Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 245: Upgrade Again (Please ask for the bookshelf!)

After Xiao Qiang ran nearly 30 meters outside, there was a "boom" and a loud noise sounded in the labor insurance warehouse. It seemed that the box of landmines that had been ignited exploded. Xiao Qiang continued to run forward, knowing that there would be several explosions in a while, so he tried to keep as far away from the Labor Insurance Department warehouse as possible. Soon, while Xiao Qiang was running, several explosions sounded one after another.

After running nearly 200 meters away from the labor insurance office, Xiao Qiang stopped, turned around, and looked in the direction of the fire in the labor insurance warehouse. At this moment, the place was completely on fire, because most of the clothes inside were burning. A thick black smoke was burning, and flames were constantly spraying out from the window. Because of the explosion, all the glass in the warehouse had been shattered. , and one end of the wall has collapsed due to the bombing, and the entire warehouse has tilted.

However, the group of zombies in the warehouse wanted to come out, but the zombies behind them continued to crowd in. The entire warehouse fell into chaos, and the howls of zombies continued to be heard.

"Boom" was another two consecutive explosions. The warehouse building could no longer support it. The entire factory building collapsed directly, and even the zombies below were crushed in the ruins. At the same time, kill prompts kept sounding.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +6, exchange points +6"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +6, exchange points +6."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience points +6, exchange points +6."


. . . . . .

For a time, the kill notification sound kept ringing, and Xiao Qiang's experience value was also rising rapidly. Listening to the continuous "crackling" notification sounds in the system, Xiao Qiang felt so happy. This method of increasing experience was simply too easy. Of course, although this method is easy, not everyone can shuttle back and forth among the zombies without being hurt. Not everyone has a system and can upgrade if they can kill zombies.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +6, exchange points +6"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience +60, exchange points +60"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +6."


. . . . . .

Unexpectedly, among these zombies, there was actually a level 3 zombie. If Li Ke and the others knew that Xiao Qiang had eliminated this level 3 zombie with just a fire, they would not be so angry that they would transform again. At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching level 8. The reward items are:..."

Hearing the upgrade prompt, Xiao Qiang showed a smile. He had gone to such great lengths, and even came to Liutong County to search for supplies today, just to upgrade. After reaching the strong level 8, he would go to the city. The base is also more secure.

Ding Ge and others who were still cleaning up the zombie corpses at the main entrance heard continuous explosions and saw black smoke rising in the distance. Lin Bingyan and the three of them gathered together.

"What was that sound just now? Why is there still an explosion?" Huang Mao took off the machine gun from his back and asked.

"Could it be Xiao Qiang who did it, using bombs to blow up zombies?" Brother Dingding touched his chin and asked doubtfully.

"It's very possible. No wonder they are running around to attract zombies." Lin Bingyan said with her beautiful eyes looking in the direction ahead.

"No matter what, we have to speed up. Moreover, thanks to Xiao Qiang attracting the surrounding zombies. Except for the zombies at the main entrance, there are no longer any large zombie groups on the road ahead.

Brother Ding saw everyone dragging the corpses of the zombies aside and clearing a path, and waved his hand.

He shouted to everyone: "Everyone get in the car and continue to move forward. Meet Xiao Qiang as soon as possible to deal with the zombies here."

Following Brother Ding's words, everyone climbed directly into one of the trucks, or remained in groups of two. The man with the gun held the gun and aimed forward. The remaining two trucks and Lin Bingyan's car followed behind, while Brother Ding stood on the front truck to direct. On the road, 1.2 zombies jumped out from both sides of the road from time to time, and they were all shot directly by everyone.

At this time, Xiao Qiang, who was watching from a distance, discovered that the warehouse of the Labor Insurance Department opposite had collapsed due to the explosion. Although more than 2,000 zombies had been eliminated, there were nearly 500 zombies left, and the zombies had not squeezed in just now. , wandering outside with bared teeth and claws.

There were still several fires burning on the ruins of the Labor Insurance Department warehouse, and there were also zombies on fire struggling to walk on the ruins. After taking two steps back and forth, they collapsed on the ruins again.

Xiao Qiang looked at the remaining 500 zombies, shook his head, and made a "creeping" sound. He felt that his physical fitness had improved a lot. If it was rice grains before, then Xiao Qiang's current one is Physical fitness is as good as an apple.

Taking out the Thousand Chance Umbrella from the system, Xiao Qiang shouted softly and rushed towards the 500 zombies.

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