The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"What! What did you say?"

Hearing the bearded man's words, Qin Hao's brain was stunned for a moment, and he almost thought he had heard it wrong, and asked with some fear.

"You just said that the nearby military base will use nuclear bombs to clean up the city?"

No! Doesn't it require authorization from the top to launch a nuclear bomb? Can this thing be launched casually? "

He looked at the bearded man with a puzzled look and asked, always feeling that the idea of ​​nuclear bombs washing the ground was a little bit nonsense.

It's not that he was afraid that he would be killed by a nuclear bomb. After all, he now has an immortal body and a portable shelter in another dimension to hide.

Naturally, he didn't care about the life and death of the survivors in the city. After all, he didn't have a saintly heart to save the whole world.

The problem is that if the nearby military base really wants to carry out a nuclear bomb washing, and blow the zombies and survivors in the city into slag.

Then he will have no zombies to kill. If there are no zombies to kill, there will be no cards.

At that time, he can only move to nearby cities with other strange natural disasters.

Until it is absolutely necessary.

He really doesn't want to leave this city with only zombies and go to other cities to face those strange natural disasters that he knows nothing about.

"You are right. If you want to launch a nuclear bomb, it does require some high-level authorization before it can be launched. "

The bearded man took a puff of his cigarette, exhaled a puff of smoke, and continued to speak while looking at the darkness around him.

"There is a high probability that there are no nuclear missiles in this small missile base, but there are at least dozens of medium-range missiles and short-range missiles, as well as some rocket launchers.

In some special cases, the launch of ordinary tactical missiles and bombing with rocket launchers do not require authorization.

Especially after all kinds of networks and satellite networks are interrupted, these tactical missiles can actually be launched manually. "

The bearded man sighed helplessly and smiled bitterly: "If the highest commander in the military base wants to fight to the death.

Dozens of medium-range and short-range missiles and more than a dozen rocket launchers are used for saturation bombing, which is enough to turn everything in this city into ruins.

Not only this city, but also several nearby cities can be bombed one by one. "

"Don't they care about the lives of ordinary survivors? "Qin Hao asked with a puzzled look on his face.

The bearded man was obviously a little shy about this question. After taking the last puff of his cigarette, he threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, stomped it out with his foot, turned his head and looked at Qin Hao, and said solemnly:

"What I just said was just an extreme guess, and it may not really happen, but people can do anything in despair and collapse.

Now that the doomsday disaster has come, the whole world has become a mess. When a person sees no hope, he will try all kinds of ways.

Of course, sacrifice is inevitable!"

The young man standing aside also had an ugly face, and said gloomily:

"The military base must not have completely fallen now. At most, the ground base has fallen, and the underground missile base should not have fallen yet.

When the disaster just started, the military base sent troops into the city to carry out rescue and evacuation operations, but later for some reason, they did not continue the rescue and evacuation.

Now it seems that there must be infected people among the survivors who were rescued, which led to the complete collapse of the military base on the ground. "

The bearded man standing aside lit another cigarette with some anxiety, took a puff, and continued:

"In fact, after the sudden earthquake yesterday, most of the survivors in the city have fled the city.

There are probably not many people left in the city now.

So, I guess that the nearby military base will most likely carry out saturation bombing in the next two days in order to avoid the evolution of more mutant zombies. "

Hearing the explanations of the bearded man and the young man, Qin Hao also understood some of the current situation in his mind.

Then he asked his own guess.

"According to your reasoning, doesn't it mean that the military of all countries in the world will carry out saturation bombing on those doomsday disasters?"

Hearing Qin Hao's words, the bearded man

Suddenly he smiled: "Young man, the whole world is now at a moment of life and death.

If those hot weapons and big killers are not used now, will they still be left in the warehouse to gather dust?

No matter whether these hot weapons are useful for those doomsday disasters, they must be used, because only after using them can we know whether they are effective.

Of course... for those cities with various extreme weather conditions, these hot weapons have really become a pile of useless scrap metal."

The bearded man glanced at the survivors hiding five or six meters away, then took a puff of cigarette and looked at Qin Hao with smoke puffing.

"The city is no longer safe. Do you still plan to stay in the city?

Not to mention the saturation bombing that may happen next, even if you encounter a zombie tide, you can't handle it alone with a gun.

Listen to my advice. When the fog outside dissipates tomorrow, follow us out of the city and go to the nearby military base to check the situation.

Then, we will find a safe shelter to hide, while looking for supplies and waiting for the end of this doomsday."

The bearded man showed a sincere expression when he spoke, as if he really hoped that Qin Hao could join his team.

He was indeed very optimistic about this young but courageous handsome boy in front of him.

"Uncle, I'm sorry." Qin Hao shook his head without any hesitation: "I still have some things to do, and I can't leave now."

The young man standing aside saw that Qin Hao was so unwilling to listen to his advice, and continued to persuade him earnestly: "Brother, listen to my advice, there are zombies everywhere outside now, you can't survive alone!"

"No, thank you for your kindness, I wish you good luck." Qin Hao's handsome face showed a sunny smile.

Then, he climbed over the railing, jumped directly to the first floor.

"Be careful!" Seeing this, the young man exclaimed hurriedly: "It's okay if you don't join, don't jump off the building!"

The bearded man on the side was also startled when he saw Qin Hao jump to the first floor, and hurriedly looked at the ground on the first floor.

In the dim environment.

Qin Hao, who had just jumped down, rolled several times in the air, and then landed steadily with one hand in a very handsome posture.

Then he stood up, holding a shotgun in both hands, and walked towards the entrance of the mall step by step, towards an ordinary zombie that had just run in from outside the mall.

"This boy is definitely not simple! He is definitely not an ordinary person!"

Looking at the boy below who shot an ordinary zombie in the head with one shot, the bearded man showed a trace of solemnity on his face.

The first floor of the mall.

After Qin Hao killed an ordinary rotten zombie with one shot, he stood at the entrance of the mall and looked at the bloody thick fog outside reflected by the bloody moonlight.

A trace of thought appeared on his handsome face. He knew in his heart that he didn't have much time to stay in this city.


It was only a matter of time before he went to the nearby city.

What he had to do now was to save as many skill cards and summon cards as possible before the city was bombed.

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