Chapter 77 Don’t! Xiao Yi will open his mouth widely!.

After breakfast, Xiao Yi distributed nine [Precision Shooting] Advanced Books to everyone. I gave Wen Wen a high five-five last night and forgot.

Anna ate breakfast, looked at everyone’s relaxed expressions, and even laughed. It is completely different from the tense atmosphere of Longfeng Villa.

This touched her a little.

I even thought that if I stayed in this team, it should be a good choice. But she was well aware of her identity.

Dad is the mayor of the town.

Now in this difficult time, she must stay and help her father. And Xiao Yi’s group of people is very mysterious.

What exactly they are coming from is not clear.

At this time, Xiao Yi’s phone vibrate, it was An Qiming.

“Hey, Mayor An.”

“Oh, Yuquan Industrial Zone, yes, no problem.”

An Qiming’s intention to call was to hope that Xiao Yi would clean up the Yuquan Industrial Zone first. As for the reason, he did not say.

Xiao Yi didn’t want to ask, anyway, he was cleaning up the zombies, and in the next few days, he would always live in the Hahaha Mineral Water Factory. It is close to the Yuquan Industrial Zone.

Clean up the zombies, and when you sleep at night, you can also avoid being harassed by zombies. That happened last night.

Everyone happily played high-fives, but two zombies hit the door, which was somewhat unhappy.

“Everyone has finished eating, let’s get ready to go.”

“Today’s task is to clean up the zombies in the Yuquan Industrial Zone.”

“RVs, dining cars, bathing cars, all stay here.”

“Just drive out in the main car today.”

Anyway, all vehicles are controlled by the Red Queen, and even if they stay here, others can’t drive away. The bodies are all bulletproof armor.

Don’t worry about being vandalized.

Xiao Yi took Anna to the RV, and Liu Chihiro was also there.

“Chihiro, your injury is estimated to heal the day after tomorrow, so you don’t have to fight today.”

“Miss Anna, you are here to accompany Anna.”

“The two of them also have companions, and the food is ready for noon.”

In fact, Xiao Yi wanted Liu Qianxun to stare at Anna and not let her run around. Once arranged.

The rest of the people all returned to the main car, and Xiao Yi drove the armored car out of the factory. Watch Xiao Yi leave.

Anna’s mind immediately came alive, and she had always wondered where the food that had disappeared in the supermarket had gone. But Anna also understood.

Can’t ask so directly.

So she changed her question: “Chihiro, your fleet consists of four vehicles, and none of them are transporters.” ”

“At that time, you will not be able to pull away 5,000 tons of frozen goods.”

“Why didn’t Xiao Yi send someone to find some transporters?”

“You know, once those frozen goods leave the freezer, they will rot quickly.”

This question is more cryptic.

It is not easy to reveal your true thoughts.

But what is Liu Qianxun, a professional bodyguard who graduated from the International Security Academy, has a very delicate mind. As soon as you hear it, you know Anna’s true intentions.

“Our captain has already made arrangements.”

“Don’t worry, those frozen goods will not rot.”

Saying this, Anna was embarrassed to continue to ask, so the two had a small talk without a match. Unconsciously, he talked about those survivors in the hinterland of Nanmen Mountain.

There were actually two or three thousand people.

Anna decided to report to her father immediately.

Now the town is in urgent need of manpower, and after Xiao Yi cleans up the piles of zombies, the rest needs to rely on themselves. Those survivors in the hinterland of Nanmen Mountain.

It can be expanded to the security force.

So he quickly called An Qiming and reported the situation here.


“What, there are two or three thousand survivors in the hinterland of Nanmen Mountain?”

“Okay! That’s great! ”

An Qimin was very excited.

He was worried that once Xiao Yi cleaned up the industrial zone, he would immediately organize people to seal the grain. The soldiers who had planned to reinforce them would rescue those trapped in their homes.

Then sent to the factory.

But the efficiency is definitely very slow, after all, there are only ten days, and not a minute can be delayed. It’s good now.

There are so many people in the hinterland of Nanmen Mountain, and it is estimated that most of them are survivors of escaping from the industrial zone. It’s all ready-made workers.

And in comparison, the hinterland of Nanmen Mountain is safer than Longfeng Villa. There is only one road into the mountain.

There are cliffs on both sides of the road, as long as the road is blocked and soldiers are stationed, the safety will be greatly improved.

“Xiaohuang, I’ve decided.”

“Move the temporary command post to Nanmen Mountain.”

“Let the two armored vehicles of the reinforcements open the way, and we will go around from outside the town, basically there will be no danger.”

“Hurry up and arrange it.”

In fact, there are not many things to move, that is, some computers and communication tools. Food doesn’t need much.

Because there are granaries in the town, you can just pull it when you need it. The other side.

As soon as Xiao Yi’s armored car drove out of the factory, it encountered groups of zombies. Although it will be cleaned up every day when I come back.

But at night, zombies will run around, and there is no way to clean it up completely.

“Prepare for battle.”

