The two of them were in the same boat, and the two of them were in the same boat.

In Qin Hao's plan.

He first needs to find a stable and safe shelter, so that he doesn't need to be on guard all the time when he is resting.

At the same time, when he goes to kill zombies to get cards, he can also leave Ye Zhenzhen in the shelter waiting for him.


If you want to build a shelter, it is definitely not enough for only Ye Zhenzhen and himself, so you must form your own team.

In terms of choosing members, first of all, they must be loyal to you and will not betray you.

Secondly, they cannot be useless trash.

It is best to have people who understand each other and are worthy of your trust.

Chen Yongjun in front of him could barely be considered a candidate, but he still needed to observe him carefully.

As for the remaining four people, except for Lingling who seemed a little smart, the remaining three were three complete rubbish!

Unfortunately, Qin Hao always felt that Lingling's brain was a little abnormal.

Just as Qin Hao was thinking in his heart.

Chen Yongjun drove the van out of the main road of the city from an intersection, entered a rural road, and continued to drive out of the city.

There were not many cars on the road.

He drove much faster and directly bypassed some zombies wandering on the road.

In just a few minutes.

There were more than a dozen zombies waving their rotten arms wildly, roaring in a low voice, and chasing after them.

However, the speed of the zombies was not as fast as the car after all, and they were soon thrown off.

After entering the rural road.

In fact, there were not many zombies on the road.

The aftershocks also disappeared completely.

There are many poplar trees planted on both sides of the road, but you can still see the wheat fields on both sides that are almost ripe through the gaps between the poplar trees.

After driving five or six kilometers in one breath, the van drove into a town.

Chen Yongjun slowed down the car, looked around, and after confirming that there were no zombies on the street, he parked the car directly in front of a supermarket with its door closed.

Then, he turned around and said to Qin Hao who was sitting in the back: "It's almost noon, everyone is hungry, let's go down and find something to eat first."

"Okay." Looking at Chen Yongjun who looked tired, Qin Hao nodded. It was obvious that he had spent a lot of energy driving all the way just now.


After nodding slightly to Qin Hao, Chen Yongjun immediately greeted the old lady Chaoxiong and others who were sitting in the back.

"Don't be in a daze. If you don't want to be hungry, go down and find supplies together." After saying that, Chen Yongjun stretched out his hand to open the car door and walked down with a golf club.

"Brother Qin Hao, you stay in the car and rest. I'll find you something to eat."

After showing a sweet smile to Qin Hao, Lingling also opened the car door, got out of the car with a golf club, and followed Chen Yongjun to the supermarket.

Seeing this, the three old ladies sitting in the back row also got out of the car one by one with golf clubs and followed.

Chen Yongjun would not indulge them. If they didn't get off now, they would definitely have nothing to eat later.

Qin Hao didn't even move. He held Ye Zhenzhen's hand and sat in the van, waiting quietly.

Chen Yongjun brought Lingling and the other four to the closed roller shutter door of the small supermarket and directly pried it up with the golf club in his hand.


Just a few times.

A messy sound of footsteps and a low roar came from the roller shutter door.


Lingling and others were startled.

Li Jiale looked at Chen Yongjun nervously and said, "Uncle Chen, there seems to be a zombie in here, what should we do?"

"What should we do?" Chen Yongjun glared at Li Jiale, who was nervous, and said, "Keep prying. You are not afraid of a zombie! If you don't want to go hungry, keep prying!"

As he said that, Chen Yongjun used the golf club in his hand to pry from the crack of the door below.

"Okay." Li Jiale gritted his teeth and continued to pry, but he was ready to turn around and run at any time.

The three women stood aside holding the golf clubs with a nervous look on their faces.

Qin Hao, who was sitting in the van, naturally heard the roar coming from the rolling door, and got off the van directly with a shotgun.

Seeing this, Ye Zhenzhen hung the explosion-proof shield on the backpack, then put on the backpack and got off the van


When Qin Hao and Ye Zhenzhen walked to the front of the supermarket, he spoke directly to Chen Yongjun and others.

"Get out of the way, let me break the door."

Hearing Qin Hao's words, Chen Yongjun and others quickly retreated to the side.

Qin Hao raised the shotgun in his hand, aimed at the door lock on the rolling door, and pulled the trigger directly.


With one shot, the door lock on the rolling door was directly broken.

"I'll do the rest." Chen Yongjun on the side quickly walked to the rolling door, directly poked the door lock on the rolling door with the golf club in his hand, and then stretched out his hand to pull up the rolling door.

After pulling it up halfway, at the moment when the zombies inside rushed out, he quickly retreated to the side.


Qin Hao raised the shotgun in his hand, aimed at the female zombie rushing out of the rolling door, and pulled the trigger directly.

This shot directly blew the female zombie's head off.

After the female zombie fell down.

Everyone waited for a few seconds, and after confirming that there were no other zombies in the supermarket, Chen Yongjun walked over and stretched out his hand to push the shutter door above his head, and then walked in.

The old lady Chaoxiong, Li Jiale, and Shen Jiaojiao on the side looked at Qin Hao and Ye Zhenzhen.

After Qin Hao brought Ye Zhenzhen and Lingling into the supermarket one after another, they followed in.

The supermarket was not big.

The first floor was about 50 to 60 square meters, and there was a staircase leading to the second floor at the innermost.

Chen Yongjun had already run up.

Lingling and others, who had been hungry for a long time, couldn't bear it anymore after taking a look at Qin Hao.

They directly picked up the food on the shelf, tore open the package and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Ye Zhenzhen took off Qin Hao's backpack, opened it, and began to put some vacuum-packed meat and several bottles of fruit juice drinks into it, filling up most of the backpack.

She also took some snacks she liked from the shelf next to her, and then pulled up the backpack with a satisfied look on her face and put it on Qin Hao's back again.

Then, she picked up three vacuum-packed duck legs and two large bottles of mineral water from the shelf.

After returning to Qin Hao's side, she tore open a duck leg and handed it to Qin Hao.

"Ah Hao, you must be starving, eat it quickly."

"Well, you eat too."

After Qin Hao reached out to take the duck leg, Ye Zhenzhen opened another duck leg and started eating.

The shelf with cooked food was basically packed by Ye Zhenzhen, and there was not much left, but Lingling and others did not dare to come over to take it.

They could only pick up some canned meat, various hams, biscuits and bread from other shelves and eat them.

Just then.

Chen Yongjun also walked down from the second floor and came to Qin Hao's side, saying: "I just looked, the second floor is a warehouse, and there is a bedroom."

"Yeah." Qin Hao nodded, then pointed to the meat shelf next to him. "Eat something first, and we'll talk about the rest later."


Chen Yongjun smiled at Qin Hao, then walked to the shelf, picked up a vacuum-packed roast chicken, tore it open and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Qin Hao didn't want to do things too extreme, so he took Ye Zhenzhen to the second floor directly, leaving the first floor to Chen Yongjun and others.

In fact, there was not much food in this small supermarket, most of it was snacks or something.

Ye Zhenzhen had already cleared more than half of the only shelf with meat, and of course there were two shelves with various hams and canned goods left for others.

After taking a look at the warehouse on the second floor.

Qin Hao found that there was not much food in this warehouse, which was only the size of a bedroom, and most of it was some daily supplies.

After seeing the sanitary napkins, Ye Zhenzhen's eyes lit up, and she picked up a few packs and stuffed them into the backpack behind Qin Hao for backup.

Then, she searched for useful supplies among a pile of daily necessities.

Qin Hao walked straight to the window on the second floor and observed the street outside.

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