Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 2 Trapped in the classroom

"Huh? What is this sound?" Xiao Qiang thought doubtfully.

But looking around, other people seemed not to have heard, and were still hurriedly walking out one by one.

"Hello, host, let me introduce myself solemnly. My name is Xiao Cong, yes."

"What's that sound? Who are you?" The voice sounded out of thin air. Xiao Qiang was startled and couldn't help shouting.

The people next to him suddenly heard Xiao Qiang's shout and all looked over, but Xiao Qiang had no choice but to pretend to be on the phone.

At this time, the shouting outside was getting closer and closer, and became more and more chaotic. At this time, there were three boys and two girls left in the entire classroom, including Xiao Qiang.

Among them, a tall and strong boy locked the front door tightly, and at the same time, he also dragged the podium table to block the front door.

Without any time to think about it, Xiao Qiang took three steps at a time and ran to the back door. He closed the door hard and locked it.

At the same time, Xiao Qiang also quickly shouted to the three classmates who were still in a state of confusion: "Come and help, lift the table to block the door."

After hearing Xiao Qiang's shout, several people reacted and helped carry the table and chairs to block the door. Everyone worked for a while before blocking the door.

After it was confirmed that it was safe for the time being, everyone gathered together. Only then did Xiao Qiang have time to take a good look at the people in the classroom.


"Hello, my name is Wang Liang, and I am a student of the soft system. There should be an outbreak of zombies outside, and we shouldn't be able to escape for the time being. Let's get acquainted with each other and help each other." The one who spoke was the one who closed the front door just now. A tall and strong classmate with a simple and honest face, and also a cheerful personality.

"My name is Wang Peng, king of kings, friend of friends, from the Department of Mathematics. This is too sudden. How could it suddenly become like this outside?" A student named Wang Peng, wearing a pair of full-frame glasses, had a smile on his face. The panic has not faded yet, and it is obvious that he has not recovered from all these sudden changes.

"Accidents sometimes happen so suddenly. It seems that zombies have already broken out to us. Fortunately, the radio alerted us so that we could react when we heard the noise outside. Fortunately, the zombies didn't break in. We It should be safe for the time being." Xiao Qiang patted Wang Peng on the shoulder and comforted him.

"I am Li Wei, and this is my roommate next to me, Lin Bingyan. We are both majoring in economics and management, and Bingyan is the number one beauty in our department." The one who spoke was a bit dark, but looking at She looks like a very simple girl, with a hint of the immaturity of a high school student.

The person next to her, on the other hand, really lives up to her reputation as the most beautiful woman in the economics and management department. It is really as bright as an orchid, with beautiful eyes looking forward to it, and has a youthful and beautiful temperament.

"Please take care of me. The two of us will try our best to provide you with the help we can. I hope we won't hold you back." Lin Bingyan said slowly.

"My name is Xiao Qiang, Department of Industry, hello everyone."

"I know you. Every time you take elective courses, you sit in the back and play games." Lin Bingyan said after hearing Xiao Qiang's words.

"Oh, yes... Really, hehe." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but blush with embarrassment when he heard that such a charming beauty was paying attention to him.

"It's quite cute." Lin Bingyan saw Xiao Qiang's face was a little red, lowered her head and muttered to herself.

"Okay, everyone, let's take a rest. We don't know what the situation will be like. Let's call and see if we can ask for help." Wang Liang, the big man, saw that everyone had finished talking and suggested that everyone take a rest.

Xiao Qiang listened to everyone talking on the phone separately and looked out the window. The campus was full of students running away, and there were zombies chasing them everywhere. The eyes of these zombies were white, their eyes were dull, their bodies were covered in blood, and some even had bite marks on their bodies.

"It seems that this kind of zombie can also become infected if bitten."

"By the way, what was that voice that I heard just now? What kind of system it seemed to be, and its name was Xiao Cong, and it seemed like no one else heard it."

After getting a moment of leisure, Xiao Qiang finally thought of the sound just now.

"Finally, you remembered me. Hello, Master Host." Another crisp little loli voice sounded.

Xiao Qiang stabilized his mind and forced himself not to shout.

Then, he found a corner and sat down, pretending to close his eyes and rest. And silently recited in my heart

: "Xiao, Xiao Cong, right? Are you still there?"

"Here, sir, host, can I introduce you now? I am the Doomsday Almighty Upgrading System. You are my chosen host. You can call me Xiao Cong." The little girl felt like a lolita. The voice sounded.

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