The team members immediately opened the shooting window, one barrel after another stretched out, and now everyone has learned level 1 [shooting specialty]. 30 meters distance, more than 80% headshot rate.

As long as there are no oversized corpses, it is basically impossible to trap armored vehicles. Swish…


The submachine gun immediately fired outside, and before the zombies in all directions could pounce, they were killed by headshots from afar. Xiao Yi was not idle.

His marksmanship is more powerful, with a 100% headshot rate within 50 meters, and the zombies that rush towards the cab are basically killed by him from 60 meters away.

After the marksmanship is ready.

When Xiao Yi was driving, the guns he used were also different. Now an FN57 pistol is used.

It has a longer effective range than Glock, penetrates body armor at a distance of 100 meters, and is the longest range pistol in the world. The magazine is also an expanded magazine for 50 rounds.

The number of refills is greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that the FN57 is smaller than the Uzi submachine gun, which is more convenient to shoot when driving with one hand. Sou.. Sou.. Sou…

As long as Xiao Yi saw the zombie, he raised his hand to shoot and kill with a very random long-distance headshot. Plus nine team members opened fire together.

Zombies pose no threat to the convoy, and today is the easiest day since the end of the world. Armored vehicles soon came to the industrial zone.

Xiao Yi honked his horn frantically at the gate, and the zombies in the nearby factory were all attracted out. It’s just that it hasn’t approached armored vehicles yet.

He was killed by a bullet headshot.

Of course, there must be zombies in some closed rooms, but they can’t get out for the time being. Xiao Yi will not take the initiative to find them.

The cooperation with An Qiming is only to clean up half of the zombies in the town. That’s about 50,000 or 60,000.

In fact, these zombies are a security hazard, and after the virus mutates, the zombies will also mutate. At that time, the power will be greatly strengthened.

They will rush out of the room, and then it will be the real zombies everywhere, the purgatory on earth. At this time, Xiao Yi noticed that there was a lamp factory next to it.

There is a large sign at the entrance with an introduction to the lamp manager. The factory mainly produces drill cannon flashlights.

Xiao Yi has seen it on the Internet before, this flashlight can shoot up to one kilometer, and in astigmatism mode, it can illuminate an area with a diameter of 100 meters.

And very bright.

It’s a moving little sun. That’s a good thing.

During the day, Xiao Yi’s people are very strong, and once it reaches night, the marksmanship cannot be played due to the limitation of the field of vision. If you can get a batch of sky cannon flashlights.

It can make up for the shortcomings of the night.

“Go, go to the factory and get a batch of flashlights.”

Xiao Yi drove the armored car in, and the zombies inside had been cleaned up, and it was not ruled out that there were still in the closed room. However, the team members are wearing stab-proof suits.

There are also VIR antibody needles in the medical kit, so even if you are bitten, you can treat them immediately. Xiao Yi got off the car with five people.

Soon found the warehouse, which was stacked with many cardboard boxes. Take one apart at will.

All are drill cannon flashlights.

“Hurry up and move these cardboard boxes back to the ammunition depot.”

The second-to-second skill is extremely fast.

Less than five minutes.

Everyone emptied this warehouse, and harvested at least a thousand cannon flashlights. Xiao Yi is not too much.

Anyway, it’s just a matter of a few minutes, as long as it is useful to yourself. The crowd returned to the armored vehicle and continued to drive forward.

The industrial zone is huge.

And there are several large factories with a scale of 3,000 people, and there should be a lot of zombies inside. Gotta hurry.

The other side.

An Qiming and his party also came towards Nanmen Mountain.

Moving the temporary headquarters to Nanmen Mountain was actually well thought out. Because Longfeng Villa is in the suburbs though.

But close to Tangxia Town, zombies attack the command post every night, and there are several roads to the top of the mountain. There is no way to do a full lockdown.

Continue to stay in Dragon and Phoenix Villa, sooner or later! It’s just that the catastrophe erupted too suddenly.

Time was urgent, so he hastily chose Longfeng Mountain Villa as a temporary command post, and he knew that he should have come to Nanmen Mountain from the beginning. Due to the large number of people in the command post, there are also high-level families.

The convoy is huge.

Even around the edge of the town, it still attracts a lot of zombies.

Towns in developed cities are not remote, and are full of residential communities and industrial plants. Soon the convoy was surrounded by dense zombies.

There was a fierce exchange of fire ahead.

Even if a silencer is installed, it can be clearly heard, indicating that the battle situation is very anxious. Let’s drag it on like this.

The convoy is likely to be overwhelmed by corpses.

An Qiming immediately thought of Xiao Yi, his armored car was modified and could easily knock through the barricades. And there is also a carriage full of grenades that can blow up groups of corpses.

“Quick, call Mr. Xiao and ask him for immediate support.”

The secretary on the side just picked up the phone.

Suddenly realized one more thing.

“Town Mayor, Mr. Xiao is not obliged to save us, with his character, I am afraid that he will open his mouth to us lions.”

“Maybe we have to promise another batch of supplies.”

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