Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 563: The explosive power of the Crazy Dragon's sword

The tall zombie and the zombie beast suddenly moved and rushed towards the little wolf. The tall zombie was tall and strong, and his body was even stronger than the infected level 3 zombie captured by Xiao Qiang. His skin was as red as iron, and he stood there like a large iron frame. The zombie beast was a tiger in the zoo. After it became a zombie, its teeth became hard and sharp. It was no longer as docile as it was in the zoo, but more aggressive. There was an unknown liquid flowing down its mouth, and there were flesh thorns like steel needles on its exposed tongue. Its limbs became much more developed.

"Ding, a level 2 infected zombie beast was found!"

"Ding, a level 1 infected zombie was found!"

"Ding, the host uses a 5x experience card, which can be used for 1 hour."

"Ding, the host uses a 5x exchange card, which can be used for 1 hour."

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 171/1000."

After hearing the howling of the little wolf, Xiao Qiang immediately opened his eyes and found the two protruding zombies in front of the little wolf. After using the double-eye recognition scanning function, he found that they were actually two infected zombies. Immediately, he hurriedly used the two 5x cards. After all, after killing the infected zombies, the experience points and exchange cards obtained are very considerable. Moreover, he now has two level 3 infected zombies to help him, so he doesn't have to be afraid of these two level 3 infected zombies.

Seeing that the two zombies attacked the little wolf at the same time, Xiao Qiang quickly used the Flying Thunder God technique and used the Flying Thunder God mark engraved on the little wolf to reach the little wolf. Although the little wolf has now upgraded to the strength of the strong 8th level and is also a super battle pet, it is still unable to defeat the two infected zombies. Xiao Qiang did not want the little wolf to be besieged by these two zombies, so he rushed over.

Touching the button, the Thousand Machine Umbrella has turned into an umbrella. After reaching the little wolf, Xiao Qiang held the little wolf's forward body with one hand and held up the Thousand Machine Umbrella with the other hand to block the zombie tiger. The zombie beast opened its mouth wide and was originally biting at the little wolf, but it did not expect Xiao Qiang to suddenly appear with the Thousand Machine Umbrella made of black gold in his hand.

With a "bang", the huge body of the zombie beast hit the Thousand Machine Umbrella, but the whole body was bounced back and fell into the zombie group. It stood up again and stared at Xiao Qiang in front of it. Although the zombie tiger was knocked away by the special properties of the black gold material, the huge force also made Xiao Qiang hold the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly. The position of the tiger's mouth was shaken by this powerful force and some blood was seeped out. While blocking the zombie beast, Xiao Qiang had already flown up and kicked the zombie with a high infection level 1.

"Bang", Xiao Qiang kicked out with great force, and he felt that his foot seemed to collide with a large piece of steel plate, which shook his calf bones very painfully. This is also thanks to Xiao Qiang's recent improvement in physical strength, so he can withstand such power. And the zombie, under Xiao Qiang's huge force, took several steps back and bumped into the low-level zombies before stabilizing its body.

Xiao Qiang looked up and saw that the part of the zombie he had just kicked had changed to a luster like a steel plate. The whole position looked very hard and very reliable. What Xiao Qiang knew was that after the zombies entered the infection level, they would have mutations in their abilities. For example, the strength type was the strong infected level 3 zombie he captured. The strength of his arms became stronger. He rushed into the zombie group and could kill the enemy with two fists. For example, the long-nailed zombie with a level 3 infection also had nails that could continue to grow and grow longer.

Therefore, Xiao Qiang guessed that this level 3 infected zombie must have an outstanding defensive ability and could change its body parts to be as hard as a steel plate.

At this moment, facing two infected zombies, including a zombie beast, Xiao Qiang did not immediately let the infected level 3 zombie he captured come to help. Instead, he planned to try out the newly learned sword technique to see how powerful the Crazy Dragon Sword was. However, Xiao Qiang still gave orders to the sturdy infected level 3 zombie, asking him to get as close to his side as possible to prevent any danger and to be able to take action in time.

"Wolf Fang Step!"

"Crazy Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 45/1000."

"Ding, the host uses the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 33/1000."

Xiao Qiang used the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique and first fought with the two zombies, but even if Xiao Qiang kept changing his body shape, the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique still couldn't pose a greater threat to the two infected zombies. Xiao Qiang was forced to retreat continuously, and was hit several times on his body. He also changed his skills to try whether these skills could pose a threat to the zombies.

"Shattering Palm!"

"A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix!"

"Ding, the host uses the Shattering Palm technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 33/1000."

"Ding, the host uses the Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 46/1000."

Xiao Qiang retreated while using his skills. After using the Shattering Palm move, the power was quite good. Not only did he kill many low-level zombies around him, he also caused some injuries to two infection-level zombies.

"Okay, the time for 5 times the card is limited. After a simple test of the technique, I want to see how powerful the Mad Dragon Blade is." Xiao Qiang was already thinking in his mind.

At this time, while fighting, Xiao Qiang was forced to retreat continuously. Looking at the zombies surrounding him, Xiao Qiang also used the technique of hundreds of birds facing the phoenix to clear the field. Suddenly, these two infection-level zombies were the only ones left in the area close to Xiao Qiang.

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 3 zombie, the experience value is +10, and the redemption point is +10."

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 3 zombie, the experience value is +10, and the redemption point is +10."

"Ding, the host kills ordinary level 2 zombies, the experience value is +10, and the redemption points are +10."

