Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 641: Ten Major Weapons

In addition, there are puppet needles used by the 9,000-year-old of M Company, and spider claws used by Ye Feng, the leader of the Ye family, the headquarters of M Company in the second-level city Shenzhou. However, only a few people have seen the spider claws used by Ye Feng, but they are very powerful. Once, a mutant zombie was easily killed with one move. There are also two black gold weapons in the legion, one of which is Thor's hammer, which is used by Lei Ben, the highest leader of the legion and the head of the Lei family. After using this hammer, Lei Ben's own thunder ability can be greatly enhanced. Since Lei Ben often appears in the team fighting zombies, everyone is familiar with Lei Ben's strength. However, since Lei Ben's strength is very strong, no one wants to snatch Lei Ben's Thor's hammer. However, Lei Ben has not made a move for half a year for some reason. Another black gold weapon in the legion is the black gold coat, which integrates high technology. The black gold coat can cover the user's whole body and enhance the user's strength. This black gold weapon is also used by Sun Jiang, a young man in the legion. Sun Jiang is also a leader among the young generation in the legion and is deeply loved by Lei Ben. According to the discussion on the Doomsday Alliance, it is precisely because the legion has Lei Ben and Sun Jiang that the M company supported by the Ye family has restrained itself. However, as Lei Ben did not take action for some reason, M company became more and more arrogant with the support of the Ye family. There is also a black gold weapon discussed in the Doomsday Alliance, which was accidentally obtained by a hunter team during a search of the M company warehouse. Xiao Qiang finally knew that the black gold shield was in the hands of Cao Yu, the captain of the knife hunter team, through the intelligence group of the base. This is also an important reason why Xiao Qiang came here.

However, no one has any specific information about the last black gold weapon. It is only said that the power of this weapon is very amazing. After possessing this weapon, it is enough to rival an entire large base. The most reliable saying is that this black gold weapon is stored in the Ye family in Andu. The Ye family is still strengthening and forging this weapon. When it is used, the power will definitely be particularly amazing. In the Doomsday Alliance, someone has specially ranked these 10 weapons, relying on the descriptions of these weapons and the results achieved by the users with these weapons. Among them, Lei Ben's Thor's Hammer ranked second, the third was the spider claw owned by Ye Feng of the Ye family, who defeated a mutant zombie in one move, and the fourth was the Hedao Yiziwen of Lin Fei, who had two black gold knives. Because Lin Fei got the other black gold knife later, the Hedao Yiziwen ranked higher in terms of results. In addition, Xiao Qiang was not in the base during this period, and thanks to Lin Fei's fighting everywhere, some forces did not dare to bully Longshan Base at will. However, Lin Fei was ranked fourth, which was enough to show how much Lin Fei's strength had improved by leaps and bounds during this period. The fifth was the nine thousand year old puppet needle of M Company. It was rumored that the nine thousand year old could use the puppet needle to manipulate 100 zombies at the same time. The nine thousand year old also represented that M Company destroyed a small base that had a conflict with M Company overnight. The sixth one is the black gold coat used by Sun Jiang in the army. Although Sun Jiang is young, he showed his skills in the second-tier city when facing the large-scale zombie attack on the base, and dealt with many powerful zombies. The seventh one is the shield in Cao Yu's hand. Relying on this shield, Cao Yu also led his knife hunter team to become one of the best hunter teams in the end of the world. However, most people only know that the shield is in the hands of the hunter team, but not many people know that the shield is in Cao Yu's hands. After all, they are just a hunter team, and they still have to be careful in this end of the world. However, after reaching an alliance with Xiao Qiang's Longshan base, Cao Yu can use his black gold shield more boldly. The eighth place is Yang Xue. Yang Xue's current Iron Armor is basically obtained by Xiao Qiang from the system and sent to Longshan Base. All the parts are already complete, but the most critical core part can only be obtained after all the kraft paper formulas are collected, and the kraft paper formula is now in the hands of the Ye family. According to Yang Xue herself, although all the kits of the Iron Armor are now ready, without the addition of the core part, at most only one-third of the strength can be exerted. Therefore, when Yang Xue's core part is obtained, the ranking of the Iron Armor will definitely rise a lot. The ninth place is another knife that Lin Fei recently obtained from the Black Wind Base. The name is the Ghost Cutting Knife. Since there have not been many achievements in using this knife, and Lin Fei's three-sword flow technique is still in the process of continuing to practice, therefore, the ranking of this knife is not too high. The tenth place is Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella. Since the last time the Ye family appeared in the Longshan base and defeated Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang went out of the Longshan base and killed zombies in various cities. He also wore a mask and helped the Longshan base to deal with the Black Wind base several times, but he did not follow the Longshan base to attack from the front. Therefore, in the Doomsday Alliance, many people knew that the black gold umbrella was Xiao Qiang's work, and it was almost taken away by the Ye family at the beginning, thanks to Lin Bingyan's threat. However, since Xiao Qiang's umbrella has not appeared in the public's field of vision for almost a year, Xiao Qiang's umbrella has been ranked last.

As for the black gold weapon ranked first, it is the most mysterious black gold weapon, the black gold weapon that is said to be in the Andu Ye family. No one knows what the black gold weapon is, but the less people know, the more powerful it is. It is only known that the black gold weapon is a weapon that is more powerful than all the black gold weapons.

"Yes, this is indeed made of black gold. Our hunter team accidentally obtained it in a warehouse in the past of M Company. It is called the Black Gold Shield. Come, take it." Cao Yu said to Xiao Qiang while holding the Black Gold Shield.

