Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 398 Framed

After Gong Changfa explained what he had done, everyone was taken aback. They didn't expect Gong Changfa to develop his abilities to such an extent. With a light slap, he turned others into fools. With such a terrifying ability, who is his opponent for ordinary supernatural beings?

Xun Yan quickly asked, "Shall we throw this guy into the water and let him fend for himself?"

Gong Changfa shook his head, looked at Fang Qinghao who was sitting on the deck, and said, "Master Water God, it's time for you to go out now. Please throw this assassin on the Goose Kingdom's boat. Remember not to let others see it."

When the others heard Gong Changfa say this, they all understood what he was going to do. It turned out that he was planning to frame the assassin and throw the assassin who had become a fool on the boat of other forces. In this way, this matter has nothing to do with him , can continue to instigate hatred among others.

Although Shen Feng was drunk, he was still conscious, and quickly said: "That's a good idea, let's set up a frame, and by the way, we can notify the European side, so that the European side can intervene."

Although the plan was good, Fang Qinghao, who was carrying out this task, disagreed. He leaned on the deck and said lazily: "It seems that I am not under your Gong Changfa's management. Qin's big sister didn't even speak, and you still commanded me. I'll just say it, it's impossible!"

Fang Qinghao was unwilling to cooperate in carrying out this task, Gong Changfa frowned immediately, he did not expect Fang Qinghao to be so difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, at this time, Xu Huwei spoke up, and he said lightly: "Fang Qinghao, Mr. Fang, you have the habit of talking in your sleep, do you need me to remind you? Just two days ago, you were dreaming and talking about your sweetheart. The name, it seems to be called Yu... I can't remember the name clearly, but it seems to be related to someone present!"

Fang Qinghao's face changed drastically. He didn't expect that the things he kept so deeply in his heart would be known by others. He looked at Shen Feng with a guilty conscience, and Shen Feng was still drunk at this time. He didn't think too much, otherwise, Shen Feng, such a smart person, must have guessed the truth of the matter based on a surname.

"No, I can't let Shen Feng hear about Yu Renshu, otherwise, I will lose all opportunities!" Fang Qinghao thought silently in his heart.

Fang Qinghao is actually pursuing Yu Renshu, but Yu Renshu's attitude is very firm, Shen Feng is the only one in her heart. However, under Fang Qinghao's long-term pursuit, Yu Renshu's attitude seems to have wavered a lot, especially with Yu Renshu's mother, she saw a young man who was courting his daughter all day long, and she also felt that this was a man worth entrusting for life. options, and began to persuade Yu Renshu.

However, once Shen Feng heard about Yu Renshu, what would Shen Feng do?

"Shen Feng will definitely snatch Yu Renshu away. No, this matter must not become a reality!" Fang Qinghao is most worried that Shen Feng will take Yu Renshu away, and then he will completely lose his chance.

"I'm going to do this task, please don't be so serious? I was just joking!" Fang Qinghao smiled and said to Xu Huwei. Now that the responsibility is in the hands of others, he has to follow the instructions.

Gong Changfa took out a piece of paper, wrote a few words in English, then handed it to Fang Qinghao, and said: "Throw this assassin on the ship of the goose country first, and then throw this paper to the gathering place in Europe. For this task, we will write off everything.”

Fang Qinghao became very active at this time. After taking the note, he wrapped it in a plastic bag, then grabbed the demented assassin, jumped into the water, and swam out towards the distance. During the process, no sound came out.

As soon as he got into the water, Fang Qinghao could immediately propel himself with the water flow. The dark night gave him the best cover. As long as he covered the assassin's mouth, he would not make a sound at all while advancing.

Gong Changfa thought about it carefully on the deck, but still felt uneasy. If someone came to explore under the sea area on his side, wouldn't they be able to find the meteorite directly?

Thinking of this, Gong Changfa looked at Qin Kewei and said, "Captain Qin, I heard that your ability uses soil. I hope you can go into the water and bury the meteorite in the ground, and then take it out when the time is right."

When Qin Kewei heard this suggestion, although he didn't directly object, he expressed his dilemma: "I can indeed manipulate the soil, but I can't stand the huge pressure underwater. At present, except for Fang Qinghao who can go to the bottom of the sea, we They can't go down."

It's not that Qin Kewei is unwilling to do this, but that she is unable to go into the water. The pressure in the deep sea is very high. Except for submarines that can enter such deep seas, humans are completely unable to dive.

On the one hand, there is buoyancy in the human body, and it is impossible to go down after sinking to a certain extent; The reason for the insanity is that he was under tremendous pressure in the sea. After he floated up suddenly, there was a gap between the pressure in his body and the atmospheric pressure, and the eardrum in his ear could easily leak.

Gong Changfa thought about it carefully, and said, "Azhe, use copper ingots to make a diving suit to protect Captain Qin from entering the water. In addition, add a chain to the diving suit. Once you find something wrong, pull him up immediately!"

Qin Kewei finally agreed after hearing this method, but before going into the water, he told Yue Hengyi, saying: "After I go into the water, you must hold on to the chain tightly, my sister's life is in your hands. "

Yue Hengyi quickly said: "Don't worry, I won't let go of the chain, I'll make sure you're fine!"

Afterwards, Yun Laizhe began to use his supernatural powers, and used the copper ingots on the ship to make a pure copper diving suit. The whole diving suit weighed eighty or nine hundred catties, let alone resisting the water pressure of the deep sea, even a large-caliber bullet could carry it. Live and shoot.

Moreover, Yun Laizhe also removed two pieces of bulletproof glass from the warship, embedded them in the diving suit, and then inserted two fluorescent sticks into the diving suit, and the lighting method was also available.

