Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 69: Breaking through the siege, the new function of the Thousand Chance Umbrella

Xiao Qiang should have run away; considering Xiao Qiang's character, it is absolutely no problem for his fellow villagers to entrust him; the future Longshan base will be extremely powerful, and with Xiao Qiang's ability, he may really lead mankind to solve this doomsday crisis. It's a pity that I can't see that day, Li Ke thought to himself with his eyes closed.

After waiting for a while, there was no pain from being hit on the head. A sound of "clang clang clang" came, and Li Ke opened his eyes, but saw a metal umbrella opened in front of him. Xiao Qiang, who was holding the umbrella with one hand, looked at him and laughed.

"You, why didn't you leave? What are you doing back?" Li Ke looked shocked and said to Xiao Qiang in disbelief.

"Come back to save you, if you can fight, don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead." Xiao Qiang blinked at Li Ke on the ground and said.

Just now, Xiao Qiang was careless and was kicked to the edge of the roof by Li Ke. After a slight daze, Li Ke had already rushed into the zombie group. Seeing that Li Ke was in danger, he used the "Dragon Movement" to pass through the zombies, walked to Li Ke's side, squatted down, and opened the umbrella in one go.

This Thousand Machine Umbrella is indeed made by Wu Jin. It is still intact under the attack of so many zombies.

Xiao Qiang stood up while talking to Li Ke. The Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand turned over his head and forced back the zombies beside him. He pulled up Li Ke who had already stood up and ran directly to the edge of the roof.

"Xiao Qiang, are you stupid? I've been bitten, and it's useless for you to save me. If this goes on, even you can't run away." Li Ke was dragged by Xiao Qiang, and kept nagging and complaining in Xiao Qiang's ear.

"I have the antidote, which can cure your zombie poison. Besides, there is no precedent of abandoning teammates and running away in our Longshan base. I can't, and neither can you. And you have your own fellow villagers, you take care of them yourself. I don't have the habit of taking care of others for others. The most important thing is that you have to pay back the kick you gave me after you recover from your injury." Xiao Qiang didn't even look back, blocking the zombies' attacks while running forward at full speed.

"Get on my back, I'll carry you down together." When he ran to the edge of the hotel, Xiao Qiang said, carrying Li Ke on his back, and then jumped directly from the top floor of the hotel without looking back.

To conquer a person, there are many things that are not said, but done. It was at this moment that Li Ke was truly conquered by Xiao Qiang and followed Xiao Qiang wholeheartedly. Of course, Xiao Qiang didn't think about conquering Li Ke. In the years that followed, Li Ke followed Xiao Qiang through life and death many times without complaint. Of course, these are all later stories.

In the air, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella in one hand, pressed the start button, and the umbrella opened in the air. The momentum of the two people's falling stopped slightly. Xiao Qiang tilted the angle of the umbrella slightly, and the two people floated forward in the air. This was also discovered by Xiao Qiang by chance. The Thousand Machine Umbrella made of black gold is light and thin. Xiao Qiang held the umbrella and went down like a parachute. In a critical moment, Xiao Qiang also opened the Thousand Machine Umbrella directly and jumped down the building. He didn't expect that even the weight of the two people would not be a hindrance.

The zombie group chased the two people to the edge of the roof. Except for the giant zombies and a few high-level zombies, the rest of the zombie group all chased the two people, completely ignoring that there was no way forward. Falling down the building, they were immediately bloody and some of them hit the zombies downstairs. For a while, crackling sounds continued to sound.

"I, I..." In the air, Li Ke, who was lying on Xiao Qiang's back, kept trying to talk to Xiao Qiang, but was interrupted by Xiao Qiang before he could say anything.

"Shut up and stay here. I said I can cure your zombie poison. If you say anything more, I will throw you down from here." Xiao Qiang said to Li Ke while watching the zombies below looking for a place to stay.

Li Ke pursed his lips and lay on Xiao Qiang's back honestly without saying anything.

In mid-air, Xiao Qiang gave Xiao Cong a directive to take out the double experience card. Xiao Qiang had some regrets about killing the level 4 zombie just now. Tonight will definitely be a bloody battle, so the number of zombies he killed must be not small. It is appropriate to use the double experience card at this time.

Xiao Qiang remembered that this double experience card has a time limit of 1 hour. With so many zombies tonight, it is possible to upgrade to the next level.

After using the double experience card, Xiao Qiang held up the Thousand Machine Umbrella with one hand and took out a grenade from the system with the other hand. He threw it to where there were more zombies. With a "bang", the grenade exploded, causing a fire below. Countless zombies were blown to pieces and could no longer move.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +4, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience +50, exchange points +50."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +4, exchange points +2."


. . .

This system is really clear, and the experience of killing zombies has indeed increased a lot, but the exchange points have not increased. Xiao Qiang complained in his heart, but mosquitoes are still meat, not to mention there are so many zombies below.

Therefore, Xiao Qiang was also in a killing mood, took out another grenade, threw it towards the bottom, and with a "bang", killed a lot of zombies again.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +4, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +50, exchange point +50."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +1000, exchange point +1000."


. . .

Unexpectedly, this grenade actually killed a level 3 zombie. However, as the level increases, there is no reward for killing these level 3 zombies. You know, it was the first time he encountered level 3 zombies, but he forced Xiao Qiang to use the strong level 9 experience card to get rid of the zombies. This time, he just threw a grenade and actually collected a zombie. It is absolutely true that technology changes life.

After throwing two grenades, the two of them landed on the top of a small pavilion under the Thousand Chance Umbrella. There were zombies below, all waving at the two of them with their fangs and claws. , the clothes on their bodies were already in tatters, and all of them had marks of being bitten on their faces, their skin was torn and their flesh was torn, and some even had their bones exposed, which looked particularly horrifying.

Xiao Qiang looked around. These low-level zombies could not come up for the time being, but there was no guarantee that a powerful zombie would not appear. At this time, the road was already full of zombies, and zombies continued to come from the direction of the villa. It was not clear where these zombies came from.

Maybe a few people had been too comfortable in the past few days, fighting zombies step by step, and they had forgotten that the world was now full of zombies. However, Xiao Qiang couldn't figure out the reason why so many zombies suddenly attacked tonight.

"It's impossible to pass on the main road. I'll go through the green belt in a while and detoxify your corpse first, and then chase them. By the way, what were you trying to say in the air just now." Xiao Qiang's face turned pale as he looked at it. Li Ke, whose skin was even slowly rotting, said.

"I just wanted to say that I can get down from the roof of the building by myself without you carrying me on my back." Li Ke weakly raised his cat's paw and shook it while speaking weakly.

Xiao Qiang was a little embarrassed. After all, it was quite embarrassing to carry a grown man on his back and fly downstairs with an umbrella.

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