As he spoke, Cao Yu exerted force on his arm and threw the Black Gold Shield out. The Black Gold Shield accurately hit Xiao Qiang's legs. Xiao Qiang smiled lightly, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand suddenly stabbed into the ground. While blocking the shield, the whole person had already jumped high. "Dang", after the Black Gold Shield hit the Thousand Machine Umbrella, it unexpectedly returned to Cao Yu's hand at a strange angle. After Xiao Qiang saw this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart at the strangeness of Cao Yu's use of the shield.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 7021/10000."

When Xiao Qiang attacked Cao Yu just now, he had instantly carved the imprint of the Flying Thunder God on Cao Yu's body. After using the skill, Xiao Qiang disappeared from Cao Yu's front in an instant. Cao Yu frowned slightly. He had done some research on Xiao Qiang before and knew that Xiao Qiang had such a skill, but he didn't expect that he could do it so quickly, so he hurriedly observed the surroundings, and finally relied on With his own reaction speed, he noticed the movement behind him and threw the shield in his hand behind him, blocking Xiao Qiang's attack. Xiao Qiang followed the trend with a forward somersault and landed in front of Cao Yu. Without saying much, he used his skills again and continued to attack Cao Yu.

"Door 5 - open!"

"Crazy Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the host uses the Mad Dragon Sword Technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 7607/10000."


"Ding, the host uses mace technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency is 7003/10000."

"Thunder Claw!"

"Ding, the host uses the Thunder Claw technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 7003/10000."

. . . . . .

After using the skills, Xiao Qiang's speed and strength improved a lot again. Xiao Qiang kept changing the use of his skills. Cao Yu also hurriedly used his own skills to fight with Xiao Qiang. The rest of the Knife Hunter team saw the two people fighting very lively, and they were also discussing the fight fiercely. However, the little wolf lying on the side was lying on the ground, looking at the two people in the field sleepily. He was not interested in the fight at all, as if he knew Xiao Qiang would definitely win. In this way, the two of them fought for more than half an hour. Xiao Qiang fought harder and harder, with endless strength in his body. On the other hand, Cao Yu was forced into danger many times by Xiao Qiang's tricks. , and now he is sweating profusely.

"Okay, okay, let's not fight, let's not fight. Why don't we form an alliance with your Longshan base? You kid, you haven't even used one-third of your own strength. You've already suppressed me." I can't fight back anymore, okay, now that I know you are strong, it would be great if you could defeat me as soon as you come up. It doesn't take such a long time to fight. The last time I saw you, I didn't see you so powerful. What happened to you in the past few months that made you suddenly become so powerful?" The two of them separated at the first touch, holding the shield in one hand and waving to Xiao Qiang with the other, and said.

After hearing Cao Yu's words, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but lower his head slowly, looked at his hands that had become somewhat weathered in the past few months, smiled softly, and took the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella back into the system. , and slowly walked towards Cao Yu. When he arrived in front of Cao Yu, Xiao Qiang clenched his hand into a fist and stretched out towards Cao Yu's position. After seeing this, Cao Yu also stretched out his fist. He took his own fist and gently touched Xiao Qiang's fist, and an alliance between the two parties was formed.

"Now that we have formed an alliance, the affairs of your Longshan base are the affairs of our small knife hunter team. I heard that your Longshan base is currently having some disputes with the people of Company M in Huzhou City. How about the fight? Do you need our knife hunter team to go over there and help you at Longshan Base?" After forming an alliance, Cao Yu also said generously to Xiao Qiang.

At this time, M Company's performance has become more and more excessive. Its demand for black gold has reached the point of using all means. Not only did it openly rob the black gold obtained by the hunter teams, but it also required some bases to hand over a certain amount of black gold to them every month, otherwise they would send M Company's masters to these bases to rob some. As M Company continued to rob, the amount of black gold in these small bases became less and less. Finally, some hunter teams and small bases could only choose to join the Longshan Base. After robbing these hunter teams and bases, M Company felt that it could not find too much black gold from these small bases, so it set its sights on the Longshan Base and the Legion, and had sent people to rob the black gold obtained by the Longshan Team by killing zombies many times. Some time ago, the Longshan Base and the Legion mainly focused on dealing with the Black Wind Base, and did not have much time to deal with M Company, and at that time M Company had not done anything too excessive. Recently, M Company has become more aggressive. Not only has it repeatedly robbed the black gold obtained by the Longshan team, it has also sent people to a warehouse in the Langzhou City base to rob a large amount of black gold. Not only did they rob the black gold, they even arrested many people from the Langzhou City base. Qiao Tong, the captain of the Longshan team, was also injured by them. The Longshan base went to find the army and wanted the army to follow them to ask what the M company meant. Did it mean to declare a fight with them? Unexpectedly, the base in the army said that its own army also had important tasks and would not interfere in the affairs between the Longshan base and M company. According to the news sent back by the intelligence team, these black gold and personnel are in Huzhou City. At the same time, Wang Peng also asked Xiao Qiang whether he wanted to have a large-scale conflict with the M company controlled by the Ye family. Xiao Qiang just sent back a sentence to Wang Peng, "Beat him hard." Therefore, after discussing with Han Feng, Wang Peng quietly led 6 members of the Longshan team to the Huzhou City base. As long as it was night, they would cooperate with the members of the intelligence group and assassination group in the Huzhou City base to break through the Huzhou City base and incorporate Huzhou City into the Longshan base. Since this was the first large-scale fight with M Company, and everyone still remembered what happened to the Ye family at the Longshan base last time, along the way,

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