Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 91 Hotpot on a Rainy Night (Add to bookshelf if you like it)

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, the entire Liutong County was already dark. The dark clouds floating in the sky gradually blocked the moonlight. It seemed that there would be a heavy rain soon.

In Cuizhuyuan Community, the most luxurious community in Liutong County, at this moment, in a 6-story building, jumping lights are flashing from the 3-story house, which is particularly conspicuous in the dark night sky.

After approaching Xiao Qiang and finishing speaking, Bai Lu went to help Xiao Qiang take off a pair of men's shoes and put them on.

Xiao Qiang sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at Bai Lu who was talking to him, exhaled like blue, licked his lips, and replied.

"Oh, when I went to search for supplies, I encountered a lot of zombies. They were killed all the way. Naturally, they smelled of blood. It would be great if I could take a shower." Xiao Qiang felt a little guilty, even though those people wanted to kill him. , but somehow I always feel a little uncomfortable.

"By the way, Sister Bai Lu, you haven't had hot pot for a long time, why don't I treat you to hot pot tonight." Xiao Qiang looked at the retail sales on the floor and said.

Xiao Qiang has such a character. If others treat him a little better, he will not be able to compensate them a thousand times a hundred times.

Now, seeing that Bai Lu not only took out the only food she had left, but also allowed herself to use precious water resources to take a bath, her favorable impression of Bai Lu suddenly increased a lot. Although before the end of the world, Bai Lu was someone else's mistress, but now it's the end of the world, who cares about that. So, I just wanted to let Bai Lu have a good meal.

"Is it okay? I've long been tired of eating these snacks every day. It would be great if there was hot pot. But now there is no natural gas, let alone vegetable and mutton rolls." When Bai Lu heard "hot pot", she also swallowed a mouthful. Saliva, he said excitedly.

"Of course, just take a look. I have these in the car. I'll go get them now." Xiao Qiang said.

In fact, Xiao Qiang can take out these things directly from the system. Including the alcohol hot pot, which was also obtained after killing Xue Ying.

But in order not to let Bai Lu know that he had the system, he didn't bother to explain, so he made an excuse and said he had to go to the car to get it.

Walking in the dark corridor, even though Xiao Qiang has the function of a night market, he still feels a little scary walking alone in this corridor without lights at night.

Moreover, if Xiao Qiang's night vision is turned on, it does not mean that the night is like day, but that it is like a night vision device. Of course, the same is true for Li Ke's cat-eye night vision.

There was almost no debris in the empty and spacious corridor. Xiao Qiang could hear the echo even when he took a breath. The only sound in the entire corridor was the sound of his kicking as he went downstairs and his own breathing.

Holding back his fear, Xiao Qiang walked out of the corridor and exhaled a long breath.

Thanks to the advent of the apocalypse, Xiao Qiang got used to killing zombies, so he dared to walk alone through this dark corridor at night. If I had been a homebody before the end of the world and was timid, I would have been so frightened that I would have run away.

I thought to myself that I still underestimated the difficulty of going out alone. Thanks to meeting Bai Lu tonight, I have someone to keep me company.

Just as he walked out of the corridor, there were already a few zombies wandering around. Hearing the noise, they ran towards Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang didn't hesitate. Compared with being alone in the dark corridor, he still felt that it was easier to kill zombies.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."


. . . . . .

Four months after the end of the world, level 2 zombies have become very common. Generally speaking, these zombies seem to evolve faster than humans. Of course, it may also be because of the large zombie base.

After killing the zombies, Xiao Qiang quietly glanced upward.

Sure enough, Bai Lu was standing at the window, looking down at herself.

It seems that in the apocalypse, not only do you have to be more vigilant, but others will also be vigilant about you.

To perform a complete act, Xiao Qiang had to pretend to open the car door, get in the car, and then summoned Xiao Cong.

"Xiao Cong, do you have a full hot pot set menu?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Yes, the authentic mandarin duck pot base, plus 4 boxes of beef and mutton, two plates of vegetables, two boxes of potato chips... In total, it only costs 600 redemption points. How about it? Isn't it a good price? "Lian?" Xiao Cong talked eloquently and introduced to Xiao Qiang in a somewhat showy tone.

