Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 518: Protect your partners

"Her injuries are probably caused by the injuries you suffered when you went to Tongzhou City to kill those people a while ago." Xiao Qiang followed Zhang Bo's gaze and said to Xu Ran.

"Yes, I have launched more than one attack on the group of people hiding in Tongzhou City for such a long time. I have never forgotten the cold eyes they gave Xiao Ran after they threw us down. They made Xiao Ran sick. However, there are many strong men in Tongzhou City, and their levels are not lower than mine, so I have never been able to kill them successfully. Fortunately, last week, the strong men in the Tongzhou base went out, giving us an opportunity, and finally we killed all of them. However, in the process of fighting with those returning strong men, Xiao Ran was accidentally hit by someone, which made me give your base a week in exchange for your pill. Well, the story has been told, and the fight between us should have a winner." When Zhang Bo talked about these things, his mood had recovered, and he spoke to Xiao Qiang slowly.

"Wait a minute, there is a very good doctor in our base, who was a very professional expert before the end of the world. Why don't you let her take a look at Xu Ran to see what's going on with her body? Maybe she knows how to treat it." Xiao Qiang stretched out his palm, opened his five fingers in the direction of Zhang Bo, and persuaded him to wait, saying at the same time.

"Enough, I know, maybe you are different from others, otherwise you wouldn't be so trustworthy, and you haven't taken advantage of my confusion just now to attack me by taking advantage of the loopholes in my tricks. However, Xiao Ran's injuries have been in the past few months, and I have also found many doctors, but they are all helpless. Moreover, after experiencing so many encounters, I don't believe in humans at all. Whether it's zombies or humans, as long as I see one, I will kill one. This is beyond doubt. On this doomsday continent, I don't believe anyone except Xiao Ran." Zhang Bo looked at Xiao Qiang, turned his head and glanced at Xu Ran downstairs, and said.

Seeing Zhang Bo speak so resolutely and firmly, Xiao Qiang stopped trying to persuade him. Moreover, if he put himself in his shoes, Xiao Qiang felt that Zhang Bo's experiences were indeed sad and angry. If he had encountered the same situation as Zhang Bo and Xu Ran, Xiao Qiang didn't know what he would become.

"I'm sorry, facing your experience. I won't persuade you anymore. I admit that this world has its imperfections. Where there is light, there will also be darkness. However, I also have my own partners to protect, so I must win this fight. Since we have to decide the winner, why don't we fight next time." Xiao Qiang pursed his lips, stopped persuading Zhang Bo, and said to Xiao Qiang sincerely.

Zhang Bo looked at Xiao Qiang and nodded. At this moment, the two people's performance did not look like two people who were about to fight, but rather indifferent, like two old friends who had not seen each other for many years chatting there. As he spoke, Xiao Qiang touched the button, changing the Thousand Machine Umbrella into an umbrella form, and with a light jump, he floated down from the roof of the more than ten-story building. Zhang Bo was even more happy. After wrapping his body with a layer of stones again, his body became several times larger again. He jumped and landed heavily on the ground, and with it, a heavy sound was made, and a big hole was smashed out of the ground.

As soon as they reached the ground, the two rushed towards each other in an instant, without any of the indifference on the roof just now. "Bang bang bang" sounded continuously, and the two sides had already exchanged several moves. The difference from the previous one was that in this fight, both of them used their own tricks, each of which was powerful and heavy, and was specifically aimed at the loopholes and vital points of the other party.

The awakening level 3 strong man's supernatural power is indeed strong enough. Zhang Bo in the field constantly changed various supernatural powers to attack Xiao Qiang, and each move seemed very skilled. Xiao Qiang was not afraid to be careless in the face of the awakening level 3 strongman who had already started fighting seriously. He used the five times violent pill as soon as he came up. After taking it quickly, he was able to fight with Zhang Bo. However, from the scene, Xiao Qiang's level was still a little too low after all. Facing the awakening level 3 strongman who was fighting with all his strength, he seemed to be at a disadvantage. Fortunately, Xiao Qiang's skills were powerful enough. After a short moment, both of them suffered a lot of injuries, but relatively speaking, Zhang Bo's injuries seemed to be much lighter.

In the process of fighting with Zhang Bo, Xiao Qiang was also competing with Zhang Bo in strength. The tiger's mouth was cracked by the shock. The blood that oozed out had dyed his palms red. The arms were also scratched by the sharp stone thorns, and the clothes were dyed red. And he was hit by a few punches, which made Xiao Qiang's chest hurt. The strong man of awakening level 3 is still very strong if he fights seriously. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also discovered that Zhang Bo's Stone Helmet Armor was the most skillful one, and the effectiveness of the skill was also very strong. Every time Xiao Qiang used the Thousand Machine Umbrella to break Zhang Bo's Stone Helmet Armor, he was able to quickly form a new armor on that part of his body. In addition, Zhang Bo's own reaction speed was very fast, making it impossible for Xiao Qiang to break through the defense.

Soon, the two had fought for hundreds of moves. It was obvious that Xiao Qiang was at a disadvantage, which made the people watching next to the shopping mall feel very nervous. During the fight, Xiao Qiang was always thinking about countermeasures, thinking about how to break Zhang Bo's defense and cause some damage to his body.


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