Wen Wen felt her heart ripple, and when she looked at Xiao Yi, there was another ripple in her eyes.

“Handsome guy, thank you for saving me.”

“By the way, I don’t know what your name is.”

It’s a bit of a pity to say.

I chatted with this handsome guy for a while today, and I forgot to ask for the phone number when I left.

Fortunately, I have encountered it again.

“My name is Xiao Yi, but in this car, you still call me captain.”

The primary and secondary relationship scores are clear.

In the future, there will definitely be more and more people in the car, and you can’t mess with the set.

At this time, the red queen reappears.

“Hello Wenwen, I am the red queen of the on-board artificial intelligence.”

“I have two things to tell you…”

The red queen repeated what she said to Jiang Tingting to Wen Wen.

Especially if the captain dies, everyone in the car will die with them.

This sentence can be regarded as a wake-up call for everyone, do not try to murder Xiao Yi to seize the explosion-proof armored vehicle.

Although a little helpless.

But this is a talisman given by the system to Xiao Yi, once successfully invited to the car, there is no worry about reversing the water.

“Tingting, you also go to the back seat.”

“Teach Wen Wen how to shoot.”

Xiao Yi said while driving, Tingting is not a shooting instructor, but she still understands the basic knowledge of firearms.

The armored car continued to move forward.

There are also more and more zombies on the road, and the outbreak of mutant viruses is very fast, and small groups of corpses have appeared.

Moving armored vehicles became their targets.

Zombies from all directions swarmed.

“Fire quickly!”

“Can’t let the corpses surround armored vehicles.”

After all, it is not a military tracked armored vehicle, and if there are too many zombies, it will stall if it is stuck under the wheels.

This has happened in previous lives.

Fortunately, Wen Wen had learned to shoot, and the two women rolled down half of the window of the back seat and shot wildly at the zombies outside.

There are 10 thousand magazines.

Empty and replace it.

At close range, the zombies that rushed to the vicinity of the armored car were all killed by the rain of bullets.

The points keep rising.

Occasionally, a white crystal is dropped.

However, Wen Wen’s strength is too small, and in burst mode, the muzzle beats very strongly.

It’s dangerous.

If the armored car comes with a big bump, coupled with a sharp jump in the muzzle.

In case of a flick of the hand.

The muzzle of the gun is thrown into the car, and bad luck will kill his own people.

“Wen Wen, you adjust to the three-point shooting mode.”

Three-point shooting maximizes muzzle beat, so even novices won’t shake too much.

Xiao Yi himself was not idle.

Holding a Uzi submachine gun in one hand, he will be killed by a dense stream of bullets whenever a zombie approaches his car window.

Armored vehicles ran out of the green belt.

Two off-road vehicles followed, as the chassis was high enough to barely drive.

But Xiao Yi and the three could not kill all the zombies.

The flow of people on Riverfront Avenue is not small, and zombies near the highway can be seen everywhere.

Many zombies began to attack the two off-road vehicles.

The first off-road vehicle rushed at full power, and a zombie was knocked down, forming a barricade behind.

Coupled with the low flora of the green belt, it is blocked.

The second off-road vehicle finally stopped moving.

The zombies swarmed up, smashed the windshield, and screams came from the cab instantly.

Soon, the first off-road vehicle also stopped.

It hit a wrist-thick bush.

Xiao Yi’s armored car can run over, but the off-road vehicle cannot, and the man in the car is very decisive.

While the zombies have not yet surrounded.

Immediately open the car door to escape.

“Hey, wait for me, let me get in the car.”

The man ran to catch up with Xiao Yi’s armored car and slapped the body hard to make Xiao Yi open the door.

“Brother please, I have more than two million deposits, let me get on the car and give it all to you.”

Seeing that Xiao Yi did not mean to stop.

The man stepped on the pedal of the armored car, grabbed the armrest on the roof with his left hand, and snatched Xiao Yi’s steering wheel with his right hand.

“Open the door.”

“Cao Nima, open the door.”

The man looked hideous, because seven or eight more zombies had pounced nearby.

“The dog is opening the door!”

“Otherwise, Lao Tzu will be bitten to death.”

Xiao Yi’s raised hand was a bullet.

Hit the other party’s head.

The man didn’t even scream, so he let go and fell into the green belt.


“Dare to grab Lao Tzu’s steering wheel!”

Xiao Yi cursed and put away the Uzi submachine gun and continued to drive intently.

It was around four o’clock in the afternoon.

Xiao Yi drove to the Nanhua community on Riverside Avenue, a large residential area with many convenience stores outside the gate.

Streets and highways are littered with corpses eaten into skeletons by zombies.

Twenty or thirty zombies roamed nearby.

Xiao Yi slammed the steering wheel, then kicked the accelerator and drove up the sidewalk, and the rear of the car hit a convenience store backwards.


The glass door of the convenience store was shattered.

Didi ——

He honked his horn two more times, attracting all the nearby zombies.


“Clean up the zombies.”

“Then five minutes to empty the convenience store.”

During the escape from the deep city, a certain amount of food and water must be hoarded.

It’s just the early days of the necropsy.

There are not many zombies.

At night, after the first corpse orgasm appears, it will be dangerous to get out of the car and sweep the food.



Three submachine guns, firing in all directions from the firing holes of explosion-proof armored vehicles.

【Ding! Get +1].

【Ding! Get +1].

【Ding! Get White Crystal ×1].

The zombies were quickly cleaned up.

“Don’t get out of the car, roll up the windows first…”

PS: No flowers and evaluation votes, the big guys give the little brother some motivation, thank you!

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