Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 503 Little Wolf on Guard

At this time, Xiaolang was just like a follower. Xiaoqiang was busy, and Xiaolang followed Xiaoqiang around and helped him.

"Okay, we are finally done. What shall we eat tonight?" Xiaoqiang sat on the bed on the ground with Xiaolang and said to Xiaolang.

Then, Xiaoqiang put more than 40 kilograms of black gold obtained from killing level 4 zombies today in front of Xiaolang, and set up a small alcohol pot to prepare some mutton hot pot. For this, Xiaoqiang spent a total of more than 5,000 exchange points to exchange for mutton hot pot, vegetables, beef and many other ingredients. Not only that, he also exchanged 20 kilograms of raw meat for Xiaolang. After all, Xiaoqiang also obtained more than 100,000 exchange points by killing zombies today.

After killing zombies for a whole day, Xiao Qiang didn't eat lunch. He was already hungry. After putting the black gold and raw meat in front of the little wolf, he started eating hot mutton around the alcohol stove. Of course, before that, Xiao Qiang didn't forget to talk to Lin Bingyan using the video intercom.

One hour later, Xiao Qiang patted his round belly and lay comfortably on the bed behind him. Turning his head to the side, he found that the little wolf was also lying next to him, and his belly was bulging high, like a small hill. Looking at the food in front of the little wolf, he found that not only the black gold, but also the 20 kilograms of raw meat were swept away by the little wolf and swallowed alone.

"You are such a big eater. Although you were hungry at noon, you shouldn't have eaten all of this. More than 40 kilograms of black gold, plus more than 20 kilograms of raw meat, you ate more than 60 kilograms of food in this meal." Xiao Qiang felt a little incredible and asked the little wolf with wide eyes.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the little wolf also got up, blinked at Xiao Qiang, and licked his lips with his tongue. He also rubbed his head against Xiao Qiang's body and acted like a spoiled child, as if he hadn't eaten enough.

"Well, you are such a little foodie. It seems that you have to work harder to kill zombies in the future, otherwise you won't be able to support a little guy like you." Xiao Qiang laughed after looking at the little wolf, touched the little wolf's head and said.

But at the same time, Xiao Qiang was also surprised to find that the little wolf had actually upgraded to the strength of the strong level 6. Could it be because he ate so much black gold just now? Xiao Qiang, who was shocked by the little wolf's upgrade speed, also felt a little relieved. Fortunately, the black gold obtained from killing the level 4 zombies after a hard day's work was not wasted, and Xiaolang was promoted to the next level.

"However, since you are full, follow me downstairs to exercise and practice the fourth door today. You will help me keep watch for a while." As he said this, Xiao Qiang stood up and walked downstairs with Xiaolang.

"The fourth door - open! Biao Lianhua!"

After Xiao Qiang arrived downstairs, he opened the fourth door, and his momentum suddenly changed. Xiaolang, on the other hand, lay on the roof of a car nearby. While looking at Xiao Qiang, he also looked around the road vigilantly and did his job well.

At a very fast speed, Xiao Qiang kicked the opposite commercial building with a powerful and sharp kick, and kicked a big hole in the wall of the opposite commercial building. Moreover, not only that, Xiao Qiang's speed did not decrease, and the body that kicked over continued to slide forward and kicked on the wall at the other end, even kicking a big hole in that wall. After kicking out of the shopping mall, Xiao Qiang continued to slide forward for a long distance before he stabilized his body. After stabilizing his body, Xiao Qiang leaped again and shuttled back to the original place. Xiao Qiang still felt that the feeling of weakness did not come, so he kicked the car next to him into the sky. After a long time, a loud "bang" sounded on the roof of a building next to him.

At this time, Xiao Qiang felt that his body began to feel a little weak, but compared with before, this feeling was much lighter.

"If you want to train the fourth door more, you have to challenge the limit. While opening the fourth door, you can brush up some of the proficiency of the skills again." Although Xiao Qiang has some sense of powerlessness now, he is still ready to brush up his proficiency.

"Crazy Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the host uses the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 33/100."

Under the moonlight, if someone passes by, they will find that on a car next to them, a wolf with gray and smooth hair is actually lying on the top of the car obediently, blinking and looking at the center of the venue. At an important position on the road, a young man waved the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand and practiced one move after another under the moonlight. The moonlight shone on his body, projecting a mottled and flexible figure on the road.

The last knife fell, and a stone pillar next to it was cut off with one knife. Xiao Qiang gently touched the button again, changing the Thousand Machine Umbrella into a spear form.

"Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix!"

"Ding, the host uses the Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 7/100."

After Xiao Qiang used the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, he felt that he still had some strength, so he used the Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix again. After practicing the Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix, Xiao Qiang was sweating all over and felt that his body was particularly weak, but compared to the last time, the situation was much better. Leaning against the wall with the Thousand Machine Umbrella, Xiao Qiang rested for a while. Although he was still very weak, Xiao Qiang was very satisfied, because after using it once to open the four doors, Xiao Qiang felt that his exercise in the past few days was still effective.

He waved to Xiaolang, and Xiaolang jumped down from the roof of the car and ran to Xiao Qiang's side. Xiao Qiang took Xiaolang with him, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, and prepared to go back to the hotel to rest. At the entrance of the hotel, Xiao Qiang was sleepy like a ninja again, and placed several mines and detonating talismans near the hotel to prevent zombies or other enemies from suddenly breaking in. After all, when you go out alone, you still have to be careful.

Soon, a week passed. During this week, Xiao Qiang took Xiaolang to kill zombies crazily in the city. After Xiaolang was upgraded to level 6, he was able to help Xiao Qiang deal with zombies.


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