Just for now.

Zhao Tianming’s guess is still just a guess, because there are still many contradictions.

If gods come and slaughter humans everywhere in order to weaken the abilities of other gods, wouldn’t that mean…

Are there more than twelve gods?

Otherwise there is no way to explain…

Zhao Tianming noticed Chen Xiao’s confused look and continued to speak.

“Chen Xiao, the existence of God and God’s purpose involve the core mysteries of this world. At this stage, we can only guess.”

“You have to know that a person’s power is limited after all. I hope we can cooperate with your ability and our intelligence.”

Chen Xiao did not answer in a hurry, but said directly: “Zhao Tianming, what level can the blessing of the reformer reach?”

Zhao Tianming raised his eyes: “According to the wish of the transformer, we can transform the three aspects of strength, speed, and physical strength, almost all of which can reach from zero to S level. Of course… the sequence of technological transformation is special, and the details cannot be disclosed. ”

Chen Xiao didn’t pay attention to the second part of the sentence, but just thought thoughtfully: “It’s much more powerful than I thought… Doesn’t it mean that you can create the equivalent of three S-level balanced awakeners?”

No wonder Lao Pei attaches great importance to the transformation quota. This almost transforms the bottom awakened people into the upper middle class awakened people, which is of great significance.

After hearing Chen Xiao’s words, Zhao Tianming shook his head: “It’s not as beautiful as you think. We can only transform in one direction. Transformation in multiple directions will cause instability.”

“If you are a power awakener, I recommend you to transform your physical strength.”

“If you are a speed awakener, I recommend you to transform the power.”

“As for ordinary people, I don’t recommend renovation, it will just be a waste of resources.”

“But if it’s your recommendation, I can consider making an exception.”

Chen Xiao waved his hand: “Ordinary people are still ordinary people even if they are transformed.”

He thought for a moment and found that there were many S-class awakened people in the Jiangbei Triangle.

And almost all of them are single talents.

As long as the military region undergoes targeted transformation, it is not too much to say that the combat power is doubled.

Of course, Zhao Tianming knew what Chen Xiao was thinking. He chuckled: “You are in the Chinese sequence, and you have two transformation quotas every month.”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “Not enough, far from enough…”

After the words fell, Chen Xiao spoke again: “I can cooperate with you, but I need three additional transformation quotas every month.”

Zhao Tianming’s mouth was always smiling, and he didn’t hesitate for a moment: “Deal.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “Don’t you even negotiate the price? You’ll make me feel like I’m underpaying.”

Zhao Tianming: “If you care so much about the process, I will pretend to think about it for a while next time.”

Chen Xiao shrugged: “That’s not necessary.”

As he said that, Chen Xiao suddenly and mysteriously came forward: “Now that we have reached a cooperation.”

“Then let me tell you something…”

“God’s story.”

Zhao Tianming immediately became interested: “Oh? I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time.”

Chen Xiao pretended to be mysterious: “Guess which god I met in the National Games game?”

Zhao Tianming: “I don’t know.”

Chen Xiao smiled: “His name is Sheep Shou.”

Zhao Tianming repeated: “Sheep head?”

“Yes, he can use endless magic power, wind, rain, thunder, lightning and fire…”

“That scene was simply what you call the end of the world, with the sky falling apart and the earth falling apart.”

Chen Xiao recalled with palpitations.

Zhao Tianming seemed to be imagining that scene: “It’s reasonable, but also weird.”

“So you have fought against the sheep’s head?”

“And you survived?”

Chen Xiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly: “Yes, I survived, not only that…”

“The sheep head accidentally fell down when leaving the game and broke off half of his horns. I caught the opportunity and picked it up.”

Zhao Tianming: “?”

Until he saw Chen Xiao put half of the horn on the table, surrounded by bursts of purple halo.

Zhao Tianming finally showed serious doubts on his face, which was extremely rare.

“This is…”

“You mean the ram’s horn?”

Chen Xiao nodded with a smile.

The mystery involved in this ram’s horn was the most mysterious that Chen Xiao had ever seen.

There seems to be endless energy hidden in the horns. Anyway, Chen Xiao has used it many times and has not seen the energy weaken or bottom out at all.

This is beyond normal understanding.

If I can’t decipher the secret myself, maybe people like Zhao Tianming can.

Zhao Tianming narrowed his eyes: “The sheep’s head fell down… and the horns were broken…”

Chen Xiao smiled: “Yes.”

Zhao Tianming’s expression was a little complicated: “Chen Xiao, I admit that I still underestimated you.”

He carefully picked up the horn on the table, and waves of waves suddenly surged across the fracture surface.

Information without rules.

But it has the energy of rules.

This ram’s horn is more like an existence between opportunity and natural power.

It attracted Zhao Tianming’s constant admiration.


“What a miracle…”

“too exaggerated…”

The next second.

The horns were snatched directly by Chen Xiao and put back into his pocket.

“Who asked you to touch it!”

“This is my baby!”

Zhao Tianming’s eyes were filled with anger: “Can you lend it to me again?”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “No.”

Zhao Tianming was extremely anxious again: “Since you don’t show it to me, what are you going to do with it?”

Chen Xiao chuckled: “Show off.”

Zhao Tianming: “…”

His face gradually darkened.

“Chen Xiao, lend me one hour, and I’ll give you ten places for transformation.”

The corner of Chen Xiao’s mouth raised: “Xiao Zhao, although you sometimes lack the ability to speak, you still understand the world and don’t read so many books in vain.”

“If you want to borrow the horn, that’s not impossible, but I have a condition.”

“If you find anything from the horns, you must tell me everything.”

“I need to know.”

Zhao Tianming did not hesitate at all: “No problem, I will guarantee it with my life.”

Chen Xiao was relieved now.

He took out the horn and put it on the table and pushed it to Zhao Tianming.

Zhao Tianming felt as if he had found a treasure and held the sheep’s horn in his hands again.

“I’m going to gather the prophet team. You wait for me here. I will return it in an hour.”

“The prophet team is in the building?”

“Yes, they are all Homo sapiens. We need to analyze together to maximize efficiency.”

“No problem, I’ll wait for you here.”

After the communication was completed, Zhao Tianming hurried downstairs with the horns.

As soon as I left the house.

The people in the capital sequence have been waiting for a long time.

The leader of a group asked worriedly: “Boss Zhao, the crazy ghost sequence didn’t do anything to you, right?”

Zhao Tianming did not answer this question, but said calmly: “If we continue with the arrangements, Jiangbei will have fifteen transformation quotas this month, which is the optimal level! As for the transformations arranged by others, they will be arranged at the end of the month.”

Group leader: “Huh?”

The Capital Sequence was also a little confused, and quickly said: “Boss Zhao… what happened! Did the Crazy Ghost Sequence use the strong one?! The fifteen transformation quotas are already the limit of the scientific research area for one month. If they are all given to Jiangbei, I am afraid…”

Zhao Tianming interrupted: “I don’t want to explain. Do as I say. In addition, immediately convene the highest-level meeting of the prophet team.”

Seeing how serious Zhao Tianming was, the leader of a group had to straighten his back: “Yes! I will follow the instructions of Leader Zhao!”

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