When Qin Kewei saw the diving suit prepared for himself, he couldn't help shaking his head helplessly, and said, "Can this also be called a diving suit? This is obviously a diving bell!"

At this time, the pure copper diving suit was not only heavy, but also completely unable to move. As long as it got into it, it would not be able to move freely.

"The diving bell is the diving bell, as long as it can be used." Yun Laizhe shrugged. He can only control the copper element, and he is not a person who specializes in designing diving suits. There is no other way, at least the bulletproof glass is embedded on the outside of the diving suit, I believe it can withstand the water pressure.

Next, Qin Kewei got into the diving suit, and Yun Laizhe continued to seal the opening. The two men lifted the heavy diving suit and threw it into the water. The copper chain was tightly grasped by Yue Hengyi. Click it down.

Yue Hengyi held the life of his beloved in his hands, so now he didn't dare to be careless. If he accidentally missed the chain and let Qin Kewei fall into the deep sea, he would never see him again.

Seeing this scene, Shen Feng couldn't help but said to Chang Haojie beside him: "Xiaojie, do you have any coins on you? Throw one into the water quickly, otherwise, you will be cursed if you don't pay the tithe."

Chang Haojie looked at his drunken brother-in-law, and didn't want to talk to him at first, but thinking that the matter was important now, he could only look for the coins on his body, but he didn't find the coins. Fortunately, Chang Haojie found that the buttons on his body were gold, which also Can be valuable.

Ever since, Chang Haojie tore off a button and threw it into the water.

"What is tithe?" Li Keyi was a little puzzled. She had never heard of such a legend about the curse of the deep sea. Wouldn't it be possible to be cursed if she gave money?

Shen Feng replied casually: "Haven't you heard the story of the deep-sea titan? Oh, by the way, you don't play games, forget it, you don't even know about it."

Chang Haojie didn't expect that his brother-in-law was talking about the content in the game, and suddenly complained: "My pure gold buttons, brother-in-law, you have to pay me, because of your nonsense, I lost hundreds of catties of food stamps!"

Although Chang Haojie is the eldest son of Yuzhou, he does not have to worry about food and drink, but his monthly expenses are quite a lot. This pure gold button is enough to exchange for several hundred catties of food stamps, and there is still a lot of money, which is now thrown into the In the water, he was a little unhappy.

But on Fang Qinghao's side, after learning the location of Goose Country and Yindu, he immediately swam close. Under the dark night, there was no light in the water, and sea water was the best means of cover.

The supernatural beings in the Goose Kingdom and Indu live on a wooden boat, and it is a sailing boat. When there is wind, they use the power of the wind to sail, and when there is no wind, they rely entirely on the supernatural beings to paddle forward. From this point of view Well, the driving force of this group of people is the most suitable in God's Domain. If there is wind, they can use the wind power. If there is no wind, they can also paddle with their hands.

On the wooden boat, people are still communicating constantly, and the means of communication between them are also very scarce. The main reason is the language barrier. One side speaks Russian and the other side speaks English. Except for some elites who can understand Russian and English, No one else could understand what the other was saying.

The lighting method on board is kerosene lamps, which are much worse than electric lights, but it is good to be able to illuminate at the moment, not everyone's ability is to control electric current.

Fang Qinghao could see clearly in the water. The people on the boat were divided into two groups. One group had fair skin. Obviously, they didn't spend much time in the sun in Siberia. On the other side were dark-skinned strong men in their thirties. The skin was darker than the other, obviously because they often bask in the sun in tropical areas.

After seeing this scene, Fang Qinghao immediately started to act. He threw the white man who was covering his mouth onto the wooden boat, and then used his supernatural ability to accelerate himself with water flow, and flew away from this sea area.

"Plop", a person was suddenly thrown up from the boat more than ten meters high, and immediately made a dull sound. Most of the people present were supernatural beings, so they immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

Coincidentally, the assassin was thrown to the side of the Indu supernatural beings. The group of supernatural beings suddenly became nervous when they saw a wet white man suddenly appear on the boat. What's going on? Could it be someone attacked?

"Catch him and interrogate him. Ask him what he's here for. He's obviously from North America. This is the enemy!" Indian supernatural beings immediately started to take action. After arresting the assassin, they had to interrogate him. Only tonight did he turn his face. As a result, someone came to inquire about the news an hour later. Isn't this a coincidence?

However, the assassin's brain was destroyed by Gong Changfa, and he turned into a fool. Even the language area of ​​the brain was destroyed. The assassin couldn't say anything except screaming.

In the end, the group of supernatural beings couldn't ask anything.

"Pick him up and see if there is anything on him that can prove his identity." The supernatural beings hurriedly stripped the assassin naked, and finally found the guy's identification in their trouser pockets. It turned out to be The man named Anwaron, moreover, was indeed from North America.

"This guy is an enemy, but he seems to be a fool. How should we deal with him?" A group of Indian and Du superpowers started a discussion. Since they are enemies, there is no need to show mercy. Anyway, we have already fought with North America and Europe tonight. I've turned my face, and now I don't have to worry about the other party at this time.

At this moment, a 30-year-old supernatural person touched the white man's skin and said, "It's so white!"

Indu is an angry place, especially when it comes to the relationship between men and women. For the old bachelors in Indu, they are in estrus at any time. Even monitor lizards are nothing but hungry objects in the eyes of these people. , and now a fair-skinned man appeared, and suddenly, a group of Indian and Du superpowers became excited.



"Who will come first?"

"I am a humble person, you come first, I will help you hold your hands and feet."

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