediately attack those ordinary zombies.

Instead, they were waiting for Qin Hao's order.

At this moment.

The arrogant young man standing on the steps of the fountain was dumbfounded when he saw the twenty or so summons that suddenly appeared.

An expression of incredible shock appeared on his pale face.

How is this possible?

Is this man a summoner?

Otherwise, how could you summon so many helpers at once?

However, even if there are only twenty people, so what! I don't believe you can withstand the siege of more than a thousand zombies!

The next second.

When he saw Qin Hao holding a grenade launcher in both hands and bombarding the zombies in the distance, he was stunned.

How come he... how come he still has a grenade launcher?

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