Chen Xiao shook his head and spoke coldly.

“Old Pei, whoever wants to remove me from my position, let him or her stand in front of me. I guarantee that no one will want to remove me from my position after the conferment ceremony.”

Hear Chen Xiao’s determined words.

Pei Tianyuan: “…”

This kid…

Don’t you miss red bean paste?!

Chen Xiao then got to the point: “Lao Pei, did you bring the chance to save your life?”

Pei Tianyuan: “Oh, right.”

He quickly took out an embroidered doll from his chest. It was about the size of a palm, with fine embroidery and smooth lines. Its eyes were embroidered with red thread, but the whole doll exuded an inexplicable weirdness.

“The chance of resurrection you mentioned is definitely gone in the military region, but when it comes to saving lives, this doll may be as valuable as resurrection. You can take a look.”

An Ning’s eyes were shocked.

Her beautiful eyes gradually widened, she glanced at the embroidered doll, and then at Pei Tianyuan.

“Chief Pei, you are really…”

“You worked so hard to get this…”

“Chen Xiao can’t be your illegitimate son, right? Are you so kind to him?”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows and listened to An Ning’s words. This doll has a great background?

Chen Xiao took the doll and lightly brushed the delicate material with his fingers, but felt a chill coming from his fingertips.

【Embroidered Doll】

Description: In the ancient legends of the Naha tribe, there are countless weird things, all of which are regarded as taboos. Each one will bring about the disaster of annihilation. The embroidered doll is the 27th weird thing of the Naha tribe.

Effect: When hit by a fatal attack, the doll will suffer half of the damage.

Lao Pei did not break his promise.

The opportunity promised to myself was found.

This is a super life-saving opportunity!

Defense without cost!


Used at most once.

But if such a heaven-defying opportunity could be used unlimitedly, wouldn’t he become invincible on the spot and transform into Su Jian to kill everywhere?

As Pei Tianyuan said, the value of this opportunity is indeed no less than resurrection.

Resurrection may take time, but this doll will directly help you bear the damage!

Not only does it save time for resurrection, but the fatal injuries are determined by the doll…

In other words, this is a passive opportunity and there is no need to take the initiative!

Pei Tianyuan noticed Chen Xiao’s surprised expression and knew that he must like this opportunity very much.


Who wouldn’t like it?

This was taken from Bai Fa at a great price, it is very precious!

Pei Tianyuan can be sure that as long as this thing goes to the market or the merit store in the military region, it will be robbed as soon as possible.

No one can resist an embroidered doll.

As long as Chen Xiao likes it, his goal will be achieved and he can communicate further.

Chen Xiao raised his lips slightly: “Lao Pei, I like this opportunity very much, but… I went to pick up Bai Fa and failed to capture Calvin alive. Is it worth this for you?”

Pei Tianyuan smiled: “You are right. With your completion of this task, it is not worth embroidering the doll, but that’s why I gave it to you.”

“There are two reasons, or rather.”

“The military region has two demands.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “Lao Pei, our relationship is indeed good, but if you raise the price, I will be angry.”

There was a chill in his words.

Pei Tianyuan nodded: “Chen Xiao, don’t worry, my appeal is by no means unreasonable.”

Chen Xiao motioned for him to continue.

Pei Tianyuan cleared his throat: “Cough…”

“The first request is about the responsibility of the China Sequence. Baifa will be dispatched all over the world, and the Capital Sequence will be stationed in the capital fortress for a long time.”

“And after you are promoted, you must also participate in national political achievements. This is not arranged by me. This is the bottom line discussed at the joint meeting.”

Chen Xiao knew that the military region had many rules, but he didn’t expect so many.

“I should really think about whether I should continue to serve as a sequencer.”

Hearing this, An Ning explained from the side: “Chen Xiao, the power of the sequence is very great, and it is the top treatment in China. The reward is far greater than the cost.”

Pei Tianyuan also spoke: “That’s right, because you are not from the military region and belong to the special invitation sequence, so I have helped you fight for it. You don’t need to be stationed for a long time like Baifa and the Beijing sequence, but you must be stationed every two Help the military region solve a red-level or above task.”

He continued to add: “Chen Xiao, what I say next is not said as the first executive officer of the Beijing Military Region, but as Pei Tianyuan himself.”

“The red mission is not the top one. There is blood and the highest level above it. As the Lao Pei you call me, I treat you as a friend.”

“I can responsibly say that with one red-level mission in two months and a Chinese-series military region, the price-performance ratio is already high!”

Chen Xiao did not answer immediately, but continuedContinued inquiry: “What is the second request?”

Pei Tianyuan said awkwardly: “I hope you won’t be too irritable during this conferment ceremony, and most importantly, don’t see blood, that’s all.”

It is clear

This is just what I wanted to ask for.

In other words, there was only one appeal originally, but I just thought of it temporarily.

Chen Xiao sneered: “Old Pei, it’s not my decision whether to see blood or not.”

But Chen Xiao changed the topic, quietly stuffed the embroidered doll into his chest, and then smiled lightly: “But I’ll give you a face, I recognize both of your demands.”

“But I have to say something ugly ahead of time. If something happens to me that I can’t bear during the conferment ceremony, I won’t be able to endure it.”

Pei Tianyuan: “…”

This guarantees solitude…

“Okay, now that the words have been spoken, let’s meet at the conferment ceremony at eight o’clock tomorrow. I wish the Mad Ghost Sequence all the best.”

Pei Tianyuan chuckled and patted Chen Xiao on the shoulder: “See you later.”

He glanced at An Ning: “Sir An, I’ll leave Chen Xiao to you. Please treat him well. I have something to do over there, so I’ll leave first.”

An Ning nodded helplessly.

After Pei Tianyuan left.

Chen Xiao slowly approached An Ning: “Sir An, we are the only two left now.”

An Ning took a step back: “Chen Xiao, this is the Beijing Military Region, what do you want to do?”

Chen Xiao chuckled: “I’m just teasing you, I can still be in your office…”

“Chen Xiao!”

An Ning quickly interrupted: “Let’s go eat, and I’ll tell you what to pay attention to tomorrow. Is this okay?”

When Chen Xiao saw that she was so careless, he stopped showing humor, and his face gradually became serious.

“Sir An.”


An Ning even felt a little uncomfortable seeing Chen Xiao being so serious.

Chen Xiao pointed at the owl.


“Where did you do that?”

“How long has it been here?”

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