Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 487 Winning with Ease

Xiao Qiang heard Wang Peng's shout and hurriedly walked outside step by step with his Thousand Chance Umbrella. Just as he arrived outside, a level three zombie next to him rushed over and aimed at Xiao Qiang with one claw. Xiao Qiang slowly raised the Thousand Planes Umbrella to block, but was still pushed back by the powerful force of the third-level zombie. Behind him, a level 4 zombie rushed to Xiao Qiang's back, and scratched Xiao Qiang's back with a claw from top to bottom. Thanks to Xiao Qiang's Breeze Armor, this was not on his body. There were scars left, but he was still shocked by this move and took two steps forward, fell down and lay on the ground. The zombies around him were about to pounce on Xiao Qiang.

"Ice spike!"


"Adobe wall!"

Lying on his back on the concrete floor, Xiao Qiang saw that on the roof of a six-story building next to him, Lin Bingyan, Jiang Kai and others were coming, while Wang Peng was flying above him with an aircraft. above the sky. Around his body, Jiang Kai used an "earth wall" to surround himself, while Lin Bingyan and others were shooting at the surrounding zombies. With a "swipe", Wang Peng shot an arrow tied with a rope to Xiao Qiang's side, and the other end was held in the hands of everyone upstairs.

"It's really good to have you here." Xiao Qiang looked at the people upstairs and thought with a smile.

After using the last bit of strength to tie the rope to himself, Xiao Qiang fell asleep. During this sleep, Xiao Qiang slept until about 6 o'clock in the afternoon before finally waking up. After waking up, Xiao Qiang saw that he was in a small tent, and the tent was still parked at the intersection where he entered the main road. There were several trucks parked in front of the tent, and several personnel standing guard with machine guns standing around. Xiao Qiang stood up slightly and saw Lin Bingyan sleeping next to him. The bloody path on his arm scratched by the zombies had also been bandaged with gauze.

After moving his body slightly, Xiao Qiang sat up and found that his chest was still slightly painful from the blow from the zombie. Seeing Lin Bingyan on the side, Xiao Qiang guessed that she must have been with him after seeing him unconscious. At this time, it was already early autumn. A gust of wind blew, and the weather was still a little cold. I took a coat from the side and gently placed it on Lin Bingyan.

"You're awake. How are you? Is there anything uncomfortable on your body?" Lin Bingyan woke up and asked with concern when she saw Xiao Qiang.

"I'm fine, I don't feel uncomfortable at all, but you, don't sleep on your stomach like this in the future, you feel so uncomfortable." Xiao Qiang touched Lin Bingyan's head and said with concern.

"I'm sorry, I must have worried you again." Xiao Qiang held Lin Bingyan's hand and said softly.

"Yeah, it's okay, because I'll be with you."

Lin Bingyan said understandingly.

"By the way, what's the situation outside now?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask.

"Thanks to you for killing those level 5 zombies. These zombies have no one to direct them. They instinctively attack us, which makes it much easier to deal with. Now they should have exchanged fire on another road. Except for some Except for some zombies wandering around, the others have been blocked. If nothing happens, we will return victorious this evening." Lin Bingyan told Xiao Qiang about the situation of the battle.

"In that case, let's hurry over and help. However, before we go to help, I have a gift for you." Xiao Qiang smiled at Lin Bingyan and said.

"Oh? It's another item that can suddenly increase my strength. Well, since you've worried me for so long, I'll take it away." Lin Bingyan winked at Xiao Qiang and said. .

"Ding, does the host give the ice and snow stabbing (advanced) technique to others?" The system prompts.

"OK." Xiao Qiang said.

"Tinker Bell, is this a skill? I just felt like I suddenly understood an ice-based skill. Is this the gift you gave me?" Lin Bingyan opened her eyes in surprise. He asked Xiao Qiang with his eyes in disbelief.

"Yes, do you like it? How do you feel?" Xiao Qiang smiled, touched Lin Bingyan's head and asked.

"Yeah, I like it very much. Moreover, I feel that this technique is very powerful, but my level is too low now, so I probably won't be able to use the full strength of this technique." Lin Bingyan nodded and spoke to Xiao Qiang said.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you train well, you will definitely become very strong, and I will help you. Let's go over there and have a look. They will finish the fight in a while." Xiao Qiang said.

The two turned around two roads and heard the sound of fierce shooting in the distance, mixed with the sound of tanks and rocket launchers from time to time. Along the way, the two roads were full of corpses of zombies. A strong smell of blood filled the air. The houses on both sides of the road were also in ruins and dilapidated scenes. Some bullet holes were scattered in the distance. The howling sounds of zombies kept coming one after another.

Arriving at another road, Xiao Qiang noticed that Wu Ze and Wu Shan were standing among the crowd giving instructions. Both sides of the road were firmly blocked by people using abandoned cars and some stones. There was a tank and a truck on both sides, with people standing on them holding machine guns. Although everyone was pulling the triggers continuously, their fingers were a little sore from the morning till now, but they still seemed quite excited. . On the roofs of the buildings on both sides, a team of members were also arranged to shoot from top to bottom, trapping nearly 30,000 zombies on the road.

"Brother Qiang!"

"Brother Qiang!"

"Brother Qiang!"

. . . . . .

When the team members who were in charge of the perimeter sentry saw Xiao Qiang coming, they all greeted Xiao Qiang and Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang also smiled and nodded in response.

"Why don't you rest for a while? You fell among the zombies at that time, but we were all frightened. Thanks to the doctor Sister Rourou, we feel relieved." Wu Ze heard the movement behind him, Let a vice-captain beside him watch, while he ran over and said.

"Hahaha, brother, you are so awesome. What is this called? Taking the enemy general's head out of ten thousand armies. I admire you so much. You are brave, resourceful, and very courageous. I Wu Shan is determined to follow you from now on." Wu Shan also ran over, patted Xiao Qiang's shoulder and said.

"Thank you, thank you. Thanks to you for killing the other zombies, I was able to sleep so comfortably in the afternoon." Xiao Qiang scratched his head awkwardly and said to Wu Shan.

"By the way, why don't you see Lin Fei and the others?" Xiao Qiang asked.


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