. . . . . .

Listening to the reminder sound in his mind, Xiao Qiang was panting from exhaustion after fighting these two infection-level zombies. Looking at the zombies that were about to gather around him again, Xiao Qiang figured that if he wanted to quickly kill these two infection-level zombies, he would have to use the Mad Dragon Sword Technique to hit these two zombies at once. Moreover, we still don’t know how powerful this mad dragon’s sword is. If these two infection-level zombies can’t be killed with one sword, this sword will definitely consume a lot of energy. At that time, only the zombies with level 3 infection can come over.

With two "swishes", Xiao Qiang quickly threw out two daggers and ran towards the two infection-level zombies on both sides of his body. And Xiao Qiang also planned to use his most often used method to deal with it.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 172/1000."

After throwing the dagger, Xiao Qiang used the flying thunder god technique to reach the level 1 infected zombie. Because the zombie beast was too fast, Xiao Qiang was also worried that he would be reacted by the zombie beast. Come over. After rushing to the side of the zombie, Xiao Qiang raised the Thousand Chance Umbrella (in knife form) in his hand and chopped off the zombie's head. With a "dang" sound, the zombie's body turned into steel, and while blocking Xiao Qiang's blow, the zombie beast rushed towards Xiao Qiang very quickly.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 173/1000."

Realizing that the zombie beast had reached behind his body, Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique again. Changing positions in an instant, the dagger he had just thrown at the zombie beast was already in his hand. Looking at the two infection-level zombies standing side by side, Xiao Qiang did not hesitate and quickly put the dagger in his hand back into the system. Standing firmly on the ground, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Chance Umbrella tightly with both hands, made gestures, and aimed at the two zombies in front of him.

"Door 4 - open!"

"A mad dragon's sword!"

Xiao Qiang roared, but saw that the air around him quickly became solid, the wind around him became louder, and even the leaves nearby started to rustle. The energy gathered quickly, and Xiao Qiang also felt that his physical strength quickly gathered towards the Thousand Chance Umbrella. It seemed that he had noticed the abnormal energy movement here. Lin Fei, who was still on the road, after killing the two zombies next to him, unconsciously looked towards this side. The surrounding low-level zombies, perhaps affected by the sword wind, became chaotic in their actions, and started running quickly and randomly.

"What's going on? How could there be such a powerful sword there? I feel a very powerful force. Xiao Qiang is over there. Could it be that Xiao Qiang cut it out?" Lin Fei said while killing the zombies. doubted.

"Double sword style!"

While thinking this, Lin Fei felt uncontrollably excited and wanted to use his sword skills. With a "swipe", after using the double-sword technique, he quickly cut a path for Lin Fei. Lin Fei also quickly rushed along the road in the direction of Xiao Qiang.

"What's going on? It feels like a very strong energy fluctuation. It seems to be coming from Xiao Qiang's side?" After Lin Bingyan felt the powerful energy of this sword technique, she stood up with a slightly sad face. Looking in the direction of Xiao Qiang.


Xiao Qiang slashed with his sword, and a strong force of the knife slashed forward along the ground in front of him. The ground around him was also affected by the force of the knife, and the surrounding ground quickly cracked and splashed on both sides. The sharp knife soon reached in front of the two zombies. Seeing this, the zombie with level 1 infection took a step forward and blocked the front.

I saw that the zombie infected with level 1, when facing the mad dragon's sword, also changed its whole body into a state of steel, with its arms contracted and bent, blocking it in front of it. With a "dang" sound, the infected level 1 zombie resisted for a moment, and then was cut in half. Although the power of the remaining sword weakened a bit, after cutting off the infected level zombie, it continued to attack The zombie beast behind him was slashed.

With a "bang", although the remaining knife force failed to kill the zombie beast, it still lifted the entire body of the zombie beast and hit the outer wall of the building heavily, and the spider web pattern appeared on the outer side of the wall. After the zombie fell down, it was already seriously injured. It struggled to stand up, but still fell down.

However, after the cut, Xiao Qiang was sweating and panting. He unconsciously supported the Thousand Machine Umbrella and stood in place. He felt very tired, just like the first time he opened the fourth door.

Although this Crazy Dragon Knife does not have the level of proficiency like other skills, it will become stronger with Xiao Qiang's strength.

"Ding, the host killed the infected zombie at level 1, experience value +30,000, exchange points +30,000, and rewarded the lightning symbol (advanced)."

Xiao Qiang only heard the killing prompt sound of the infected zombie at level 1, but did not hear the killing prompt sound of the zombie beast, which means that this infected zombie at level 1 has borne most of the energy, and the zombie beast is only seriously injured.

"I didn't expect that the knife technique of this crazy dragon knife was so fierce and the energy was so powerful. With one knife, two zombies of this level of infection were killed. However, the side effects after using it are also quite powerful. Now, my body has become a little weak again. However, the infected zombie beast at level 2 has not been killed yet, what should I do?" Xiao Qiang looked at the zombies that quickly surrounded him and thought to himself.

Xiao Qiang wanted to stand up, but found that his body had become very weak. It was difficult to even lift the Thousand Machine Umbrella, not to mention dealing with the low-level zombies that surrounded him. Although he had already given an order to the zombie infected with level 3, it would still take some time for the zombie to rush over, but these zombies had already arrived in front of him.

After thinking it over again and again, Xiao Qiang decided to use the high-level lightning talisman he had just obtained.

He took out the high-level lightning talisman from the system.

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