Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 443: Eating at the base

Soon, all seven fires were lit. Li Wei and her team specially selected many people who were good at cooking from the base staff to join their cooking team. Therefore, facing so many people eating at the base, they were able to handle it. Everyone performed their duties and was very skilled in this work. Waves of vegetable aromas had drifted out, along with the aroma of steamed buns.

It can be seen that everyone has not eaten fresh vegetables for a long time, and they are very much looking forward to the base's meals in the evening. Early in the morning, a large group of people finished washing up and sat in groups of three or five on the square in front of the base canteen, chatting while holding rice bowls and waiting for the meal to be ready. As for the washing up of the base staff, Xiao Qiang asked the base staff to build two large bathhouses next to the hotel. Fortunately, it was summer, and the water could be heated up slightly to take a bath. Therefore, with the hotel and two bathhouses, everyone's needs can be met.

"Come on, the meal is ready. Come and eat. Let's see what we have tonight. Cabbage stewed with potatoes, stir-fried potato shreds! And fresh and delicious big steamed buns." Seeing that the dishes being fried on each fire were gradually lifted from the pot, a large ball of hot dead came out. Li Chong stood on the steps in front of the canteen and spoke loudly to everyone.

"Come on, line up. Don't worry. There are enough dishes tonight. Everyone must pay attention to safety. Children and the elderly go to the two fires to serve the dishes. There is a gentle sister Li Wei to help you serve the dishes." Wang Peng also stood beside the team, maintaining order, and did not forget to look at Li Wei and said jokingly.

"Hahaha!" Hearing Wang Peng's words, everyone knew that Wang Peng was joking with Li Wei, and the crowd laughed instantly.

"Humph, stinky Wang Peng, I'll beat you up in a while." Li Wei stood beside a fire, serving rice to the children, and said angrily after hearing Wang Peng's words.

"Hahaha, I wonder if Wang Peng likes you." Lin Bingyan is now next to Li Wei, covering her mouth and laughing secretly.

"Who would like him?" Li Wei said to Lin Bingyan, but turned her head unconsciously to look in the direction of Wang Peng.

"Come on, come on, come and serve after you finish eating. These are all grown in our agricultural park. Everyone, eat more today." Chen Yuan stood in the crowd, pinching his waist, and proudly introduced.

"Everyone, work hard after eating. I promise everyone that soon, everyone will not only be able to eat fresh vegetables, but also fresh pork, fresh pork produced in our base." Zhang Jin also helped to maintain order while introducing to everyone.


"Wow, our base is really amazing. Not only can we eat fresh vegetables, but also fresh meat. It's so happy to stay in our base."

"Well, then we have to work harder. With such a good leader like Xiao Qiang, I believe the future of our base will definitely get better and better."

. . . . . . .

Except for the normal base patrol personnel, in the midst of everyone's lively conversation, everyone has served their meals. Some people went to the cafeteria and sat at the table to eat. Others, in groups of three or five, held their own rice bowls and sat in the square in front of the cafeteria, slurping their food while bragging and chatting. Some children who have already eaten are running and playing on the square. The base presents a harmonious and somewhat comfortable scene.

As usual, after everyone has served their meals, Xiao Qiang and other leaders and managers start to eat. This has gradually formed an unspoken rule in the Longshan base. Other people in the base have seen it and trust them even more.

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