Chai Dao Shen Jiang, Tang Huang, An Dingping, and Cao Linxuan must participate, because this is required by the military region by name.

But two of them were not asked.

I saw the Cangzhou sequence taking one step forward.

“I also want to participate in the Crazy Ghost Sequence. Missions of this level are rare and rare. It is a good opportunity to serve the country. Don’t dislike me hahaha.”

Chen Xiao knew it well, but he still laughed: “I have seen your strength before, so it would be best if you can participate. I wonder if Miss Ni’er will join?”

Bai Ni’er’s face had long since returned to coldness, and she nodded lightly: “The white-haired god general is passing through Caiyun Ancient Town. As a Caiyun sequence, why shouldn’t I not go?”

Chen Xiao stood up slowly: “Very good, the white-haired general will appear tonight. Everyone is always ready. I will call you at any time.”

Everyone said in unison: “Yes!”

Since then, this team that has gathered China’s top combat power has been assembled.

At night.

An Dingping stared at the satellite phone. Beside him were all members of the team.

Everyone has been in this state for three hours, but the phone still refuses to ring.

“It doesn’t make sense. It’s so late. Why don’t you have any instructions?”

“Is it possible that you remembered the wrong date? Could it be that the white-haired god will not enter the country until tomorrow?”

“Absolutely impossible, Chief Pei Tianyuan told me personally, today!”

An Dingping was a little anxious: “Crazy Ghost Sequence, why do I feel that something is not right?”

Chen Xiao sat calmly on the chair, tapping the armrest of the seat with his fingertips.

“There’s nothing wrong. Any mistakes made during battle or escape may be irreversible. What’s more, the opponents are all national-level awakeners. If I don’t receive any news tonight, my mission will be considered completed.”

An Dingping: “…”

This guy actually thinks about the death of the white-haired god! He can get paid without any effort!

The Hatchet God General thought that the crazy ghost and human slaughterer would appease everyone, but he didn’t expect that he could lie down comfortably when he opened his mouth… It really fit his personality.

He said helplessly: “The white-haired god general is very powerful. It is extremely difficult to kill him. I guess the journey was delayed due to fighting on the way.”

Cao Linxuan said solemnly from the side: “The Hatchet God is right. Although this guy with white hair looks unreliable, his strength is very abnormal.”

An Dingping felt relieved.

“Ring ring ring——”

At this time, a rapid ringing sound came from the satellite phone.

An Dingping quickly connected.

“Is there any latest news?”

“Yes, we are ready to go!”


“Canglong Snow Mountain!”

“Chief Pei, are you sure?”

“Okay, I’ll tell you!”


After hanging up the phone, An Dingping’s face looked a little ugly, as if something had happened.

Bai Nier was the first to break the calm: “Canglong Snow Mountain is located thirty miles behind the snow mountain base. It is the largest snow mountain in Caiyun Ancient Town.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “What happened? The white-haired god didn’t escape into the snowy mountains, right?”

An Dingping gritted his teeth, looked at Chen Xiao and nodded: “You guessed it…he fled into the snowy mountains in desperation.”

The Hatchet God General was about to walk out: “Then hurry up, it’s only thirty miles, we can get there very quickly!”

An Dingping shook his head: “No, the problem is not here in the snow mountain.”

Bai Nier said coldly: “Then what’s the problem?”

An Dingping glanced around the crowd and said slowly: “Canglong Snow Mountain… flashed.”

Tang Huang was shocked: “What did you say? The Canglong Snow Mountain is shining… doesn’t that mean that the fourth blood moon is coming!”

Chen Xiao explained: “General Chuanshan, don’t panic. The flash of light only means there is a chance. It does not mean that the blood moon will appear immediately. It may be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.”

But Chen Xiao was also a little surprised.

There are still three full days until the fourth blood moon, and the flash has already appeared.

this means.

This opportunity is powerful!

After listening to Chen Xiao’s words, everyone understood why An Dingping’s face was so ugly.

Because once you encounter the blood moon in the snowy mountains, the difficulty of the task will increase exponentially…

Bai Nier raised her head: “Why, are you all scared?”

The Hatchet God General sneered: “You’re nothing to be afraid of. I didn’t hide in the Blood Moon the last few times. I just did what I was afraid of!”

An Dingping looked at Chen Xiao: “Crazy Ghost Sequence, what should we do now? Directly enter the snow mountain?”

Chen Xiao touched his chin and thought for a while, then nodded: “Go over first and talk later.”

“Miss Ni’er, you are quite familiar with Caiyun Ancient Town. Could you please lead the way?”

Bai Nier said calmly: “No problem, then you have to follow closely.”

The words fell.

There are lotuses growing under Bai Nier’s feet, and her steps are illusory, as ifHe shrunk to the ground and walked seven or eight meters away. Everyone was stunned.

“stay close.”

Chen Xiao took one step forward.

The figure disappeared directly.


Then followed Bai Nier.

Not to be outdone, Cao Linxuan activated [Qianli lv2] directly, even trailing a trace of thunder and lightning to catch up with the two of them.

All the people showed their special abilities.

Follow Bai Nier closely.

Heading towards Canglong Snow Mountain.

Thirty miles is a very short distance for Chen Xiao and others.

After a while, we arrived at the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

The cold wind here is howling, mixed with icy snow particles blowing in your face.

This is not normal!

It is obviously the season between summer and autumn, how could it be so cold at the foot of the mountain?

Everyone stood still.

Look up.

The snow-capped mountains are a bit blurry, and the wind and snow are rolling and undulating, like a white dragon soaring into the sky, sweeping across the vast Canglong Snow Mountain.

The huge snow flakes intertwined and collided with each other, forming a natural partition.

It’s a blizzard here!

The boundless and majestic Canglong Snow Mountain is shrouded, and the steep peaks appear even taller and straighter under the baptism of the snowstorm, piercing the sky.

The snow-capped mountains contrast sharply with the surrounding hazy sky.

“Uh…that’s not right.”

Tang Huang silently activated his natural heavy armor, which was a good layer of warmth.

Bai Nier frowned: “I have been to Canglong Snow Mountain countless times, and this is the first time I have seen this scene. There must be a secret inside.”

Chen Xiao walked forward slowly, heading towards the blizzard, and turned back: “Go in and take a look.”


With a low hum, it seemed that the space had undergone subtle changes at this moment.

The surrounding environment changes drastically in an instant, as if passing through an invisible barrier

If outside the snow-capped mountains is the severe winter in the north, then inside the snow-capped mountains is the Antarctic.

The violent snowflakes were like thousands of sharp knives, hitting the cheeks with great speed.

The sharp cold wind was like sharp ice picks, pouring into the collar from all directions, and the biting cold penetrated directly into the skin.

Even Chen Xiao’s physique felt a bit cold, let alone those around him.

“What the hell is going on! How can it be snowing heavily in this weather!”

“This is the foot of the mountain and it’s already so scary. No wonder the white-haired god will crawl here. With such a heavy snowstorm, no one can be found!”

“But we can’t find it! Even if we go up the mountain, it’s hard to meet the white-haired god. We might as well stay at the foot of the mountain!”

Everyone couldn’t bear it.

We need to walk outside the blizzard and leave this place of right and wrong.

But soon.

Then they realized something was wrong.

Behind everyone.

Where is the peaceful foot of the mountain.

Completely changed appearance.

The wind howled and snow flakes flew.

The boundless snowstorm completely enveloped everyone.

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