Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 497 Various Props

There is no shortage of feed for the animals in the base, and Xiao Qiang is looking forward to what kind of harvest the breeding area can produce. As for these items, Xiao Qiang also picked out items he had never seen before and checked them.

"Lightning Talisman (Intermediate) - Use after aiming at the enemy. After using it, it can release a powerful lightning, which can cause serious damage to the strong 9th level human."

"Fire-breathing Talisman (Intermediate) - Use after aiming at the enemy. After using it, it can release a powerful lightning, which can cause great damage to the strong 9th level human."

"Trap Talisman (Intermediate) - Use it on the ground. Once stepped on, a sand pit will appear, trapping the enemy in the trap. It is also effective for awakened strongmen."

"High-tech invisible nano Level Helmet (Advanced) - A helmet made with the most advanced technology. It can be attached to the surface of the skin, but there is no shell to show it, achieving the effect of invisibility, but the defensive effect is not bad at all. "

"Weakness Talisman (Advanced) - It is also effective against awakening-level strongmen. After use, the enemy's body will become weak and powerless, and the duration is 1 minute.

Another advanced item is the Five Times Rage Pill (Advanced), which Xiao Qiang is also familiar with.

After seeing these items, Xiao Qiang finally felt a little relieved. Looking at the There are only 6,000 exchange points left, which is not such a pity.

After all, compared with exchange points, being able to defeat the opponent is the most important thing. Exchange points can continue to be obtained by killing zombies.

After obtaining these items, Xiao Qiang also exited the system with satisfaction. After practicing the skills for a day, Xiao Qiang felt sleepy and fell asleep quickly.

Early in the morning, when the sky was just getting light, Xiao Qiang, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a burst of slogans and voices from afar. Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Xiao Qiang stretched himself and looked at the time. It was just past 6 o'clock.

Xiao Qiang got dressed and prepared to go outside to see what happened.

As soon as he went out, Xiao Qiang ran into Lin Bingyan. Lin Bingyan was wearing a white sportswear and tied her long hair into a ponytail. She looked very neat. Her fair face was very clean. Even without makeup, she could still show her youthful face. Coupled with her slender figure, even Xiao Qiang was stunned.

"Dingdang, what are you looking at? It's rare for you, a lazy bug, to get up so early." Lin Bingyan saw Xiao Qiang staring at her, her face slightly red, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"What are you doing outside so early in the morning? Why is it so noisy?" Xiao Qiang asked Lin Bingyan while fixing his hair.

"Oh, the people of Longshan Corps are training, and some people in the base are also exercising. You got up just in time, go exercise with me. "Lin Bingyan stretched her waist, revealing her smooth belly, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Why are you training so early? Isn't the base closed today? Why are you still training?" Xiao Qiang asked as he followed Lin Bingyan out.

"It's because of that guy last night. Everyone knows that there will be a fight in a week, so they spontaneously want to improve their own strength and protect the base better, so everyone got up so early." Lin Bingyan said.

"It's a good thing that everyone has this intention, but we still have to pay attention to the combination of work and rest. "Xiao Qiang opened his eyes with great effort and spoke.

Soon, the two of them reached the gathering place while talking. Since the big square was destroyed last night, Wang Liang arranged people to renovate the ground of the square. Everyone was carrying out activities on the spacious road at the main entrance.

Among them, the three small teams of Longshan Corps were lined up in neat rows and were receiving special training from Wu Ze and Wu Shan under the leadership of their respective team leaders.

Looking at the content of their special training, it seems that they are training three people in a group to cooperate with each other. On the other hand, other personnel in the base were exercising and running with the fitness equipment in the base.

Among them, Xiao Qiang noticed that Lin Fei seemed to be competing with Li Chong in arm wrestling.

Lin Fei and Li Chong both exposed their upper bodies, and their broad chests were covered with sweat. Behind Lin Fei stood a The girls in the gang cheered for Lin Fei, while the rest could only stand behind Li Chong and watch the two people next to Shi Zhuo arm wrestling.

After the special training in the mutant training room, Li Chong's strength has reached the level of a strong 6th level, and Li Chong himself is more inclined to strength, so his strength is also very strong.

In the center of the venue, the two people seemed to have been deadlocked for a while. Li Chong's arms were bulging with veins, and because of the strength, his face was also very red. In comparison, Lin Fei's situation was much better, and he looked very relaxed, and he seemed to have some advantages on the scene.

With a "bang", the two finally decided the winner, with Lin Fei as the winner, which also attracted a burst of cheers from the girls behind Lin Fei.

"Bingyan, who is more handsome between me and Lin Fei?" Seeing this, Xiao Qiang touched his cheek and asked.

When Lin Bingyan heard Xiao Qiang's words, she showed a naughty expression. She turned around, looked at Xiao Qiang and smiled, then said, "Hey, Tinker Bell, I think you are more attractive."

As she spoke, Lin Bingyan strode forward and walked to a piece of fitness equipment alone to start exercising.

"More attractive, hey, that means I'm not as handsome as Lin Fei." Looking at Lin Bingyan, Xiao Qiang touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

At this time, Li Chong smiled, shook his arm, and stepped aside from the stone table. Li Ke, who was behind him, sat in front of the stone table.

"Li Ke, come on, this kid is really strong." Li Chong and Li Ke were in the same team. After seeing Li Ke coming to the table, he rubbed his wrists and reminded loudly.

"Well, come on, Lin Fei, let's try our hands at each other." Li Ke smiled at Lin Fei and said.

"Cat transformation—arms!"

Li Ke knew that his own strength was not great and he could only rely on the strength of level 6 supernatural powers. So, as soon as he came up, he turned on his superpower and turned his arms into cat-shaped arms.


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