
The bright moon is like a wash, crystal clear.

Like a pearl embedded in the night sky.

Its edges are slightly smudged, and the hazy light shines through.

Li Enqing was walking back to the scholarly villa in the core area of ​​the north.

Suddenly, her expression changed.

“Classmate Chen Xiao…is that you?”

After a while.

A figure as dark as ink appeared.

“How did you find me?”

There was a hint of familiarity in the cold voice.

Li Enqing breathed a sigh of relief: “It is indeed you, and fortunately it is you.”

She turned to smile: “In this case, Wang Qianming’s disappearance is reasonable.”

Chen Xiao said calmly: “I’m asking you, how did you find me.”

Li Enqing didn’t expect Chen Xiao to be so confident in his concealment skills.

“If I said that I have SSS-level detective talent, would you believe it?”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “SSS level can’t find me.”

Li Enqing was surprised: “Even the SSS-level detective talent can’t find you?”

“My vision is really too narrow.”

“Lies cannot transcend one’s cognition…”

Li Enqing looked at Chen Xiao with her beautiful eyes, and suddenly smiled: “Chen Xiao, are you here to kill me?”

Chen Xiao didn’t speak, but slowly approached.

Li Enqing chuckled: “I guess you won’t kill me, but I’m quite envious of Ru Yan, who actually has such a god helping him behind his back.”

“To be honest, there’s even a hint of jealousy…”

Chen Xiao leaned very close until he was almost in front of her.

“Tomorrow, I will admit defeat.”

Li Enqing spoke calmly, seemingly not taking the Yakuza election seriously.

But Chen Xiao’s next move.

But it frightened her.

Li Enqing’s eyes widened.

In her shocked eyes.

Chen Xiao actually slowly raised his hand.

It reached into her clothes from the collar!

“Chen Xiao?”

Chen Xiao did not answer, but took out a jade pendant from Li Enqing’s chest.

Under his [Dragon Breath], Li Enqing had a piece of chaotic energy in his chest.

High probability is opportunity.

This is a toad-shaped green lake jade.

The moment I touched the jade pendant.

A stream of information flooded into my mind.

“Astrolabe? Divination?”

This information is complex and large.

Chen Xiao just glanced at it casually and realized that he didn’t understand it.

But generally speaking, this jade pendant involves fortune divination.

You can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

“Can you use this jade pendant?”

Chen Xiao’s voice contained no emotion.

Li Enqing adjusted his glasses: “Of course, this jade pendant is extremely expensive to learn. Even if I give it to you, you won’t be able to use it.”

Chen Xiao asked leisurely: “Is this how you discovered me?”

Li Enqing smiled.

Anyway, the jade pendant was taken away, so there was nothing to hide.

She nodded lightly: “I was divining for tomorrow, but suddenly I divined a painting…”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “A painting? Can you see it?”

Li Enqing nodded: “The upper limit of the use of these opportunities is extremely high, and I have only recently learned the interpretation method.”

Chen Xiao asked: “What kind of painting is that?”

Li Enqing pondered for a moment and seemed to be organizing her words: “It is a beautiful painting with green mountains and rivers, like a fairyland, but it is a disaster for me, because I seem to never be able to get out of that painting.”

Chen Xiao’s eyes hidden under Yeyue’s cloak flashed with light.

Mountain and river map!

Li Enqing predicted her actions perfectly!

If she was knocked unconscious and put into the Mountain and River Pictures, wouldn’t her end be just like her description?

An inescapable painting!

It seems that this jade pendant is extremely informative…

Some opinions!

Li Enqing saw that Chen Xiao was silent and knew that he must be shocked.

He has never failed in his divination.

She continued to tell the truth: “Classmate Chen Xiao, I have divined something that you must be interested in.”

Chen Xiao smiled slightly: “What’s the matter?”

Li Enqing also took a step forward, and her plump baby was already touching Chen Xiao’s chest, exuding a hot breath.

The two people’s breaths intertwined, forming a subtle aura.

She raised her eyes and stared at Chen Xiao, with a strange light shining in her eyes.

“I have divined…”

She paused, deliberately lengthening the pause.

“Your death.”

These few words really attracted Chen Xiao’s great interest.

Chen Xiao chuckled: “What did you see? Can you tell me about it? I’m willing to pay to listen.”

Li Enqing raised her head: “I’ll tell you for free.”

“Speaking of which, I have divined death ten times in total.”

“The remaining nine times all died in their respective bases, and the causes of death were also different. Some were killed by humans, some were killed by new humans, and some were killed by new humans.Some starved to death. ”

“Only your death is different!”

Chen Xiao said nothing, waiting for the next step.

Li Enqing said seriously: “You died in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.”

“It was a scene of blood, and deathly silence enveloped everything.”

“The earth is cracked one after another, and the ruins with broken walls are bleeding with blood. I feel like I can smell the pungent stench just by looking at the picture.”

“Your body is lying on top of the mountain of corpses, looking up at the sky.”

“I will never die with my eyes in peace…”

“And next to your body are groups of monsters.”

“They have people with horse heads and beady eyes.”

“Someone has a pig’s head with protruding tusks.”

“There’s that monster with dozens of legs.”

“By the way, there is also a huge towering giant who was beheaded by someone.”

“These monsters are all dead. Their corpses are scattered all over the mountains and plains, with no end in sight.”

“You…died together…”

“Hiss! Isn’t it scary!”

“I didn’t sleep last night!”

Li Enqing finished speaking.

Chen Xiao fell into silence.

Horse face? Pig head?


If this death is correct.

When will a war of this level occur?

Li Enqing smiled helplessly: “So you don’t have to worry, you won’t die so early, you will be the last to die among all of us.”

Chen Xiao said coldly: “Teacher Li, is this the reason why you approach me?”

Li Enqing flipped up a strand of hair: “What else?”

Chen Xiao asked back: “Why do you think I will live the longest?”

Li Enqing smiled: “Because the war in that kind of picture is already the end of the doomsday, and supernatural powers have evolved to destroy the world.”

“And you are the ultimate in evolution!”

Chen Xiao stroked the jade pendant.

He said helplessly: “Please do something for me from now on. I really don’t understand.”

In Chen Xiao’s eyes.

The introduction of jade pendant is as follows:! @¥T#…&! @¥%! @(

And if you want to learn the technology of divination, the learning cost required is immeasurable.

With Chen Xiao’s time crunch.

It is simply impossible to understand divination every day.

Speaking of which, people think that Li Enqing is immersed in the scholarly villa every day to cultivate her sentiments. In fact, there is a high probability that she is just studying the art of divination.

But for Chen Xiao.

If you have this time, it is much more cost-effective to cultivate a relationship with the little girl than to study this jade pendant.

But given the importance of this technology.

Chen Xiao either breaks the jade pendant or takes away the people who can read the jade pendant.

Good thing.

Li Enqing smiled and narrowed her crescent-shaped eyes, which were even clearer under her white-rimmed glasses.

“It’s what I asked for, classmate Chen Xiao…”

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