An Ning didn’t know what Chen Xiao was thinking, but saw his confident look.

She warned: “Chen Xiao, the pig-headed bell is not an ordinary opportunity. This thing can destroy a city.”

Chen Xiao said calmly: “Something is approaching, follow me back to the warehouse.”

After saying that, Chen Xiao stepped forward.

He directly picked up An Ning.

Just like in Dachang City.

He’s fast.

In a few flashes, he arrived at the roof of Cangzhou Granary.

Now under the perception of [Deep Sea Glory], Chen Xiao can easily identify the buildings near the Jida base based on the energy flow.

But the way out is still unclear.

This is an absolute rule.

Enter the room.

Chen Xiao spoke slowly: “Why did you enter Cangzhou by yourself?”

“Why did the Beijing Military Region think that it didn’t allocate a combat force to you?”

I returned to a safe environment with peace of mind and my mentality stabilized.

Sitting on the sofa, she spoke slowly: “I asked them to go back. I can’t put them in danger because of my own thoughts.”

Chen Xiao was speechless.

An Ning, this woman, always does these weird things.

“Are you afraid that you won’t be able to get out if you come in?”

“I…I’m afraid.”

An Ning raised her head: “But I have SSS-level teleportation skills. If I don’t even try, I will condemn myself for the rest of my life. I am An Jia…”

Chen Xiao quickly interrupted: “OKOK, you are from the An family.”

An Ning’s expression was complicated: “It’s ridiculous, isn’t it?”

Chen Xiao approached and sat down next to An Ning.

“In the apocalypse, only selfish people can go longer.”

An Ning retorted: “Only when more people contribute, can the human fire continue.”

Chen Xiao said calmly: “At that time, you were already dead.”

An Ning didn’t care and instead smiled.

“Just die, as long as you die well.”

“In this world, living is the greatest sorrow, isn’t it?”

Chen Xiao laughed: “You are right, maybe another life will start after death.”

An Ning looked at Chen Xiao seriously: “Do you really think so?”

Chen Xiao brought his cheek closer: “My thoughts are not important. Death is a pile of ashes. It is more important to enjoy the moment. I always feel that you are under too much pressure.”

“Even if you are from Anjia or the military area.”

“You should be kind to yourself and don’t live in shackles.”

An Ning was stunned.

With a complicated expression: “Chen Xiao, thank you.”

Chen Xiao wanted to help her lift her hair.

But An Ning dodged back.

“Chen Xiao, I should have said that.”


Chen Xiao interrupted again: “I also said that I just want you to live more comfortably.”

“If Anjia blocks you, I’ll target Anjia.”

“If the military district stops you, I will attack the military district.”


“The one who has stopped you has always been yourself.”

“Isn’t it?”

An Ning felt a little mixed after being told that.

Why doesn’t she want to be free?

But those invisible shackles have been with her since birth.

She has regarded these shackles as part of herself.

“Chen Xiao, I don’t know what to say.”

“But I will consider your words carefully today.”

“Thank you.”

Chen Xiao didn’t want to hear “thank you”.

Seeing An Ning’s appearance, Chen Xiao reminded: “Go take a bath, there is hot water here.”

An Ning looked down at her clothes.

Because of the fight with monsters, it was already covered in blood and had some tears.

It’s really disgraceful.

“Are there any plainclothes people here…”

Chen Xiao thought for a while: “I’ll get it for you. You wash it first.”

After saying that, Chen Xiao left the room.

It looked like he was really going to get clothes.

An Ning sighed and walked into the bathroom.


“Whoa whoa whoa whoa.”

The sound of water flowing sounded.

After a while.

Chen Xiao quietly returned to the room.

“Chen Xiao, clothes?”

An Ning’s voice came from the bathroom.

Chen Xiao folded a set of cool clothes at the door.

There was even a pair of high heels thoughtfully placed beside it.

“Put it away, right at the door.”

“I worked hard to find several places.”

“This is the only clean one.”


The bathroom door opened, and a white jade hand poked out from inside.

“It’s okay, as long as you can wear it.”

With the bathroom door closed tightly.

An Ning’s voice came out: “Chen Xiao! You searched in several places and finally found this one, right?!”

In the bathroom.

An Ning tied up her hair.

His chest dropped together, looking a little angry.

sheHe glanced at the military uniform thrown into the washing machine.

He lowered his head and looked at his hands again.

He fell into silence.

This was a black and white bunny girl suit.

Chen Xiao, this guy…

Waiting for him here…

Chen Xiao lay on the bed with his hands behind his head.

No answer.

He gave An Xinning a chance.

As for the final choice.

It was still her.

But no matter what she chose.

Chen Xiao must get the talent.

This is the most likely and simplest key to breaking the game so far.

Even if we take a step back, this is also a deal.

He deserves it.

There was a rustling in the bathroom, and a blurry figure swayed.

Chen Xiao slowly closed his eyes.

An Xinning…

Would she rather die than surrender and wear that battle-damaged military uniform.

Or would she be obedient?

More than ten minutes passed.

Chen Xiao was almost asleep.


The door opened.

When Chen Xiao opened his eyes again, his heartbeat accelerated instantly, and his nose almost bled.

Because the scene was so exciting!

At this time, An Xinning…

was already wearing the bunny girl suit she had carefully prepared!

The tight short dress was inlaid with smooth and delicate silk.

The chest design was very bold, revealing her snow-white skin and collarbone, and a circle of lace was dotted on her chest.

A pair of plump black bunny ears, on her bunned hair, swayed gently with her movements.

And what caught Chen Xiao’s eyes the most was:

There was a fluffy bunny tail at the bottom of the skirt!

She was wearing a pair of sexy black high heels and fully wrapped black stockings on her legs, making her legs look more slender.

“Chen Xiao… are you satisfied?”

The trembling voice sounded a little shy.

Chen Xiao sat up and looked carefully.

“The person I asked you to find.”

“You finally found it.”

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