"600 redemption points! Although I have a lot of redemption points now, I have to kill 300 level 1 zombies to get them. Forget it, just to treat Sister Bai Lu to a nice meal, 600 is just 600." Xiao Qiang said through gritted teeth.

After Xiao Qiang exited the system, Xiao Cong shook his head gently and said with emotion: "Your character of being overly generous and sincere in dealing with people and trusting in employing people is not good or bad in this apocalyptic world. When he chose You don’t know if you can complete the final mission and save mankind. "

Of course, Xiao Qiang couldn't hear these emotions from Xiao Cong, and naturally he wouldn't know who Xiao Cong was referring to.

By the way, Xiao Qiang took out the alcohol stove from the system and pretended to take it out of the car. He carried a large bag and returned to the three-story house.

Bai Lu had already prepared the dishes and chopsticks, and also took two goblets and placed them directly on the carpet.

In the apocalypse, an expensive carpet will be nothing more than a piece of cloth.

When everything was ready, Bai Lu took out a bottle of red wine and helped Xiao Qiang pour it.

"Thank you, Xiao Qiang, let's drink some red wine." Bai Lu handed Xiao Qiang a glass of red wine.

"No, Sister Bai Lu, I still want to thank you for taking me in." Xiao Qiang replied.

I don't know if it's because they haven't eaten hot pot for a long time, but the two of them ate it very deliciously. After a while, their stomachs were swollen.

It was cloudy outside, the wind blew the windows and the downpour was on the way.

Xiao Qiang was only wearing a pair of sports shorts. Bai Lu stretched her body and her feet in stockings accidentally touched Xiao Qiang's thighs.

Feeling the silky feeling coming from his legs, Xiao Qiang was a little embarrassed to retract his legs and shyly glanced at Bai Lu. Because of the wine, Bai Lu's fair face looked a little rosy at this moment, and her trembling chest was up and down under the hip skirt.

Xiao Qiang calmed himself down and said, "Sister Bai Lu, why don't you go to our Longshan base?"

"That's good, but there are more zombies in the county. Can we get through?" Bai Lu agreed naturally and asked Xiao Qiang.

"No problem, we can drive through. But I have to stay in the county for a few more days, so I can only ask you to stay here for a few more days. I will come to pick you up after I finish my work." Xiao Qiang wanted to take Bai Lu with him, but the system task required him to act alone, so he could only speak.

"That doesn't matter. Anyway, I have been here for four months. But when I get to the base, I have to take care of my sister." While speaking, Bai Lu spread her hair and smiled at Xiao Qiang, which made her look more charming.

"Yeah, the people in our base are very nice, and I have many friends. Moreover, we have a lot of weapons there, and safety is not a problem." Xiao Qiang didn't dare to look at Bai Lu, and said while looking at the hot pot.

"You are also a mutant, right?" Bai Lu suddenly spoke, looking at Xiao Qiang.

A flash of lightning flashed across the room, illuminating the faces of the two people. Xiao Qiang looked over and saw a smile on Bai Lu's slightly ruddy face.

Then, a thunderclap sounded, marking the beginning of the heavy rain tonight. Raindrops as big as beans kept hitting the windows, and the house became much cooler.

Hearing the thunder, Bai Lu sat directly next to Xiao Qiang and said with a smile: "I also heard about it from the New World radio. I saw you fighting zombies quite skillfully just now, so I asked."

"Oh, I don't have any special abilities, but my strength has increased a little and my speed has also increased a little. However, Sister Bai Lu, you can't let others into the house casually in the future. If I were a bad guy, you would be in great danger." Xiao Qiang did not forget to warn Bai Lu.

"But I know you are not a bad guy. I can judge people very accurately." Bai Lu leaned close to Xiao Qiang's ear, breathing like orchids, and spoke.

After saying that, Bai Lu stood up and walked towards the bathroom, saying, "Of course, if you want to do something bad, I won't refuse!"

While saying that, Bai Lu turned around, put her hands on the door frame, and threw a coquettish look at Xiao Qiang.

Before the end of the world, Xiao Qiang had never experienced such temptation from a woman. Listening to the sound that made his legs weak, Xiao Qiang's lower abdomen couldn't help but have a small flame. He quickly drank two sips of water and pressed down. He got up and cleaned up the hot pot they had eaten, and then sat by the window and stared at the rain outside.

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