Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 526 Take the lead

"Hurry up, kill him!" The black-clothed man who was blocked by Wang Peng's arrow glanced at Wang Peng in the air and shouted loudly to the people next to him.

Hearing the man's voice, the other people also reacted and raised their weapons to attack Zhang Bo.

"Mad Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Double Sword Flow!"

"Earth Wall!"

"Ice Wall!"

. . . . . .

However, at this moment, after Wang Peng delayed the black-clothed man, Xiao Qiang and his men had already rushed over. Among them, Xiao Qiang ran in the front and rushed into the black-clothed crowd as soon as he made a move. He fought with two black-clothed men, one of whom was a strong man who had awakened to level 1. The other people also rushed over and fought with their opponents after finding them. Among them, Jiang Kai and Lin Bingyan also teamed up to set up a defensive wall in front of Zhang Bo's body.

At this time, among the men in black, excluding the one killed by the leader, plus the one killed by Zhang Bo just now, and the one who fainted due to Xu Ran's sound wave attack, there are now 7 men in black left. Among them, Xiao Qiang fought against two men in black alone. After taking the double violent pill, he fought with two people. The others also fought against one person each. In addition, Wang Peng, who was carrying a flying device, flew in the air and kept shooting at the men in black in the field, helping several people. The two sides immediately fought in a mess.

Xiao Qiang faced a strong man of awakening level 1 and a human of strong level 8. After taking the double violent pill, he was barely able to fight with the two. However, the other people in the Longshan base in the field had a little more pressure. Lin Fei alone faced another strong man of awakening level 1 holding a long knife. After all, although Lin Fei practiced very hard, he was only a human of strong level 8. It was a bit difficult for Lin Fei to deal with him. In comparison, that person seemed much easier. As soon as the fight started, the people at Longshan Base were already at a disadvantage. If they continued to fight, they would definitely not be able to hold on. The upper-level city is indeed an upper-level city. Just for this assassination, it was able to send out so many strong men. While fighting with the two, Xiao Qiang had to observe the situation in the field. If they were in danger, he could immediately use the Flying Thunder God technique to help. The result was that Xiao Qiang's arm had been cut by the black gold dagger, but thanks to the high-level nano-level armor he was wearing, he was not scratched.

At the critical moment, Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella (in the form of a knife) turned over at a high speed, chopped several times in a row, and forced the two men in black to retreat. When he was about to open the fourth door and use his big move to kill these men in black, he suddenly heard a soft roar in his ear.

"Stop!" The black-clad leader who had been watching from the side but had not taken action shouted softly to the people in the field.

After hearing the words, the black-clad leaders suddenly retreated to the back, separated from the people in Longshan Base, and stood behind the black-clad leader. The people in Longshan Base naturally did not chase him. With Xiao Qiang as the center, everyone stood on both sides of Xiao Qiang and blocked Zhang Bo, but they still remained vigilant and looked at the black-clad leader opposite.

"Brother, isn't it against the rules to do this? We just agreed not to conflict with you today. I also killed the rude man. Why do you go back on your word and interfere in the matter between me and him?" The black-clad leader looked directly at Xiao Qiang and asked in an increasingly angry voice.

"Hehe, I'm sorry. After being attacked by that sound wave just now, my mind suddenly became much clearer. I seem to have heard you say that our business is not over yet, and you will come to our base to cause trouble in the future. Since there is a score to be settled anyway, we might as well settle it now. There is a strong man with awakening level 3 to help us, so it will be easier to fight." Xiao Qiang smiled, turned his head to look at Zhang Bo who was still immersed in grief, and turned his head like a rogue, and said to the black-clothed man who led the group.

The man in black seemed to be irritated by Xiao Qiang's rogue spirit. He took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and said, "I can pretend that what happened with your base today never happened. I can promise you that I will not look for your Longshan base in the future. Can you let me go?"

"I'm sorry. I've already said that I was somewhat sobered up by the sound wave just now. Who knows if you will regret it? Besides, you hurt our people first today. If you don't come to us, we will come to you. Do you really think that our Longshan base is easy to bully? Anyone who dares to touch our Longshan base will be punished even if he is far away." Xiao Qiang spoke to the man in black in front of him with a heroic spirit, while quietly making a famous gesture to the people from the Longshan base behind him, telling them to take action first.

"Hmph, you don't want to drink, do you really think that you two or three small fish can stop us? Killing you and then killing him will only cost a little more..." After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, the man in black stopped trying to persuade him, and swung his arm and spoke.

"Ice and Snow Thorns!"

However, before the black-clothed man finished speaking, the people at Longshan Base had already launched an attack on the black-clothed men on the opposite side under Xiao Qiang's hint.

With Lin Bingyan's light shout, a layer of ice crystals instantly appeared under the feet of the black-clothed men, and some sharp curved ice knives formed on these ice crystals. Caught off guard, the black-clothed men looked at the ice spikes that suddenly appeared, and hurriedly jumped up and used weapons to cut off these ice spikes. However, there was still a human with the strength of a strong man at level 8 who did not react to Lin Bingyan's sudden attack. A hole was pierced in his foot by the ice spikes, and he immediately squatted down and wailed in pain.

"Double-blade flow!"

At the same time, Lin Fei also launched a surprise attack, holding the double-blade tightly and rushing forward alone, using his own tricks right away.


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